Sebastien can be very bossy. And he likes his coffee. He will ring a tiny bell from his bedroom, usually around 3am, to signal me to prepare the coffee and come deliver it.
I am a bear. I wasn't made to serve coffee, especially into someone's skull. It sort of freaks me out. But hey, babysitting Sebastien pays well, so... life ain't all bad.
haha, cute! could use some color? or maybe a diff version with some color from the colored pencils...
very cool.. I was really happy to see that you have come back to blogging.... ( i'm updating monthly for the time being) you might not remember me.. but that is okay .. Wanted to say that i'm glad to see you back and with pictures to boot.. hows your dog doing btw?
I'm sure that little kid "Sebastien" is totally worth all the hard work a bear of your stature has been hired to do.
You need to write and illustrate a series of children's books, these drawings are wonderful!
Frenchy: Yeah, that's a good idea, this was just a sketch from my notebook, but maybe I can do a more finished version one of these days :)
Mrs. Hairy Woman: It's so good to see you! of course I remember you :) I hope you've been well! look forward to catching up.
Tara: Haha, thanks so much. But Sebastien really is a major time bossy pants. Major.
AS long as the money is good...
Hi, just called over from Laurab's place. Love the sketches..
Cute bear and very tolerant!
MrManuel: Exactly. The almighty dollar, that's what it's all about!
Daffy: Hi there! Thanks so much for the visit and kind words :)
I will say that at least tiny Sebastien looks very happy. You bear on the other hand....
Oh yes, Sebastien loves his coffee!!!
Ah but look how happy the coffee makes Sebastien. Good job Bear.
Bear is a trooper, that's for sure :)
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