He might be a little rabbit, but he's got a big #@$%#@'n match. My guess is that he's going to burn your house down. No one knows what they are plotting, down in their gloomy warrens...
Rabbit might be plotting arson, might just be setting up for some sort of Leporidae tribal council. We may never know. Rabbits tend to be pretty quiet.
Mrs Hairy Woman: Be very afraid of the little rabbits. They are coming for us. I bought a $10000 sniper rifle for protection and a machine gun. Bring it rabbits.
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I think this one should be a t-shirt and a poster suitable for framing. I like the shadow work and the overall theme.
Now that big #@$%#@'n match will go a long #@$%#@'n way! Rabbit will not get lost in the dark, that's for sure!
Rabbit might be plotting arson, might just be setting up for some sort of Leporidae tribal council. We may never know. Rabbits tend to be pretty quiet.
Who lit he matches? He/ she will be responsible for the damages!
Unfortunately, we'll never find out the truth, because it's rabbit hunting season.
I think mr bunny is just about to light the BBQ and grill some of his enemies. bunnies do that.
It may be a big match but its still gonna burn those ears when it burns down....
Be afraid, Elmer Fudd. Be vewy afwaid.
This is just too adorable. I'm at a loss for words.
Aliencg: Thanks man! I think we can all admire anarchist rabbits.
Tara: He's a survivalist, that's what little rabbit is.
Laura: My money's on arson ;)
Zhu: Rabbits are mighty clever. I'm sure little rabbit will find a way to shift the liability to someone else :)
People in the Sun: Hahahaha!!!
Trey: a slow roast, he's cruel and sadistic like that!
Daffy: Daffy!!! little rabbit should wear ear protection. Hadn't thought of that...
Jeaux: Elmer Fudd is enemy numero uno.
Stephanie: Haha, thanks so much, too kind :)
This one is way cool graphically. I like it a lot.
He really is gonna kick some *&^%$* Ass! I really like the shadow effect.. he is on the war path!
Pamela: Thanks darling!
Mrs Hairy Woman: Be very afraid of the little rabbits. They are coming for us. I bought a $10000 sniper rifle for protection and a machine gun. Bring it rabbits.
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