I took this picture a little while ago, the flowers are blooming on the cacti. The flower in this picture kinda looks like a fireball, but really, these flowers look much more sentimental and sweet when you see them in person, or maybe they look more evil, really all depends on your perspective. Just don't stick your face near them, for some reason dogs always do that. Dogs tend to stick their faces near things they shouldn't, like jumping cholla for example. I don't know what it is about the thousands and thousands of frightening needles all condensed together in one terrifying bunch that so attracts dogs, and I suppose I'll never know, because I'm not a dog whisperer. So, often enough dogs get jumping cholla all over themselves and believe you me, pulling jumping cholla needles out of a dog is no fun. For that matter, pulling jumping cholla needles out of oneself is no fun either.
Jumping cholla is malicious, malevolent, and malignant, so please, if you decide to go hiking around Arizona, make sure to bring high caliber weaponry, one can never be too careful. And ground squirrels can be dangerous too, so keeping a gun on you at all times is imperative. I even suggest keeping your gun under your pillow while you sleep, and most importantly, keep your gun on you when drinking large amounts of tequila at a bar. I've always found that whenever my judgement is impaired, I can always rely on my gun to immediately remedy any confusing conflict that arises.
Has there been an increase of jumping cholla attacks on sleeping persons lately? I'm afraid I would forget the gun under my pillow and proceed straight to sticking my nose in it.
That's a beautiful photo. I hope you don't mind me saving it to my computer.
Aprill: As a matter of fact, YES!!! It's true, jumping cholla is very sneaky and it's difficult to defend yourself against it at night. I recommend sleeping in a dark corner of the closet, jumping cholla doesn't see very well so it most likely won't find you.
Moonbeam Baby: But of course, I'm glad you like the photo!
awesome picture. and thanks for the comments. it always means a lot to me.
PS I saw this episode of Surviroman where he ate a cactus. well the inside. it's tricky business.
When I was about 6, my dog knocked me over into one of my Dad's cacti. That hurt like hell and I was pulling out thorns for weeks!
I think you will find that the weapon of choice for ground squirrels is the AK-47 which is once again legal for gun fanatics to possess, as "promised" by the Constitution...
Awesome picture!
Where's the bee? HMMM?!
Thanks for voting for my blog! KEEP IT GOING SIR!
And here I thought that dogs didn't like Porcupines..now cacti.. I hope Rambo steers clear of all jumping cholla.. Nice picture BTW.. very pretty flower...
I think I'll skip the tequila...whiskey works for me. LOL!
I don't think I'd fare very well in the desert...I'd faint at the first sight of snake.
Arizona sounds a lot like the outback. Only thing jumping in Connecticut is jehosafats. Lions and Tigers and Ground-Squirels, oh my!!
I've never seen a flowering cactus...we don't have any downunder. Thanks for the pic, it's a beauty.
ps: that jumping cholla looks scary.
Lisa: Thanks! Never eaten cactus, although it's supposed to taste pretty good.
Mrmanuel: Ouch! So you too have felt the wrath of the cacti...
Sonja: Haha, oh thanks, that was a great laugh! I know you are being sarcastic, but honestly, we do need this sort of weaponry to combat demonic gophers and squirrels. Honestly, we do.
Wat: Haha, yes, there is a frightening lack of bees in this picture. Unfortunately we have tons of giant jumbo jet sized wasps around here.
Babybull: So far, so good, Rambo has avoided jumping cholla. I still fear for him though.
Silver: I agree, snakes are scary!
Lauren: Yes! The ground squirrels are particularly dangerous, specially when they're angry.
Anastasia: Awww, no cacti in the outback!? For some reason I imagined there might be... and jumping cholla is scary! Well, actually it's really beautiful, I must admit.
I found this to be some of the most sane and practical advice you've ever offered. Kudos for this public service announcement.
That is a beautiful flower, Sebastien! Great photo!
I learned that snakes in Arizona are rebellious and cocky. We went to Montezuma's castle one time, and the sign told us to stay on the path because snakes are nearby. I looked ahead and there was one slinking across the path, taunting us.
I remember being attacked by a jumping cholla. It just jumped out onto and into my hand because I went to close to it when I was hiking. Impossible to get off and it felt like a bunch of needles digging into my hand--I will never forget it! And now I avoid those things with a nice huge 10 foot berth every time I see them.
Fabulous shot! I started to take daily pictures on my hike but then the rains came. I might have missed the blossoms since that was a couple of weeks ago!
Gorgeous, like you!
Lets see some photographs of you, lets bond!OX
Seb mate, how are you? Interesting blog today - cactus flowers and guns one after the other (I am sure there is a link there somewhere if I can find it).
By the way do they make tequila from cacti?
gorgeous photo :)
I have no clue what a jumping cholla is, nor a ground squirell, but that is a beautiful photo and I want to grow flowers like that! Why can't you stick your face in it? Because of the thorny bits?
Nice photo. And I agree about the gun. Nothing handles squirels and tequila better than high caliber weaponry.
Bice: Thank you! I consider myself a good person who tries to help others, I'm glad you recognize my good deeds.
Tara: Glad you like the pic! Ohhhh, snakes, they do taunt, sometimes they stick their tongue out just like a little kid would, very frustrating, no one likes to be taunted like that.
Frenchy: Ouch! That sounds extremely painful. I have to say that my own experiences with jumping cholla haven't been too bad, maybe a needle here or there, but never anything major.
Katie: Thank you Katie! Oh, that's too bad, you always take such gorgeous photos, I especially love the animal shots, those are so great!
Tkerouac: Awww, your sweet, yes, I will try and put some photos up :)
Faz: Hey kitty! Well, had a rough March, beginning of April was tough too, but I'm finally feeling better! Oh yes, I think you are correct, tequila is made from cacti (but I'm not 100% how).
L: Thank you!
Princesse Ecossaise: Hello! Hehe, yes, the thorny bits are a little dangerous but usually it's ok to look real close. For some reason dogs have less control and dive their heads into it...
Battlerocker: Thanks! I'm so glad we see eye to eye :)
That should have been the Texas Rose!!!!! :)
Once I saw on tv a dog who had come home covered in needles all over his wee body! He had got into a fight with a porcupine! Dogs; I love them but they can be rather silly sometimes.
Katie: Yes!!!
Princesse Ecossaise: Awww, poor doggy, sometimes being a bigger creature doesn't always mean you win out!
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