1- First memory
Most of my first memories are from the time period I lived in Germany. At the time, I was in pre-pre school or something of that nature. So, I was in class, and I was passing my bottle back and forth with some other little kid. The teacher lady wasn't happy that me and this kid were throwing my bottle around, and without warning she swooped down upon us and confiscated my bottle. I was utterly horrified and shocked. I needed that bottle for inner peace and happiness, and to have it taken away, and to have it taken away with such brute force, well, that was tough. I still haven't gotten over that incident. I suffer to this day. 2- First injury
My first major injury occurred when I was 5 years old. We were in France at the time, and I can't remember all the details, but for some reason I ran across the street without really paying attention. A car ended up hitting me and running over and breaking my leg. It was painful, that much I remember.I spent a great portion of my recovery period playing with tiny model cars, racing them around, crashing them together, facing them off in death matches, it was really quite awesome and fun. Ironic too, I suppose...
The picture under this paragraph is a of a scar I have on my right elbow. It's my favorite scar. Back when I lived in Chicago, I took a tumble down the rickety back stairwell of my apartment building, and my arm broke through a window (thank God it wasn't my head!). The glass broke, and cut a huge jagged gash on my elbow. I also got cut on my hand and wrist. Luckily the glass didn't cut any major tendons or veins, but I was bleeding like crazy, almost passed out... Cooooooll!

3- First lie
When I was younger, I messed with my sister a lot. One time, I convinced her that mom and dad had been eaten by spiders. I told her that under no circumstances should she leave our room because the spiders were all over the house, and they would eat her as well. My sister was freaked out beyond belief, it was hilarious (my poor little sister, I was really awful back then!)! Unfortunately, my plan backfired... my sister ran out of our room and burst into my parents' room and woke them up (it was early morning).In the end, there were no spiders. There was no death. But there was punishment for me.
4- First person you admired in your life
Hmmm, hard to say, I remember admiring lots of my family... I also really admired Bugs Bunny, I thought he was pretty great. 5- First time drunk
Many, many years ago!!!!6- First failure
Has to be centered around sports. Playing on a soccer team and losing at a young age, that was my first dose of failure I suppose.
7- First success
I remember winning some swim competition when I was young. It wasn't my first success, nor was it anything major, but I thought it was pretty damn cool for some reason. I still have the medal somewhere.
8- First trip abroad
I was moving to different countries pretty much since I was born, so in that sense I'm lucky, I've always gotten to travel!
9- First concert
Seeing Sebadoh in concert! That was an awesome awesome concert. They played very loud.
10- First thing you do when you get up...
Eat some toast. Skim the paper. Most importantly, I check the celebrity gossip section :)
That is an awesome scar! Very impressive!
This interview looks like a cool meme thing to go around.
Oh yes, it is good fun!!! You should do it!
Getting to know you better and better... This is a very fun questionary... ;-)
Very impressive scare... but your lie is... amazing!!!
wow..cool scar..i have one similar but not as spectacular on my knee..
hope you don't mind..but think I will steal these one...I am out of material after my imaginary post about Queen Elizabeth kicking George Bush in the nuts and making him cry...
so this is good...
Glad to see you liked my interview ! ;-)
I love interviewing people, so if any one of you, dear blogger, feels like it... Leave a comment on my blog with your blog URL and I'd be glad to come up with some weird questions !
The first person you admired was Bugs Bunny ? Alright, I think we know you definitly have a rabbits problem history !
The scar is pretty impressive too ! My god, to break a leg so young must be terrible... I feel sorry for you !
You came up with interesting answers. I shall refer to these answers frequently now when analysing yours posts ;-)
Very cool interview.
Searabbit: Haha, glad you like that lie, my sister probably wanted to kick the crap out of me for it!
Yellowdog Granny: Thanks!!! Oh yes, please do this one, it's very fun! On another note, I didn't know Bush had nuts, a heart, nor a brain...
Zhu: This was great fun! And I DEFINITELY have a rabbit problem :) Haha, yes, much insight to be had from these answers!!
Silver: Yes, Zhu is great with questions!
Very fun and informative!
I have a scar too! On my knee, from a time when I was with friends at the beach and we were lining up to take a photograph. I sat knees first on the sand, and bellow the surface there was a tent nail or something. It was awesome, because although at first the pain was unbearable I had never fainted before. When I woke up the pain was completely over and I was bleeding profusely. Cool!
I noticed you left out "first time" doing you-know-what. That's because you are a gentleman of distinction and would never kiss and tell (or whatever and tell).
I almost ask... but I don't want to be labelled as the French-who-only-think-about-you-know-what ! ;-)
Okay, maybe in a next interviw...
How do you remember this stuff? I think I have repressed all of my first time memories.
Taarzaan: This is all VERY important information!
Mariana: That sounds ridiculously painful! Wow, I was reading someone else's blog the other day, and they got injured at the beach too. The beach is dangerous I guess.
Sonja: Hahaha! I love that last part in parentheses!
Zhu: That stuff is my secret information, haha! But you know, as a French person, it is normal to ONLY think about you know what, because, well, that's the way we are.
Mist1: That's a great question. I really don't know...
Great questions.. and answers.. I think your scar is very distinguishing.. it is a part of you afterall..
We shall never forget the spider story. Ever.
Anyways, good interview! I'm glad you don't think of your first successes as succeding in bugging your sister like crazy.
Great post, sorry about the scar. Its cool now though.
I'm lifting these questions for my post tomorrow. Thanks! You rock.
Look at that scar dude! WOW! That is massive!
You've gotten to travel lots. How truly awesome and wonderful. Seeing the Earth is truly inspirational.
Eating toast? Nah dude, it's all about the oatmeal!
It just goes to show that there's a first time for everything.
Babybull: I do sooo like imperfections, they make us unique!!! although, we are unique in the first place, but I'm sure you understand what I'm saying!
Frenchy: Haha, you are still haunted, to this day!!!
Tk: It's my only cool scar, I don't really have any others. I want to join the cirucs, probably get some cool scars in that line of work...
Fringes: Yay! Just read your post, loved the answers!
WAT: Oh yeah, I ate oatmeal forever! I'm on a toast kick at the moment... Getting to travel, we don't appreciate it as much when we are younger, but now, I realize how AWESOME it was!!!
Stratoblogster: How very true indeed!!!!
I can't BELIEVE your first injury was being HIT BY A CAR!! I thought for sure it would be a small fracture of some sort. Holy crap! And that scar is quite impressive. I wish I had one.
And that B*$*( with the bottle-- cruel. When my blankey got taken away it was like a piece of my soul went with it...evil...evil people. ;-)
Very cool. As for first failure, if you play sports, you are always bound for failure at one time or another. Only way to succeed later...
Wow - that is quite a battle scar... so sorry you had to go through that!
yeah I am. VERY haunted. maybe that's where my fear of spiders stems from! (could also be the black widows and scorpions you find too)
Ouch! You've had some impressive injuries there...
The spider story was a terrific creative achievement! I bet your sister was traumatized for life... : )
ooh you big meanie you!
Leiselb: REally?! I'm so used to my car story that it doesn't surprise me :) And I'm sorry about those evil people stealing your blankey, there should be a law against that sort of cruelty.
Mrmanuel: So true! The fact is, we're all gonna fail at some point, but the key is getting better from those failures...
Desiree: Hehe, that was a hectic point in my life, I sure didn't need that injury at the time!
Frenchy: Hahahaha! It's a wonder you still talk to me :)
Moonbeam Baby: Oh yeah, she is. But she got me back once in a while, getting me in trouble with her own little tricks too :)
Pod: I'm evil!
Boooo big brothers are so mean. Mine told me little people lived in the TV and when the television man came to repair it, he took the back off and I screamed and cried and said 'the little people are gonna escape'.
I'll never live it down.
Haha, it's something that runs in the dna of big brothers, we are supposed to scare our little sisters :)
yeah. sometimes I wonder why... ;o)
Thank you for sharing your "first" moments. It's scary how childhood wounds (both psychological and literal)could be still tangible, like your nursery teacher's unjust behaviour.
I was a pretty awful kid myself towards my younger brother, and told him he was adopted. He was upset, and I thought it was hilarious. Needless to say, 30 years after, I regret being socruel.
Frenchy: Hehe... we need to talk, sorry haven't been feeling well the past days, feeling a bit better today...
Greensleeves: Ahhh, that's a classic, the you're the adopted one! Haha, amazing we can be so mean when we are younger. Sometimes children are the nicest and most thoughtful, and yet they can be terribly cruel at the same time.
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