This drawing is certainly inspired by something. Probably Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. There's nothing quite so satisfying as ripping off another person's idea.
But believe it or not, the event in this drawing has happened to me before. Medical fact. Google it.
Anyways, there is a moral to this story: eat more chocolate.
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Wow you lucky guys! I have tried to eat enough chocolate to float but I just can't seem to get off the ground.
That's not fair. Everyone should get to float.
I might be eating the wrong kind of chocolate. I'm willing to keep trying though, in the name of science and/or art.
I hear dark chocolate is good. Might be worth the try!
What kind of chocolate did you eat to get you floating? Was it a 3 Musketeers bar? They say those float by themselves because they're so light.
3 Musketeers! That was probably it... mmmmmm...
I don't have too much longer to go. Soon I will float over Cleveland in all my glory.
Haha, that would make for a great movie. Kind of like Up!
Mmm yes dark chocolate, or possibly strawberries dipped in dark chocolate. I must eat all this chocolate before I get too close to the sun and it melts!
(I love your artwork by the way)
Awww, thanks so much!!!
That is good thinking, there is a parallel to the Icarus story there, hehe.
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