And I am working on getting my main site up, but I usually do update my facebook page with drawings frequently:
Exploring outerspace with Drunky Bear

Space Bunnies

Outerspace Rabbit

Kitty and his Eyeball Friend

Rocket Rabbit

Lucky Stuffed Bunny

Eyeball-Stealing Kitty

Radioactive Acorn

Death Raven

Wise Advice

The Squirrel Bop

Cat in the Hat

My Psychotic Knife-Wielding Pet Lemur

Happy times: Lemur and his Liquor

I'm Made of Light

Demonic Kitties Worship the Heart of Darkness

Mr. Werewolf vs. Psychotic Knife-Wielding Lemur

Living in a Trashcan with my Raccoon Friend

I'm Harry Fuckin' Potter

Drunky Aviator Bear Pilots a Floaty Whale

Death Raven!

Owlie is Seriously Disturbed

Come Visit Phoenix!

Bunny with his Heart Trumpet

Knife-Wielding Lemur

Owlie's Present

Teacup Bunnies

Heart Bunnies

The Dancing Teacup Bunny

Teacup Bunny

Drinkin' wit da birdies

Bunny just realized he's a Nazi.

The unconsummated magic act