I just wrote a post on how frustrating the past week has been for me, I haven't felt very well, you know, tired/headachy... same old ridiculous stuff. But I think writing the words helped so much that I don't feel the need to post that post anymore. Cool.
When I go through tired times, I usually have a carnival-like bazaar of memories that play through my mind. Some are cruel and sad because they remind me of beautiful moments that feel far away, or the memories remind me of people that feel far away. Hmmm, I wish my mind wouldn't replay so many memories. I wish I could just play an action movie in my brain all day long on the bad days...
But you know what counts? Although there are highs and lows, I'm going to keep getting better. I'm going to become a triathlete champion who eats frosted flakes and flosses everyday. And I'm going to write the greatest novel ever about Romania. And paint stuff. But seriously, I'm going to benchpress 300 pounds. I don't know why, but that's something I want to do.
In other news: A whale killed some guy in Japan. I just saw it on the news. Poor guy. Shoulda read Melville, he woulda known to stay away from whales...
I saw the same thing too and the guy was trying to help the wayward whale.. too sad that had to happen but you know they are big and still called killer whales..
Do you think it's still the Mono or have you developed Cronic fatique syndrome which is quite common after a bought of MONO. You may want to revist your Doctor. How long did they say it would take to recover?
I like this positive thinking. I hear you on the constant replaying of memories. Makes me sad sometimes, especially now. But spring time is in the air and optimism helps a lot. And you really are getting better.
I have a few clients with chronic pain from viral infections etc--they tell me that the massage helps. Maybe you might try that--many LMTs make housecalls. Just be sure that they aren't a whale in disguise. I'll post a short article on how to tell if your LMT is really a whale, if that will help.
Babybull: Yeah, that is so sad, big creatures can be dangerous even if they don't mean to be.
TK: Well, I hate calling it chronic fatigue, I consider it post viral-fatigue, I like that name better. I've seen lots of doctors, and they've all told me I would fully recover, they just couldn't say when.
Frenchy: Thanks Frenchy, your comment makes me feel better :)
Taarzaan: You know, I am getting massages every once in a while, and they definitely do me a lot of good.
It's not the whales that scare me. It's those damn manatees.
Wow, that's pretty sad for that guy. Wonder what he did to piss off the whale...and I wonder what kind of whale it was...a killer whale (and yes, I know it's not politically correct to call them killer whales anymore...hehe).
I'm sorry that you are feeling unwell. If I could bottle up some of my excess energy I would certainly send it to you.
blogmad hit.
i love this blog!
i hope you start havin a better week!
I'm beginning to wonder if you are being stung by scorpions in your sleep. You are actually not sick... just haveing an allergic reaction to them.
Firstly, sorry to hear you haven't been well. It's spring now - does the better weather help?
Secondly, I saw the item on the whale as well. I felt sorry for the Japanese guy but the poor whale looked terrified too. It was probably sick which is why it got stuck in the little harbour. It was nice to know that they tried to help it rather than eat it.
Good luck with the bench pressing.
The world sure could use a great novel about Romania, and you're the guy to do it! Seriously though, why a novel about Romania?
I'm naked now!
I recommend staying away from the Frosted Flakes (too much sugar) and go for Corn Flakes instead.
...it seems clear now that the whales have joined forces with the platypuses and amiterrorists...
Mist1: I'm not familiar with the manatee threat, but I'm going to do some research into this frightening problem...
Silver: Yeah, it's sad, they were helping the poor creature get out of some harbor I think...
MA: Awww, thanks so much!!!
Heather: Thanks Heather!!!!
K: That's a comforting thought, haha...
FAZ: Thanks! Hmmm, the weather doesn't make too much difference, I think it's a natural cycle of ups and downs, it just takes time but I can tell things are getting better :)
Mariana: I have no clue why... I guess no one ever talks about Romania, and I think they should...
TK: Woohoo!
Motor City Monk: I appreciate your recommendation, but we all know that sugar is the key to success. I hoard sugar like a, whatever kind of creature hoards sugar I guess...
Lauren: This chilling realization has sent me to the depths of despair...
You've been onto something for awhile. Check out the winner of the 2007 Bloggies Best New Blog:
Also, check out Neatorama-- the minivan paint story and the fermented wine/beer fabric dress article.
Great artists/thinkers with immense minds are often plagued with emotional/mental/physical troubles. I often wonder if this phase of yer initial shitty mono is not also being caused by trying to find your own tremendous place in the world?
I know I compare my anxiety often with your issue, but I feel as though we are very similar. It's kinda eerie.
You are greater than you give yourself credit for and capable of more than you believe.
As you hit age 30, this will all be clearer. Yes, it will be, although I'm afraid not much easier.
I hope you are feeling better.
JP: Will do, haven't been to the first site in a while...
Wat: Thanks so much Wat, I always appreciate your comments because I know you've been through some major hard times.
Mrmanuel: Thanks buddy! Just saw the Ohio st./Xavier game, awesome!
Wow - we have that whale's cousin in MI ... :)
Drink lots of water... minimum of 2 quarts a day!
I hope you do feel better! I believe that if one states their daily intentions it is helpful.
I think the world really needs a book about wombats, not Romania.
I had Mono a few years ago. At first I had no idea what was wrong with me; I was tired all the time, my heart raced when I walked up my basement stairs, and I was popping antacids like candy. It took me months to fully recover, and it was one of the crappiest times of my life. The best advice I can give you is this: get all the rest you can. Take lots of naps. It may not seem like much, but it helped me.
I think we need more novels about Romania.
Feel better ~ MB
Katie: Thanks, will do!
Sonja: Good point, wombats it is :)
Moonbeam Baby: Hi Moonbeam! Thanks for the advice, I'm trying my best to rest, but when I have these weeklong headaches I can't rest as much which is annoying, but the good part is that things are improving, just taking a long time!
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