Anyhow, here's a drawing from a little while ago. I'll try to post more. I promise. So long as the gophers don't kill me. Or the deranged duckbill platypuses. Or the evil egrets who like to work in tandem with the sadistic sandpiper clan.
I sort of have a lot of enemies. I'm important like that.

I literally gasped out loud when I saw this post! Sebastien!! How are you doing?? So good to see you posting on here again, and that the gophers had their backs turned long enough for you to let us know the situation. ;)
Hey Sebastien! Tara told me you posted, so I rushed right over. Love the drawing.
Please don't ask me how I know, but just between you and I, I have reason to believe that the deranged duckbill platypuses are actually on your side...more info to come.
woohoo! good to see you back :o)
He's back !
content de te retrouver, j'espère que ça boume côté santé
really really happy Pat
Awww, thanks so much for all the comments guys! I'm sorry I disappeared into the ether. I will try and be around a little more.
How are you all doing? I will be around your blogs so I can catch up.
@ Tara: Thanks so much for the comment Tara, it has been way too long! How have you been? I've been doing better, but still needing lots of rest. I shot you an email, hope you got it!
@Laura: I have to say that I am a bit skeptical about the duckbill platypuses being on my side. I wouldn't be averse to hearing out your theory though.
@Frenchyflower: Thanks so much!
Caza: Merci!! I have been better, and thanks so much for the warm welcome Pat!
Oh I am so so please to see you back blogging! I missed you and your drawings very much. So thrilled!
Hope you're doing well. I kept you on my rss feeds waiting to see if something new would come along one day. Hurrah!
Thanks so much Rachel! I'm really looking forward to catching up :)
Holy crap Seb, you're back! Awesome!!!
Thanks Manuel! looking forward to perusing your blog :)
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