Tuesday, May 04, 2010

World Really Does Revolve Around Me.

I've been telling people this for years. Finally have some visual proof:

You totally need to subscribe to my site. It's spammerific!


Anonymous said...

He could also have this game where he is running around the globe in circle, ya know, just to switch perspective.

Nikki Neurotic said...

Hehe, you have to make this into a teeshirt, I know SO many people who I'd like to give one to.

Tara said...

I agree with Silver, I could definitely see this on a Tshirt!

laura b. said...

If I wasn't convinced before, I am now! And I agree...a LOT of people could totally use this shirt.

Anonymous said...

this is the best seb! brilliant!

Pamela said...

seriously. t-shirt.

Stray Cat said...

I likey!

Joe Masse said...

Was this controversial?

your sister said...

You have to make this into a shirt!