Saturday, July 11, 2009

More Alphabetic Misadventures: C Is For Crash

Guess what guys??!! Today's letter is C, and it features a kid and two cats. And, um, an airplane crash. I guess cats don't make the best of pilots?

'C is for crash'

For letters 'A' and 'B' in this series, please check my previous post.


Ananda girl said...

Oh I hope kitty pilot's scarf doesn't catch fire! Watch out kitty!

Sebastien Millon said...

Ahhh, reminds me that I forgot to color the scarf in. Oh well, the cat is stylin' a white scarf :)

Kitty is safe though, no burn marks!

People in the Sun said...

Everything would have been fine if you didn't put a large C in the middle of the runway!

laura b. said...

It is so great that cats have nine lives. She's got several flights ahead of her, no harm, no foul!

Sebastien Millon said...

People In the Sun: Sometimes the people who design airports just aren't thinking!

Laura: She will be back to being an ace cat pilot in no time!

Anonymous said...

I like this series, it's fun and educational and sadistic. Thanks for sharing.

Ananda girl said...

I totally agree with aliencg... you are fun, educational and sadistic. All the things I love! Yay!

dmarks said...

I think the snakes had something to do with that. If not the snakes, the nazi zombies who were passengers that day.

Sebastien Millon said...

Aliencg: Sadism and education go well together, hehe...

Ananda: Haha, thanks! Hooray for sadism!

Dmarks: Hey Dmarks! Snakes on a plane, this is a strong hypothesis. I think the FAA needs to focus their investigation on the snakes issue. Nazi zombies are also a big time nuisance, FAA has been dealing with that crap for years now :)

crazy4coens said...

cats, of course, are horrible pilots - their brains are the size of a pea.

please, no more nazi zombies - i will be afraid to sleep for weeks

and you really should publish for money

Sebastien Millon said...

Thanks! I thought that cats, on average of course, weren't such terrible pilots. Unfortunately we have to learn lessons the hard way.