Ok, this is a sad one. And I've been doing too much bear stuff lately, I will finish up the alphabet and diversify, you know, maybe make some drawings about rabbits and lions and duckbill platypuses.
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Bringing this back to me, it is a bit uncanny but I'm pretty sure I had that exact look on my face a few minutes ago. Bear's, not Boy's.
The word is...bummei
Oh goodness! Woe is Bear! Bummer is right.
See, I can analyze this now. The star is pink, which represents woman, and thus it's dangerous for any bear to poke a woman. Huh. Well, maybe not.
Pamela--- LMAO!!!!!
Just like a death star - to be pokeably pink. Wonder how he gets out of this one. Which we know he will... Bear is indestructible.
The moral of the story...stick not your arm into a death star, lest ye be dead.
I think it sounds noble.
Oh no! What did Bear think he was digging into, a star filled with honey?
Bears don't smoke, do they? Because they've been showing several commercials lately featuring Smoky the Bear, reminding us that "Only you can prevent wild fires." I just hope all bears are being careful.
Laura: You didn't stick your on a burning hot frying pan I hope!!!
Ananda Girl: Yeah, he's going to need some heavy duty pain meds.
Pamela: Sigmund Freud would be proud of your analysis :)
Jeaux: He is indestructible! very good point, maybe that's why this drawing isn't too upsetting, we all know bear pulls through. Even in death.
Aliencg: That should be a fortune cookie!!
Tara: I know of a bear, his name is pyromaniac bear... I'm not sure he's fallen in line with the whole smokey the bear thing. FBI APB: "We have a rogue terrorist pyromaniac arson-causing bear on the loose..."
Bears really can't take care of themselves. I mean, a 5 years old rabbit know that you don't stuck your arm in stars!
Bear needs to go back to school and get educated!
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