Meet flower bear. Periodically a fantastic amount of flowers sprout from his body. We are not sure of the biological reasons for this occurrence, but we figure it might have something to do with his massive consumption of honey and chocolate.
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I love your style! Very nice and 'stoer'!
If chocolate and honey can make bear grow flowers, I think it might work for me too!
If you are going to have some unexplained condition, this is probably the one to have :-)
Marsjan: Hi Marsjan! Thanks so much for the kind words, I looked up stoer as well :)
Laura: I think you hit the mark. This is the condition I want. Sort of want. Could do with out. Well...
flower fungus. it starts between the toes. it grows from bulbs. when they stop blooming, bear can store the bulbs in a dark place, like a cave, to hibernate, then plant them again in the spring.
Flower Bear is in demand as a centerpiece... but he keeps swiping everybody's dessert.
He's beautiful! I don't know if it's just the flowers but he looks a gentle soul.
Okay, I'm off to the store again. Gotta get some honey and chocolate.
Sebastien, have a very Merry Christmas, ya hear? And have a Happy New Year, too while you're at it!
Merry Christmas all! Thanks for providing this wonderful and inspirational Blog! Wishing you loads of JOY!!
That's not fair. I also eat tons of honey and chocolate and I'm flower free!
Seraphine: I love how practical you are :)
Jeaux: haha, he has no control over his appetite!
Rachelcreative: Thanks so much, he is a good bear, spreads peace and kindness around. I hope.
Tara: Thanks so much Tara, I had a great xmas wit the family. Hope Santa brought you lots of chocolate and honey ;)
Mystery Artist: Thanks so much!!!!! hope you had a great xmas as well.
Zhu: Hmmmmm. You probably need to eat more honey and chocolate, hehe...
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