Been a while since I posted doggy pictures. Meet Rambo, the dog who always wants to play. He's very fond of his blue rubber ball. Unfortunately those balls have a super bounce and they always end up in the neighbor's yard or back behind the house where I know there are millions of snakes and scorpions... well, I only found a snake once, it was black with yellow and red stripes, I almost stepped on it. Fortunately it wasn't a diamondback or anything of that nature (it was a harmless king snake), but still, I'm not a total fan of snakes, I mean, sure, they are beautiful looking creatures but come on, you wouldn't want to pet a snake, right? And there's a bunch of cinder blocks out back and plywood and all sorts of construction junk which make a perfect nesting ground for scorpions. There's a couple of wheelbarrows too, I need to get some pictures, they are very cool looking wheelbarrows. Seriously.
What was I saying? Oh yeah, here's Rambo.

So cute!
Priceless! I love Rambo. You have quite a wildlife going on in your backyard, no wonder you get attacked by vicious scorpions and duckbill platypuses on a regular basis. You lead a life of danger, my friend...
awww it's Rambo! (whistful) sigh...
Who's the cutest dog ever???? I like the blue ball.. adds some hey how are the invading ground squirrels doing? Does Rambo play chase with them... that would so much safer than scorpians...
He could pass for my dog's brother. Same coloring. Is he a long haired as well?
He's adorable!!!!
Have you been watching American Gladiators on ESPN Classic?
He's such a super model! Great pictures of Mr. Rambo, I feel I can just reach in there and pet him! My cat has some rubber balls with feathers attached to them. She has bitten off the feathers, and the balls bounce high and wind up in the kitchen where she doesn't like to play. Then she loses interest. :D
Moonbeam Baby: 'Thanks,' Rambo says.
Mariana: The duckbill platypuses are the worst, they hide in bushes...
Frenchy: I know you miss him!
Babybull: Haha, thanks, those balls are fun to throw. Invading ground squirrels have been a little quiet, they are planning something crazy, I know it...
Silver: He's short haired... you haven't put up any pics of your brother's dog, have you?
Mrmanuel: Thanks! No I haven't, I forgot! Been watching some basketball though, I will try and check out the gladiators!
Tara: Rambo says, 'Thank you Tara for your kind words.' Awww, your cat sounds so cute, this is the same cat that likes to be in a box?
He's so beautiful. His eyes.I've always wanted a German Shepard but I live in a flat (apartment) and they need a lot of exercise.
Beautiful doggy, these are the posts I love. How do you do the labels on the post?
Anastasia: Awwww, I wish you could have a German Shepherd, maybe soon enough, who knows!!!! And Rambo is the kindest dog, I love him so :)
Tk: Thanks! When you are writing a post, there's usually a little line near the top I think, or bottom, where you can write labels.
Naw, that's my mom's cat. My cat actually has developed the hobby of climbing in one of my dresser drawers while I'm trying to put laundry away. She just jumps up and lays down. Can't stay mad at her, though. I can't even get mad at her!
Oh and that's a pretty carpet you have! Very clean, too!
gorgeous doggie!!
And he's growing up so damn fast. He'll be in college soon before ya know it.
the first pick could be a story by itself
non mais,
look at these eyes
they're so great
I had a boxer in one of my past lifes, Nellie Blue (hommage to Nellie Bly), in the morning she'd sit by the bed and watch my eyes, the moment I opened one I was done.
crazy beasts, so loveable and full of life!
nice pics, man
have a nice day
Rambo's so Beautiful!!!
My Bella is changing colours.. losing some of her black.. maybe going Sable... I love German Shepherds!
I had a dream about meeting you and Rambo last night. Only in my dream Rambo was all black. I remember playing with him on the floor scratching his belly.
he so so adorable! that last photo could be a card or something. he must bring you lots of joy!
Tara: It's so hard getting angry, specially at animals! My dog keeps stealing my shoes, and I try to scold him, but I can only laugh.
Taarzaan: Thanks buddy! I know he looks cute, but he is truly evil.
Wat: I know, he's gonna break the bank. But I think he'll get some scholarships, he's very talented you know, runs after rabbits... they give scholarships for that I hope.
Pat: Thanks Pat! Rambo appreciates the compliments! He is such a kind dog, really can see that in the eyes...
Katie: Thank you! Changing colors? Do you have photos up? I must come on by your blog, hopefully this is being documented!
Sonja: Haha, that is sooooo awesome!!! Maybe that is why Rambo is so happy today, you were kind to him in your dreams....
Good for Me: Oh, I can't even tell you how much joy, he is the bestest!
I'm seriously jealous you have Rambo. I miss my dogs ... I need to go home and visit them.
So are you sure it was a harmless King snake? I don't know much about snakes, but I thought the saying goes "Red and yellow, kill a fellow; red and black, friend of Jack." Are you sure it wasn't an almost near death experience you naively avoided? Or am I just completely making things up?
Rambo is such great company! Haha, I'm almost positive, uh, since we had a bunch of people check it out. Would've been cool if it was super-dangerous, then I could really brag about it or something like that!!!
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