There are so many things to talk about and I can't narrow it down. I just can't. Since people can't comment, I guess I can just write some crazy ass rant or remark and not worry about repercussions, something like this maybe:
"The duckbill platypuses (platypi?) have landed in Phoenix and are in the midst of taking over our fine city. Their huge arsenal of candy weaponry is diabolically sinister, and includes machetes of the dark chocolate variety (70% cocoa I wonder?) and chainsaws made of swirling colors (I can't quite identify the specific candy used in the manufacture of these chainsaws but the machinary sure is gruesomely loud and fills the air with a soft hum that seems to be increasing in intensity as the monsters approach). The worst part is the platypuses aren't alone, they're accompanied by a horde of delicious looking chocolate covered saber-toothed mini zombie rabbits whose thirst for human entrails is insatiable. Also accompanying the platypuses are flamethrower toting gummy bear monsters, dude, they are torching buildings left and right with gleeful abandon. And I can't even bring myself to talk about the cotton candy poodle monsters, I'll go blind with fright if I even try describing their awfulness.
I stare out my window. The platypuses and their army are fast approaching. The fires are getting bigger. The air feels hotter. And I'm so scared I just barfed on my keyboard..."
Eh, this is all too much work. I think I'll just post a painting I like.
Here you go... it's by the French painter Georges de la Tour, he's one of my favorites.

this painting is so pretty. the light from the candle against her skin makes her almost glow. i wish i knew how to paint like that.
When the drugs kick in they really kick in, don't they Sebastien? I like a painting he did of Mary Magdalena that's very similar to this one.
testing... testing..
Mini zombie rabbits? Cool! Take pictures please!
Squirrels are bad enough but chainsaw wielding platypuses (just checked the Oxford English Dictionary for the plural of that one) and mini zombie rabbits (not in said Oxford Dictionary)!!!??? Will try and send pictures of chain smoking squirrels as soon as I can catch one. FAZ p.s. nice painting
According to myspace birthday alerts, February 3 is Sebastien's BIRTHDAY!
Let's all wish him a HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!
I can only imagine the type of dreams you have.
mmmmmmm---candy WMD's----apocalicious!
Hedy: Yeah, I love the candlelight, it's so beautiful. He's done quite a few paintings with candlelight, there's some Italian painter who really influenced him with that but I don't know his name.
Mariana: I know exactly the painting you're talking about! Oh yeah, the drugs, so gooood...
Babs: Hey! People can comment now, woohoo! I'm gathering photographic evidence as we speak.
Faz: Can't wait to see pics of those crazy squirrels!
Stratocat: Haha, thanks so much buddy!
Silver: Odd, hallucinatingly great dreams... Actually most of them are quite standard really.
Taarzaan: Haha, apocalicious, love that word!
Happy Happy birthday, Sebastien! I got you a chocolate platypus as a gift (chocolate rabbits were all out swaggering around on the street)!
Thanks Sonja! Awww, but the platypuses want to kill me... and I really wanted chocolate zombie rabbits...
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