First off, I hope everyone is having a wonderful Memorial Day weekend!
As for the above drawing, well, I guess all I can say is that there isn't any blood! Yay!
Somehow, somewhere, through some literature I was reading, I came across a creature that I'd never heard of before: the pygmy hippopotamus! When I discovered that such an animal exists, I just knew I had to include it in a drawing. So, that hippo creature you see in the drawing, well, it's not a baby hippo, it's a pygmy hippo. You needed to know that.
And let me promise you one thing. I promise you, promise you from the depths of my soul, that one day I will have a pygmy hippo for a pet. The day I get this pygmy hippopotamus will be the greatest day of my life.
I like the little guy and girl who are sitting on a pig, holding a wrench. That's awesome!
A pygmy hippo sounds so cute! Once I eventually hold a hedgehog, I'll have to then get my hands on a pygmy hippo.
A hedgehog would make a wonderful pet too! I want both!
Shoot, you are right, the pygmy hippo in my drawing looks like a pig. Hmm, I'm going to have to work on my pygmy hippo drawing skills.
Just thinking there might blood.. makes it scary and bloodcurdling.. I love it..Hope you are enjoying your long weekend..
I have a pygmy hippo for a pet. It's called a guinea pig. A very large guinea pig.
Memorial WE ? That's cheating, we don't get anything here in Canada ! :(
Cool drawing, but I miss the one-eyed dog, my animal counterpart.
I know I needed to know more about the pygmy hippo, so thanks Sebastien! The dog with the eye patch in your other drawings reminds me of Angelina Jolie in Sky Captain.
LOL! No blood but still little x's for eyes. Baby steps. Your artwork is great, as for me I want a pig someday. Do you think the pig and pygmy hippo would get along? Shoule we try to arrange a playdate?
Happy Memorial Day!
No, I love it. Honest. Cute but morbid.
Sebastien! Ah! I get the same sense of achievement tyiping your name correctlt each time as you must be getting after making those drawings.
YOU: She is comparing THAT with my drawings!!!
Drawings...you have reversed the myth I guess...iconoclasm? LOL!
It IS actually not the wolf is sheep's clothing these days, but lambs in Wolf's clothings! We may roar, but we are actually becoming very timid inside, as of today...
That hippo is so cute. Liks like he has been kept in water so long, his skin has shrunk!
& who is that Cool lady with cool black hair in a bun?
& where did little sebastien get those skulls from????
Pink hippo sure looks like he has just joined in, that expression on his face is very telling
Doggy with spanner: secure
cool girl with scythe: smug
Hippo: Sebastien, can I be your friend?
Sebastien: wait I am posing for this photograph
Donkey: they think I am pighead? Actually I am doggone!
Happyfriend of sebastiens on donkey's back: Yay! I can fool them All!
I fully, full on support you in your desire for a pygmy hippo. When I finally take over this sad planet, the second thing I'm going to do is have one delivered to you.
Don't ask about the first thing I'm going to do--but involves a well known public figure, and a big ol' stick..........
Oh my god i freaking love that drawing! it reminds me of gloomy bear.
Good luck finding a pet pygmypotamus!
good luck finding that pygmy hippo. dont forget to post a picture when you do!
and the absence of blood and other internal organs in your drawing was a pretty good change. =)
I am deeply unsettled by the donkey with the hole in his head. There must be a story behind that hole? I'd like to know how he got that hole in his head.
And I quite fancy the pigmy hippo. He looks a friendly little chap.
awww pigmy hippo, he's cute.
What is your technique, Sebastien?
sorry if you said somewhere, and I missed it. Do you use paints? or is it a computer image?
Are pygmy hippos nicer than full-sized ones? The big ones are super aggressive and territorial. (Yup, saw that on TV, naturally.) Maybe he could defend your home, like a little guard hippo? That'd be frickin' sweet.
I feel the same way about Ligers.
really cute Sebastien!
Babybull: Thanks Babybull! Hope the rest of the weekend went well for you :)
Mist1: You are so lucky! Ok, to update, I now want a pygmy hippopotamus, a hedgehog, a giant guinea pig, and a raccoon...
Zhu: Haha, I will try and include some more one-eyed creatures in future drawings. We need role models, and these one-eyed creatures prove that one shouldn't let having one eye hinder their ambitions... :)
Mariana: Oh yeah! The Angelina Jolie connection, it all makes sense now. I'm gonna include her in a drawing, Tomb Raider style...
Gary: Hope you had a great weekend! Of course a pygmy hippo and a pig would get along, they would have great fun! And seriously, from everything I've heard, pigs are very sweet animals...
Val: Hi there! Thank you Val, yes, tis a little morbid, but hey, hopefully it's still happy somehow :)
Mona: Haha, you are too funny, your comments always make me laugh!... the cool lady is anyone you want her to be. She is a good person, sweet natured, but she has a job to do... and little Sebastien runs around, follows the little lady around and cleans up after her work is done... mini hippo is not sure what is going on!!!!
Taarzaan: OMG! I'm so excited! This is wonderful news. Please, will you ship the creature fed-ex, I much prefer that to UPS...
Alexgirl: Thanks! But seriously, you do think I will find this creature, no? I feel like it's possible, but it's going to take some hard work...
Jos: I promise to post pictures! Taarzaan is sending him in the mail to me as we speak! Hehe, lack of internal organs, good point...
Princesse Ecossaise: Pygmy hippo is a most wonderful friend. He enjoys soap operas, Jerry Springer, and he reads Russian novels which I don't understand... ah, the hole in the head, well, it's not a pernicious thing, it's like, that little creature rides inside of the donkey... every once he pops out to say 'hello'!
Greensleeves: Ah, technique, I do keep it quite simple, I still can't paint, so here's what I do given my health circumstances: I pencil draw, then I ink with a pen, then I scan into my pc, then I use photoshop to color... I've never used computers to make images before, but it's quite fun.
H: Hahaha, I totally saw a show on hippos!!! I was watching national geographic channel, those hippos seem crazy! Huge freakin' teeth, they actually kill lots of peeps (and they seemed so sweet!). Holy crap, I never thought of that, a guard hippo, I LOVE that idea!!!!!
Heatherness: I will find you one!
Katie: Thanks Katie!! Hope you had a nice weekend :)
I think there should be a special name for a pygmy hippopotamus. Perhaps a hippopygmytus? Hipygmytamus? Hippopotapygmy? There's definitely some possibility there.
Happy Memorial Day!
Once again, love the drawing.
Sebastien, Your email address gives me a delivery failure Notice.:( I wanted to enquire about your health!
LOL @ josh! :D
the girl (with a job to do) makes me think of death in the shape of a china doll. now, if i knew you, and if we were within say, hopping on a bike distance, i would hop on my bike with some coffee in a thermos and say, "hey, tell me about this 'death as a china doll' figure." cause she's got a story to tell. i know these things. heh.
Oops, I should really read posts more carefully. I saw the pink, pygmy hippo, but didn't read that it was a hippo until later. But now that I look at it, he does look like a hippo! Sorry about that Sebastien! I'm totally blind! LOl.
Please do so. I want a one-eyed dog driving a very old car in a blizzard, speaking broken English. So that I can really identify myself with it !
There is this cute old song called "I Want a Hippopotamus For Christmas". Maybe if you sing it, your dream will come true!
I approve of the lack of blood. Also, I find the bear costume has made another appearance!
oh, and have you ever thought of a pet pygmy shrew? i'll send you the video animation when I find it again.
I think I saw a pygmy hippo for sale in the Pennysaver last week. I'm sure it's gone by now, sorry.
more attempts at evilness! there's no fooling me now!
should i secretly start a 'get seb a pygmy hippo fund'.....?
ROFL!!! I love that pygmy hippo!!! and it reminds me of a time when my s.o. was comparing himself to a masai warrior... I look at him and nicely said that Laurentian pygmy was more appropriated... ;-) He didn't like it much... but I had one of those laugh just seeing the face he did... ;-))
What is that thing coming from the horses brain?
Are you okay??
Please tell me that you are!
You've been tagged, Mr. Sebastien. Hope you're doing well this week!
Hey Seb.
Hope everything is fine, haven't heard from you in a few days... !
Josh: The possibilities are limitless!
Battlerocker: Thanks! Hope you had a great weekend too, although now it's a new weekend, so I hope you enjoy this upcoming one too!
Mona: Awww, that's so sweet of you! I'm doing ok, had a bit of a down week, but a bit better now. That's weird that you can't reach my email though, it's sebreg@aol.com, that should work... if you'd like, you can send me a test email, I'll respond if I get it...
Angela: Haha, it would be fun to expand upon the china-doll girl as death figure theory!!! And by the by, I love biking, it should always be done when one wants to meet up for serious conversations!
Tara: Don't worry! Haha, I think it's funny that pygmy hippo looks like a piggy-wiggy. Oh, and I will try and get around to the meme, sorry I haven't been around of late...
Zhu: Hahaha, that sounds like a great idea... oh, I am ok thanks for asking, sorry, took a little unexpected mini-break from blogging!
LB: OMG! I've never heard of that song, but I need to learn it and sing it and everything will be super duper because I will receive my mini-hippo in the mail... I CAN'T WAIT!!!
Frenchy: Pygmy shrew! What amazing creatures, I've heard they can benchpress 10 times their weight. It's ridiculous.
Sonja: Oh no! Missed opportunities...
Pod: That sounds like a great idea! Haha, if we all work together, I will have a pygmy hippo in no time!
Searabbit: Haha, that's funny! Maybe you should get him a pygmy hippo to make him happy!
Silver: This is a good question. I'm calling my therapist right now to get to the bottom of things!
Sir, I hope you don't mind, but I've just tagged you with the Thinking-Blogging-Thingy. What are you gonna do about it?
O Boy! Am I Glad & relieved to see you!!
Ok that was a g in the end and not q as I thought!
Please take care of yourself. You are so precious to us!
& I am very fond of you boy!
Sebastien Dear, I pray to God that everything is well with you!
Hey Seb, hope you're just taking a break from blogging but that everything is fine. I really don't want to sound like you're mother, but please take care of you !
I want to sound like ya mother!
wishing you great health
Hey- when you find where they sell pygmy hippos, let me know about it b/c I'd like one too. Especially if it's pink, like yours. My favorite is the little dog coming out of the head.....I'll never know where you come up with this stuff!! ;-)
I love your drawings
how have you been?
Have you ever considered writing and drawing childrens books?
Sebastien (((((HUGS)))))
Good evening - or whatever time it is where you are. I've just arrived from Tara's, and I've loved looking at some of your pictures.
I especially like the little girl with the scythe (Death's daughter?) on the Pygmy Hippo! Is she blushing because she's 'borrowed' her mum's make up, or because she fancies one of the boys in the animal heads?
Boy! Am I glad to see you!!!!
Thank God you are okay!
I recognize every person in that drawing. Did my family pose for this?
Pygmy Hippo
Isn't that an oxymoron?
Sebastien..I hope you & your sister had a whale of good time! :))
I am seriously loving the artwork sir!
Hey! popping into say heyyyy Sebastien, hope you are doing fine and the creative juices are flowing!
Sebastien...we're all a bit concerned. Hope the illness hasn't taken you under...
May God be with you!
Miss you, Sebastien. Hope you're feeling well.
what's the next blog going to be about? pygmy shrews? say yes!! you have to admit, it is a funny video...
also, hope things are going well :o) and that Rambo hasn't gotten you into too much trouble.
Sebastien, I've been missing you. I hope things are well, and the reason you've not been blogging is because you've been too busy partyin'! But in any case, I'm thinking of you, along with many of your other readers, and I hope yu are okay.
Hey Seb, ya see all the love?
Where are ya brotha?
Hope all is well.
People in the Sun: What an honor! Thanks so much, and you knows I love your blog! But really, I'm just a mild-mannered reptile, I'm nobody special or out of the ordinary. Although I do like honey with my tea which most reptiles usually don't enjoy so I am a little odd in that sense...
Mona: Thank you so much for your words! I'm sorry I haven't been around, I will be raising all sorts of hell again soon, and that's a promise!
Zhu: I've been going through a bit of a down period, my illness is like that sometimes, there are ups and downs, but I will hopefully be around a little more again!
Shaymus: My room... is a mess. I blame it on the invisible rat that lives in my ceiling... he did this, he created this mess!
Lirun: Hello there! Thank you!
Leisel: I will send you a pygmy hippo, I will order two of them. Damn, this whole owning a pygmy hippo thing is gonna be awesome! By the way, thanks for the kind thoughts, and don't worry, it'll take much more than this illness to take me under, I guarantees you that!!!!
Tk: Thank you, oh, children's book, maybe someday, I still can't work very much... but thank you for the suggestion!
Inexplicable Device: Hi there! Thanks for visiting! That is a very good question, I suppose she has a bit of powdered rouge on her cheek :) She likes to look her best!
Dan: Haha, I bet you are the boy on the mule with the bear head outfit, no? Unfortunately my own family pictures and get togethers were quite bloody. We always played catch with an axe, that might explain all the blood...
Omninaif: Your back! Hey buddy! I know, I didn't know there were mini-hippos. Maybe when people call me a hippo now, it's a good thing and means I'm petite?
Rev. Qelqoth: Thanks buddy, although I forgot to include a chainsaw in this picture... hmmm, how could I forget that!
Katie: Hi Katie! Thanks, well, been a bit of a down period with my health but hopefully things will be a little better soon!
Sonja: Thank you Sonja, and don't you worry, I'll be back and more annoying than ever soon enough!
Frenchy: Hey you! Ah, yes, the pygmy shrew, quite a worthy topic. And a mighty foe too!
Princesse Ecossaise: Thank you so much for the kind sentiments! I'm sorry I haven't been around, hehe, wish it was the partying, unfortunately been a bit of a rough spot with my illness, but that's how it goes, ups and downs ya know, but overall things are improving and that's what counts!
WAT: Thanks for the well wishes buddy! Little bit of a rough spot with my health of late, but overall things are improving so I focus on that!
I'm looking for bunnies, I just don't see them!!
Ah yes, I forgot to include the killer bunnies. I always forget things!
Ha! the first think i noticed was that there wasn't a drop of blood. and then i read what you wrote. funny ;)
Haha, that's funny! I really made an effort not to include any blood :)
Like you, I only recently learned of the Pygmy Hippopotamus. Do you know about the Cretan Pygmy Deer? I've always wanted one of those...
Love the drawing!
It seems strange to see a sythe with no blood dripping from it... perhaps the violence is yet to come? : )
Feel better ~
OMG, that's awesome! I love the pygmy deer, I want one too!
Hehe, about the lack of blood, you are probably right, the violence is yet to come!
i definitely dig this. fo realzies.
xoxo eff
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