Paris Hilton might be going to jail. This is terrible, shocking, malicious news. What are we going to do for all those days she's in jail? How will I find joy in my life without the colorful shenanigans of this celebrity? We need to band together and create a support group, because I have a feeling we are going to be very depressed and the coolness factor of life will get knocked down a couple notches if she ends up in jail. True story.
In other news... anyone watching the college basketball tournament? I'm torn, I don't know who to cheer for in the final, Ohio State or Florida? See, I like Ohio State's Greg Oden, but I really like Florida's Joakim Noah (because he's French? and he's the son of Yannick Noah? maybe). I was pretty sad in the first place, my school didn't make it into the tournament (I don't know if they ever have... well at least we were good in football), and Georgetown didn't make it to the final either which was sad... And the thing is, I can't watch a sports game without cheering for someone, and if I really don't care for either team I usually cheer for the underdog or whatever team has a cooler logo. Florida does have a cool logo, can't go wrong cheering for alligators, those are dangerous creatures you know, and buckeyes don't strike me as very dangerous, but who knows, maybe they are but I've never heard of a buckeye attacking a human being.
In other news... I started reading Victor Hugo's Notre-Dame de Paris. Just started so I have nothing informative to say, I'm slightly worried it might be extremely boring, but I'm taking a chance on it. I've never read any of Hugo's works, and frankly, I'm staying away from Les Miserables, not only because it's a crazy long book, but also because I've had my fill of socially conscious novels, I feel like every 2 out of 3 books I've read is all about social struggle, which is fine, but I like the occasional story about warfare, zombie attacks, and a love story sprinkled here and there.
Who is Yannick Noah? Never heard of him..Is he really famous?
This infatuation with Paris is crazy ass stuff Seb.. How will you manage if she goes to jail? Actually I think she will get off.. they always seem to sweet talk the judge...Poor poor pitiful me.. I'm too pretty to go to jail.. I could picture that scene.. sort of.. make it part of her reality show or something..
Paris in jail? BRING IT! This bitch deserves some time and more.
Sorry, but I've had it UP TA HERE WITH HER.
I figured you'd be happy by this new Paris news. At least now, in addition to the E! channel, she will also be airing regularly on CourtTV!
Don't watch the NCAA final game -- a UCLA v Georgetown matchup would have been significantly better than Florida v Ohio St. And now who to cheer for? Can't cheer for OSU, as it's the ethical equivalent of cheering for the Yankees. And you certainly can't cheer for a Florida school, as that would be like cheering for the SF Giants. So, what's the middle ground? I say you watch the Diamondbacks v Rockies game. It is opening day, after all.
Oh, I think I died a little inside when I saw that you enjoy Paris Hilton's news coverage. I almost can't stand to see her picture anymore. She is entertaining, though, I'll give her that. She's like the perpetual high school-er that will never grow up and thrives on adolescent drama. Can I tell you a secret? Even though it hurts me a little to say this, I use the phrase "That's hot" on a semi-daily basis. Does that make me a semi-hipocrite?
Don't ya love Paris!!
Don't underestimate the power of buckeyes... they attack when you have your back turned.
I'd still have to root for the gator in a fight, though.
P.S.- I cheer for the team with the cooler uniform. Except in NBA games. (Go Suns!)
Babybull: He was a great professional tennis player :) I won't be able to manage, hopefully the doctors will put me in a coma so I can make it through her jail time without flippinng out.
Philton: Paris! Glad you could make it! Yeah, I hope you don't have to go for too long...
WAT: Your anger pleases me! Haha, I think we've tapped into something here...
Roberto: This is a great point, double television time for PAris! The college final, OSU like the Yankees!?!! No way, have they even ever won an NCAA basketball title? Their b-ball program has never been up to snuff compared to the football...
Aprill: No, you are not a hypocrite! I firmly believe that we can use things we hate. I enjoy the Paris news, but only because it sickens me :)
Tk: Love is not strong enough of a word, Paris and I are perpetual soulmates... well, to clarify, I'm joking, that would be the equivalent of hell.
Moonbeam baby: Go Suns!!! Yay, so glad to hear you are a Suns fan :) Hmmm, so the buckeye would have shot in a fight against a gator? Kinda like David and Goliath?
I can just picture the porn movie Paris will get to do in jail, full of S&M. $$$!
Yannick was, and is, a hunk! Great to hear his son is a great athlete as well.
I never read the Miserables either, but I saw bits of the movie. The ending seems like such a farce: the bad guy spends the whole time trying to catch the hero, and when he does he (the bad dude) apparently commits suicide by letting himself drown. As if he couldn't find the heart to kill a good man, but now that he coulnd't he had no reason to go on living or something. Until people who have read the book tell me I misinterpreted this finale I don't think I'll read the book either.
Haha, porn movie in jail, that'll be interesting!
Hmmm, that ending sounds disappointing, but I have to say I'm really liking Notre-Dame so maybe I will someday read Les Miserables.
If Paris goes to jail, you know they're gonna make a show about it.
You know, I'll be happy if she goes to jail or stays out of jail. I see positves in both!
I am cheering for Ohio St. at this moment because I hate Florida and ESPECIALLY Noah. Hope he doesn't end up on the Kings!
I heard that a buckeye attacked paris hilton with a Hugo novel. Made her try to read it. Damn near killed her. I'm just sayin
Yeah too bad Gtown lost in the final four. Maybe next year...Those Gators really beat up OSU though! And did you know Yannick Noah married Ms. Sweden?
Silver: It's gonna be a classic, up there with the flicks of Bogart/Bacall... Pure cinematic genious...
Mrmanuel: Yup, thank you, it's true, it really is win/win! Why does everyone hate Noah, what's wrong with him??!!
Taarzaan: Oh that was classic! And the damnedest thing is that it's all true.
Frenchy: Yeah, I saw that, interesting... why does everyone hate Noah here, he seems like a nice kid.
I never said I hated him. Just that his mom was Miss Sweden. The Gators and those three pointers was just madness.
Oh, not you hating him, I meant it seems like a lot of people in general don't like him.
I don't want to speak ill of your girl, but I think a little time in jail will be good for her.
I'm sure it will be one of those luxury jails, though. She'll probably be in charge of accessorizing the inmates.
Too bad, I'd like to see her cleaning toilets with a toothbrush...like on those old army films. Is that mean, or what?
Haha, no that's not mean, it'd be fun!
Whew, that makes me feel better. I felt like I need to go to confession. And I'm not even Catholic. It was really weighing me down. I feel absolved now.
Haha, feel free to say 'that's hot,' I've almost caught myself saying it here and there, but I always make sure to act like I'm being ironic when I say it.
I saw Les Miserables musical several years ago. I was depressed for weeks. Why are there no zombie musicals?
And yes, I'm reading all of your posts, though I'm not commenting on each one. I'm sending some of my comments via mental telepathy.
Haha, I know, I'm picking up all your thoughts, it's soooo awesome!
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