I'm realizing there are tons of scorpions in my room! I've found way more this past year than I ever have before.
At least I saw before it ever had a chance to sting me. The scorpion came out of the bathroom and seemed like it was heading straight for my foot. For a second I thought it was a cricket and I couldn't have cared less. But then I saw the creature do some weird twirly thing with its stinger...
I considered finding the bottle of Raid to kill it. Using the Raid would leave the scorpion dead but intact (so it could be used as the subject in a future painting). But I figured it'd probably find a place to hide in my room before I could get the Raid. I decided upon immediate action, which meant bashing it with a shoe.
The pictures I posted show the remnants of the scorpion. It's pretty mangled, and unfortunately I don't think I will ever be able to use it as a subject for a still life painting.
I used to be so scared of these things, and while they still kinda freak me out, they don't get my heart racing like they used to. The highs just aren't as good anymore, maybe if I found a snarling grizzly bear in the closet, maybe that would hit the spot...
Please feel free to talk about your own worst animal experiences in comments :)

Scorpions scare the (insert expletive) out of me. I can't imagine ever seeing enough that I wouldn't freak out. I've had issues with bees for years and today I saw one and I almost knocked someone over trying to get away from it.
Scorpion murderer! I'm sure he was just looking for some love.
My worst animal experiences involve the human animal. In fact, the ones in the White House scare me the most.
I'll pass on the Scorpions thank you!
my two worst animals experiences left me scared of cats and geckos for life.
im not much of an animal lover.
No wonder you weren't scared anymore, you're getting to be a veteran at finding scorpions. The only time I remember feeling really scared by an animal I was perhaps four years old and I was playing in the park, when this giant (to me) grasshopper flew my way. Aaaaah! It seemed to be going straight to my face!
Oh and you wouldn't believe how many people neglect to keep their dogs frozen at all times, you're a shining example to us all, Sebastien!
oh, that would just absolutely be the end for me. I'd die on the spot. I'll have to think on my worst encounter...none come immediately to mind.
Scorpians and snakes I do not like.. yuck.. glad you bashed it..
Raid kills scorpions? I hope to never need to use this fact.
thankfully that's one creature I don't have to deal with down here. but trust me there are plenty others
I don't know how you still live there knowing a scorpion could get you at any moment.
Apparently, attaching a scorpion to your penis can increas swelling and blood flow to over 30% more compared to that of viagra and penis pumps alone...
...not that I would know about that sort of thing, of course.
Once I was attacked unawares by a dangerous Mogwai. It was hiding in an old box of shrunken heads and I didn't see it before it was too late.
Aprill: Hi April! Haha, that's funny, I used to be so scared of bees too!
Babs: Yeah, nothing compares to the human beast! I do feel kinda bad for killing the creature now...
Katie: But they taste delicious!
Jos: Oh yeah, I know you fear the GECKO!
Mr. Fab: Seriously?! You are the best!
Mariana: It's sickening how many people forget to keep their dogs frozen. Absolutely sickening. And grasshoppers, I always loved those little creatures, seems like their jumping abilities were magical.
Deb: You know, the first time I saw a live scorpion I pretty much flipped out... snakes still freak me out though.
Babybull: Yeah, tis a little sad though, having to kill a creature...
Mist1: Now you know! It might save your life one day...
Blueyes: Hi! Uh oh, I hope you don't live in the Amazon!
Mrmanuel: The worst is thinking of scorpions crawling all over you while sleeping... ick...
Rev: Now that sounds like an idea! You need to patent this and make millions...
Doctor fong: That sounds dangerous. But I do believe shrunken heads are good luck?
When I was eight a neighbor's puppy nibbled at my hand and when I tried to run it chased me all around the neighborhood. So twenty minutes I'm running for what I thought was a life-or-death situation while Chico was sure I was the best playmate he'd ever had. And I was scared of dogs for years later. Couldn't be near them. Only twenty years later, when I pretty much married into Buddy and Ginger's family, I got over that. Just like I overcame my fear of puppies by living with two Pit Bulls, maybe you should move into a scorpion colony?
"Rev: Now that sounds like an idea! You need to patent this and make millions..."
I don't know about you but I've been inspired already! You get a shoutout in my new blog thanks to this!
Scorpions in your room...don't know about you, but that would bring on a hardcore case of insomnia in me.
Spiders get me, the larger hairy type. We have a couple here in Australia that are dangerous: the funnel web spider, and the red back spider - both can be fatal, and they can be found in those garbage/wheelie bins at home.
Those that aren't dangerous: the Huntsman (the name is scarier than the spider's venom) creeps me out because it's lightning fast.
they're all more scared of humans really...but if there's a spider sitting in the corner of my bedroom, I won't sleep.
How big was that scorpion you mangled?
Sebastien 1 - 0 Scorpion
I expected a higher scoring match here. Maybe if Sebastien had gone for the Raid we would have seen more of an exibition match. His shoe work work marvelous on this occasion and a rematch seems unlikely.
Sebastien is through to the semi-finlas.
Sebastien Vs. Grizzly Bear
Holy crap dude! Scorpions in your room! You must have a pair of big brass ones to live in there!
Seb, great post and I love your blog!
A spider came at my foot one night while I was painting and I stepped on it thinking I was going to kill it and what appeared to be thousands of little baby spiders scattered everywhere. About two months later I moved my TV away from the wall and saw a brown recluse on the wall. I killed it, but not before I got a picture, and then had the room cleansed to get rid of any more of them. I do not like deadly creatures...
Ewww, those things are horrible-looking. That last photo looks like one of the alien babies from "Aliens", the ones that attach to the face. Blergh! I'm sure you've come across quite a few unsavory insects in Arizona. I know they have black widows. I would freak out if I saw a scorpion. Good kill!
People in the Sun: Oh, that's too funny! Hmmm, scorpion colony, that sounds like good fun...
Rev. Qelqoth: Awesome! Man, please remember me when you are a rich off of this idea :)
Anastasia: Ohhhhh, I do not like spiders! Scorpions aren't as scary sounding as those spiders you mention... I'm gonna look those creatures up, I'm not familiar with them. The scorpion wasn't huge, probably an inch and a half in length.
Ak-man: The finals are going to be a challenge, but I have a feeling that my wiles will allow me to defeat the vaunted Grizzly bear that lives in my closet!
Leon: Haha, thanks, well, I still don't really like em, and I certainly don't want to get stung!
Q: Thanks for the kind words! Ahhhhhh, how nasty, thousands of baby spiders scattering everywhere, that is not cool. By the way, are you an artist!?
Tara: Haha, thanks! I've never seen a black widow but I know we have some around the house, so I've heard...
I would like to say that I am, though I have not done anything substantial in many years. A good friend of mine and I have recently gotten into a game that requires the painting of miniatures so I have been doing that here recently. So I guess my answer would be kind of.
Well that's cool, I love painting!
I grew up with scorpions and those pictures are a familiar sight. I've been stung a few times, and while they used to scare the hell outta me, I've found that being much bigger than something else is always an advantage.
Hi Caroline!
Yes, bigness is a big advantage! Ouch, never been stung, heard it can be pretty bad...
Worst animal encounters ~
A: When I was ten years old, I stepped on a yellow jacket nest. I was stung over a dozen times and I've been terrified of them ever since.
And Bees.
And Wasps.
Anything that can fly and sting. (Unfair advantage)
B: The time I almost stepped on the rattle snake... or the rat snake... or the water moccasin...
I don't even like to think about it.
I should really watch where I'm walking. o_O
Oh no, that sounds like a nightmare! Ahhh, and the snake story, that is the worst, such terrible looking creatures, although they are beautiful at the same time...
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