My pics weren't as exciting as I would've liked. Maybe some of you are willing to try this and will get some cool shots with your cameras.
I just threw the camera in the air and took a picture, just gotta set the timer. I messed around with my camera's settings, but it was difficult getting interesting shots. My camera doesn't let me change some settings, which is a bit frustrating, but whatever, it's still stupidly fun.
The last picture is just a regular shot of my doggy.
I'm going to try and do some more of these, maybe try and get some landscapes/skyscapes. Be fun to do this in a parking lot with lots of cars, probably have to throw your camera pretty high to get a cool shot. Or I could stand on the roof of someone's jeep and throw my camera up, wouldn't need to throw it as high. You need good hands, because if you miss the catch, the camera is done for. Probably better to risk a shitty camera, but I don't exactly have spare cameras lying around...
And yes, this is pretty stupid, but hey, at least I felt well enough to be stupid! Haha...
In other news: I had some results from my blood tests that had my doctor worried, and I was pretty freaked to say the least. But we did some follow-up tests and everything is cool. HOORAY!

Ooh, my head is spinning... Glad to hear about the tests, yay!
Dear My Careless Owner,
Please don't hurt me. I have feelings too. Plus, I am scared of heights and I get nauseous really easily. While I find your need to "experiment" thrilling, I think I would rather just stay close to the ground or perhaps on a nice tripod.
Love Your Camera.
PS If you are going to toss me please buy me a nice plastic case for me.
PPS I like your dog. He is lovely.
On a non-sarcastic note: I'm glad your tests are A-OK!
Thanks for your comment. It made my day. That and the google searchies. Hip hip hooray!
Haha, cool experiment. Are u a surrealist artist? These pics actually came out quite good and are most interesting, but I dunno if I'd risk throwing my precious digital camera in the air for fear I'd miss catching it.
I'm surprised to not see Rambo asleep for once!
Those are really cool pictures.. I wouldn't dare to be as brave as you.. Knowing that I am clumsy, I would most certainly drop my camera. So cheers to you for being oh so silly.. Good to hear the tests came back AOK.. two thumbs up..lol
You've got good shots. It looks like you threw it really high.
i got my camera after saving really, really bad for 6 months. so no, i probably wouldn't want to try this new photo-taking experiment.
maybe after i get a new camera, i'll try this with the old one.
Hey, those are some great shots! I think it's a good idea to start that kind of project while standing on grass. At least if you do drop the camera, it might not be smashed compared to if you dropped it on cement. The first whole day I had my first digital camera, I dropped it on the linoleum floor and broke it. There was a warranty, though. So I got a new replacement and dropped that one on the floor of the Mansfield Reformatory during a ghost hunt. That time it wasn't broken, but since then I've used the wrist band that goes with it.
You took better pics with the thrwoing experiment than I do with the 'thought out pictures' I take. Send your camera to me. I will book a flight over your home town, set the timer and drop the camera out of the exit door where you will be waiting to catch it. I dont think tht will cause any problems do you? "tonight on the news at 11 a crazy story involving the search for good pictures"
Glad the tests were good to go.
I like the photos!
Also, tag, you're it!
Firstly, these are some action packed shots or you and the dawg so you must have been feeling okay that day.
Secondly, I really like your idea about sneaking into the fridge. My plan is to blame you if I get caught. Is that OK?
Nice! One must be willing to be "stupid" in order to create something new.
Congrats on the tests!
Mariana: Oops, hope it didn't make you too dizzy!
Lisa: Haha, love it! Awww, I do feel bad now, poor camera. Rambo thanks you for the compliments!
WAT: Yeah, risking one's camera, not always the smartest thing! But I did it in the grass and I was careful. Hehe, funny that you mention it, I never take pictures of Rambo when he's awake.
Babybull: Thanks! Yeah, I played lots of sports so I have pretty good coordination, wouldn't do this if I didn't trust myself.
Anastasia: Kinda high, but not too too high...
Jos: Certainly not a good idea to use a nice camera, I'm not sure I'm going to do more of these, I'm just tempting fate, and in spite of the evidence, I really do love my camera!
Tara: Cameras break so easy, they really are marvelous inventions, but once dropped they really take on a life of their own, that is if they are still alive!
Brilliant Donkey: Love the idea, haha! I bet, I really do, that someone has tried something of that nature, or in that ballpark...
Lauren: I have complied! Thanks!
FAZ: Yeah, I felt quite well yesterday! And yes, you can certainly blame me, as a leader I must accept the acclaim but also the criticism.
Taarzaan: That is true! Thanks!
Rambo is so big now!!
Genius! I really like the effects yo got! I would be so scared I'd miss catching the camera and destroy it.
Frenchyflower: Rambo is going to be taking over the world soon.
Sonja: Thanks, yeah, haha, I played a lot of sports thankfully, so I have some coordination. But I don't think I'll tempt fate too much more!
I'm curious as to whether the pics are the result of a creative mind or the product of sheer boredom!
I have an urge to toss things up in the air now. . .
. . .I wonder if i could dash my carton on orange juice outside and get down stairs before it hits the floor? I drink OJ with 'bits' in it so it has to be well shaken!
Hey ak-man, thanks for visiting.
Hmm, good question...
Haha, yes, tossing things in the air is most delightful!
fantastic idea man............your dog is a beauty btw..........
Thanks Stak! Rambo loves the compliments :)
oh my! u actually threw the cam! haha! but great shots though.. but i was just thinking
What Happens If The Camera Falls To The Ground?
Hugz n Kissies to Rambo... hubba hubbaa!! :D
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