I was watching one of the Rocky movies the other day, and it reminded me that I wanted to make a series of drawings featuring boxing bears. Probably an idea I will keep developing...
I think bears are natural born boxers. They could probably even succeed in one of those no holds barred Ultimate Fighting Championships. But old skool boxing is the sweet science....
Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to post comments. If you are interested in commissioning art work or anything else, you can contact me at sebreg@aol.com
cool!! I like the color scheme on this one.
Thanks Frenchy. I'm going for a bit of the old school comics color scheme, red yellow blue... Also thinking of that old batman tv series, hehe...
Boom,boom,boom! Out go the lights!
I think that boxing bear is very handsome in his shorts and gloves. I wouldn't want to fight him.
He is serious. I mean, look at his expression.
I think bears are natural born boxers. They could probably even succeed in one of those no holds barred Ultimate Fighting Championships. But old skool boxing is the sweet science....
He is totally ready to serve up some trouble for the opponent.
Laura: It takes a lot of skill to be a great boxer. Boxing bear, I hope you have the skill.
Tara: Kaboom! Kablouey!
haha yeah, the primary colors, good stuff :o)
Can't go wrong with 'em!
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