This first one is of Rambo, I think it's my favorite picture of him. He's such a sweet dog.

In this next picture, Rambo contemplates the fleeting nature of beauty...

Hmmm, I'ver never really taken pictures of flowers before, but I suppose there's a time for everything... Here's some desert botany for you...

I really like this next picture, the thorns are crisp but there's a shallow depth of field and things quickly get out of focus... Cooooolll.... hard to get these sorts of effects with my digital camera...

Next pictures are of a cactus... Do you know why there're all those holes in it? Of course you do, but let me mention it anyways: the monsters (in this particular case, carniverous machete wielding rabbits) carved those holes so that they could easily climb in and out of the cactus. They sleep inside the cactus at night.

I promised you this wheelbarrow picture. Here it is. In my book, anything that looks beat-up and dirty has character. Well, not really, but no matter...

Ohhhh, this next photo is really dramatic... one of those light from heaven sort of photos, haha...

Next picture is of myself. I'm looking quite haggard, but you know, that's how it goes sometimes. I think I have a sort of serial killer look going here. Nice. I really need to post some pictures where I'm smiling!

Next picture... If you read my previous entry, you'll remember I mentioned that I talked to monsters the other night. In fact, one of the monsters took this picture. He was quite tall.

Your pooch is a cutie.
You don't look like a serial killer. But you should smile more. Your pictures are beautiful. :-)
You have talent... I especially like the pictures of Rambo and the yellow flower. And you know, the "serial killer" look is always in fashion.
The rabbits are getting smarter... they've fortified their evil lair.
Rambo is a wise doggy. I love your photos of cactuses, those flowers are beautiful! Do they have a scent? If those holes were made by machete carrying rabbits I would definitely stop trying to give them carrots, you'll only be pissing them off! I think a steak would be more like it.
I like the serial killer look. Keeps em' guessing...
Glorious: Rambo says thank you! Thanks for thinking I don't look like a serial killer, haha!
Moonbeam Baby: Awww, thank you. Glad to know the look is in fashion these days! OMG, those rabbits! Wickedly smart and evil...
Mariana: Thanks Mariana! Hey, I didn't notice a scent, but I bet they do have one. Good point about the carrots, I'm gonna go cook some steak for those crazy rabbits right now!
Battlerocker: This is a very very good point.
Rambo is so cute. Great pics, serial killer!
Your 'light from heaven' photo was actually quite good. Your serial killer photo makes you look QUITE old!
P.S., My God Rambo is getting big.
Rambo is looking great.. Hope he is staying away from the Machete Wielding and why so haggard? yes smiling is really good exercise...not that you are frowning.. you look as if you are comtemplating about something...
my goodness, imagine sleeping inside a cactus! I'd like to try that ^_^
Very nice, I feel like I'm getting to know your photographs, Kiss Rambo for me.
Very nice. You're such the cutie! So is Rambo. Thanks for sharing!
I always wonder what sorts of characters (besides monsters) are living in those cacti.
The photo of the upside down rose and the light streaming through is one of my favorites. Very good photos again! You should frame some of these and hang em up!
Mrmanuel: Thanks buddy!
Bice: Thanks Bice, yeah Rambo is really getting to be a big dog, but he is quite docile (thank god!).
Babybull: Rambo is learning how to fight the rabbits... I took that picture the other night and I Was pretty tired.
Princesse Ecossaise: I'm sure it could be quite comfortable?
Tkkerouac: Thanks! I will certainly kiss Rambo for you :)
Fringes: Thanks! It's fun to put pictures up every once in a while.
Tara: Thanks Tara! That's a good question about the creatures in cacti, I bet there are lizards, birds probably... I saw a pretty big lizard the other day... I still haven't seen a Gila monster yet, which is a bit of a disappointment!
Oh my gosh - great pictures! I'm impressed at your camera wielding talents.
By the way, I'm in love with your dog. He's too cute.
I really like the one with the "light from heaven." I'm no art critic by any means, but I like the contrasting of the light and the shadows and the splash of bright color in the background. Nice shot.
Not one bee in any of those pictures! NOT ONE! NOT EVEN A BEE ON RAMBO'S NOSE OR ONE STINGING YOU ON THE FACE!
Rambo is gorgeous! :)
I love the photos of the cacti.. the upward shot so creative! Thanks for sharing!
p.s. Always a pleasure to see "you"!
Seb, you have a great and artistic eye, so keep sharing. Really love your pictures and hope you're feeling okay. We noticed you hadn't been blogging everyday so were a bit worried. On the other hand you might have been feeling fantastic and therefore out and about with no time to blog. We hope it was the latter. FAZ
wow. you get a lot of comments. i'm comment 20. i like 20. a nice round number.
here are some things that aren't fun:
1. stepping on a cactus
2. having nothing to eat, but cactus
3. have some one give you a cactus flower with the cactus still attached.
I wish I lived in a place where there were cacti...they seem so exotic and foreign to me.
Well, we have the Scottish thistle, I bet you don't have that!
your pooch is a beauty,sebastion.....i especially liked the shot with the roses...
I could bet I had comment already on those photos... but as I can't see nothing nowhere, I will write my thoughts again... ;-)
You look very kind and thinkful... You images of your dog are showing a lot of connection between both of you... I really like the first one... I see so much intelligence in him.. A real good dog!
Your photos of flowers are very cute... and particularly that one with the light coming from the top is giving an effect of stained glass!! I like it a lot!
April: Thanks so much! Rambo is soooo great. Although he keeps dropping his ball in the toilet and forcing me to get it out for him... and yet, he's only slightly evil.
WAT: I know, that was the underlying theme of these pictures, no bees!!!!
Katie: Thanks Katie!
Faz: Awww, thanks so much Faz. Well, I've been feeling better in terms of headaches, but still tired, mostly been reading. But I will get back to running around and working and things like that, I really hope some day soon, my illness has lasted a long while now, but I must keep being as strong as I can, and hopefully time will heal all! I try and get something out of every day and just be thankful for being alive and having the blessings I do have!
Lisa: These are all very good points. Someone gave me a cactus flower once, except it was my evil friend... had to go to the ER that time...
Princesse Ecossaise: We do have the Scottish thistle! So there! Haha, well, no we don't, but I wish we did :)
Stak: Thanks buddy!
Searabbit: Thank you, oh yes, doggy is a real true friend, he's great compoany!
lovin' the cacti shots. especially the one looking up the cactus to the sky. just wonderful! hope you're doing well!
Thank you! Feeling a bit better these past couple days, gone through a bit of rough patch of late, but that's how it goes!
Good looking and talented too - what a combo!!
And Rambo seems like such a soulful pup!
Haha, you're too kind! Oh yeah, he's very mellow and sweet, and his eyes are sooo expressive!
It's funny, your pictures (minus yourself and cutie dog ;-) totally fit my mentally stereotype of Arizona !
Otherwise, may I say you do not look like a serial killer ? Not that I've ever met one (I think...) but you're too cute for that (and I'm a married woman ! What am I saying !!!).
Do you have more pics on Flickr or similar website ?
Cool! I'm glad I was able to keep in line with your stereotypes of Arizona! Unfortunately, I didn't get a chance to photograph a roadrunner or coyote, got a bunch of em around here, I do have some scorpion pictures though, been finding a lot of those in the house lately...
And thanks for thinking I don't look like a serial killer, haha, you're too kind!
Oh, I think I will be posting a flickr thingy in my sidebar, but I'm still trying to work on that.
If you need a hand in customizing your blog, let me know - I'm a wannabe nerd who spent quite a lot of time in checking out all the cool things you can add to a blog.
I'll be happy to help ;-)
Thanks so much! I might have to take you up on that one of these days, I'll drop you an email... I REALLY gotta figure out that clickable header thingy... but I should switch to new blogger but it scares me what if I lose everything and my world comes crumbling down and I start crying for days on end. That would suck.
take more pictures!
have you seen a cranila osteopath to help with your illness?
i urge you....
oops i meant a cranial osteopath....
Hi Pod!!! I will take more pics soon!!! Thanks for the suggestion, hmm, that's been suggested to me before, maybe I should look into a cranial osteopath... although sometimes I'm worried that it might do more harm than good? I've heard some horror stories...
hey! it is pretty hard to do harm with cranial osteopathy, just make sure you see someone that is properly qualified. it is very gentle, but can be very profound. i can see if i can recommend someone close to you, coz i is in the biz meself like
Thanks Pod! That's very nice of you!!!
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