A nice simple upbeat drawing for today! Although I did consider x'ing out 'awesomeness' and writing in 'murder' or 'fire-bombing.' Maybe I'll post that version on a day I'm feeling down or pessimistic.
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I like Prediction Cat's premonition! Maybe we should change the holiday from Groundhog Day to Prediction Cat Day. Maybe there shouldn't be a "maybe" about it! :)
PS: This would look great on a T-shirt. I love that pink background with the blue crystal ball. And of course the cat!
I left my question to Prediction Cat on FB.. Hope he isn't out catching his meal.. cause I would've never predicted that from a "cat"..lol Love it.. He is rather awesome..
I love Prediction Cat's optimism! And Tara is right...the colors are supah.
I totally agree about Prediction Cat tees. Absolutely maaahvelous, dahling!!
Awesomeness sounds good about now!
Messing with Prediction Cat's predictions is not wise. I say stay with awesomeness.
Tara: No maybes! And thanks, I will keep this in mind for a shirt in the future, hehe, I NEED to do something other than a bear shirt :)
Mrs Hairy Woman: He predicts great riches and fame for you!!!
Laura: Optimism is underrated. Until you get hit by a truck.
Stephanie: Thanks so much Stephanie!
MrManuel: Awesomeness is always welcome, that's what I says.
Jeaux: You are probably right. Don't mess with the gods.
I bet he predicts a mouse!
fire bombs would be better than murder...
Zhu: If he were smart that's what he would predict.
NoRegrets: Haha, that observation cracks me up.
You should make Prediction Cat into a shirt as well. My girlfriend loves it. I don't know if two guaranteed sells are enough to go through the effort, though.
Thanks so much! will have to work on this image, I'm always jumping around on deciding what to make into shirts, definitely take everyone's feedback into account. I believe in democracy. Actually, I don't. I believe in a totalitarian regime led by... me.
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