Wednesday, October 07, 2009

Lightning Boy

Look, at least he's giving you this bad news with a smile on his face.

You totally need to subscribe to my site. Seriously.


Ananda girl said...

Hey... I think I work with that kid! He has an electric personality.

Tara said...

Whoa! Lightening boy can be harsh!

Sebastien Millon said...

Ananda Girl: This guy has a bit of an attitude, but at least he's a straight shooter.

Tara: I know! but at least we know where we stand with him, hehe.

laura b. said...

You know...sometimes as long as you know what to expect, it is not that bad. I mean, electrocution is probably a bummer, but Lightning Boy is so happy. How could we deny him that pleasure?

Sebastien Millon said...

You are a very giving person. Very kind of you. I think lightning boy is going to take advantage of your kindness and zap you!!!