Woohoo, a new shirt!!!! This tshirt features a bunch of squirrels working together to rescue children from the bear's mouth.
We made these tshirts in support of the organization Defenders of Children. We have these in unisex American Apparel in gray and black. We also have black women's short sleeved shirts, and olive green women's sized shirts.
Cost is $30 plus $5 shipping and is tax deductible since Defenders of Children is a charity organization. Please make all checks out to Defenders of Children.
Please contact me via email at sebreg@aol.com or on facebook if you are interested in purchasing a tshirt and supporting this awesome organization!!!
For more info on Defenders of Children, check out their website:
The shirts I modeled were a bit big for me, didn't have smaller one's on hand, so please excuse that, they are well-fitted.
Olive Green American Apparel Women's Shirt and then Short Sleeved Women's Shirt:

American Apparel Unisex V-necks:

I love it, Sebastien! An awesome shirt, for an awesome cause. Consider me in.
How creative is that? And you are getting your t-shirts noticed all the while helping out with a worthy cause.. very cool indeedy!
You have a wild imagination!
But I'm worried about your head (cf. pics). You still have one, right?
Or am I reading the headless guy blog???
Those are great, man!
This is such a great idea! Not only would we be buying a Sebastien shirt, we'd also be giving to a charitable cause. I love that olive green one you have there.
Laura: Thanks so much for the kind words Laura and all your support!
Mrs Hairy Woman: Thanks so much!!!!!
Zhu: I prefer the headless look ;) it suits me well
MrManuel: Thanks Manuel!!!
Tara: Thanks Tara, I especially liked how the olive green turned out.
How do I buy a Tshirt with cash? Actually I want the red Floating Is Fun one. E me.
Thanks Jeaux! tried to send you an email, hope it went through.
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