Hope you are having a great weekend!
I just started reading "Bleak House" by Charles Dickens. I am a big fan of Dickens but have never read this particular novel before (it's sort of long, and a bit of a project to read!). Anyhow, I am quite excited, this book seems like it's going to be lots of fun. Dickens had such a modern sensibility. Very wry, sarcastic, witty, and oh so silly... love 'im.
What's your favorite Dickens novel? and feel free to elaborate on your reasons for liking the book.
And before I forget, here is your letter for today: "O" is for Original Sin. I hope seeing these kiddos having fun will warm your heart and bring you joy :)
Are you a glutton for punishment? Then you should sign up for my spa... er I mean for my site updates by email. I promise, you will regret it!