I've been posting lots of drawings of late. Sorry, it's kind of repetitive, but I promise I will get around to writing about really interesting things, like Paris Hilton, Herman Melville, and the NBA playoffs.
Although there are ups and downs with my illness, overall I'm able to create more than I could before. I couldn't even come up with ideas or think about creating a while back, my mind was too groggy and in too much pain... And I still get pain sometimes, but it's not as bad as before, and that makes life much much easier. And I feel sooo much stronger than before, especially my mental strength, I've never felt so mentally strong in my life. This illness is a bitch, but it's teaching me a lot of things, in all sorts of ways...
And sure, I'm still very limited, leaving the house is tough, this illness is lasting a heckuva long time, but I feel everything is trending upwards, that's what counts, so I just try and stay focused on the good, I focus on what I can do, I focus on the good things in life, and I know I'm going to will myself to full recovery.
As for this drawing, it represents an adventure I went on, back in the 80's. You might be wondering which person/creature I am? Well, I'm the little prairie dog thingy, ya know, the one holding onto the big dog's ear... It's weird, I don't remember much from that period of time, it's sorta hard even remembering what it was like being a prairie dog. I mean, I think I had good times, I remember eating plants and staring at the sky and thinking about the limits of the universe and wondering whether nothing can really exist, and if nothing exists, doesn't nothing have to be something? As a prairie dog, I struggled with these mind-boggling thoughts and questions. Ultimately, I realized all the answers lay within my prairie dog soul.
And drugs. Drugs gave me a lot of answers too.
I'm a big fan of your drawings.
They aren't repetitive to me.
I always think my blog is repetitive because I lack a lot of photos and drawings in between my long writings.
I like the background
Fabulous stuff! I can't get bored of looking at your drawings :-)
Sebastien, You are fabulous.. always funky pics and great stories..And if you feel like being a Prairie dog then go right ahead..lol
Yo Seb,
That picture is BAD ASS!! It looks so busy and the way that snake is wrapped around the wolf (you call that a dog?) is crazy!
I know is a 'cartoon' picture but it looks quite horrific.
Good Stuff!
This is one of my favs . . . along with the alcoholic polar bear that crashed the spaceship LOL!!!
Have you tried submitting your designs to rubber stamping firms?
I think there is a huge potential.
Your drawings have strong lines that would stamp beautifully and they are also ironic. I think many crafters are fed up with cute teddie bears and flowers and look for something fresh and alternative (like Zettiology, for example).
P.S. Thanks for visiting my blog the other day.
Love this drawing. Keep them coming without apologies.
Are you still in touch with that little anteater looking guy playing the mandolin? I'd love an introduction.
Seriously, Sebastien...post your drawings whenever you can. They are excellent!
Don't ever apologize for posting your drawings. That's an order.
I LOVE the purple rattlesnake, it's very detailed and purple. It looks like it's helping to lead the way.
Love the drawing, and the story that goes along with it. Good times.
ps-Seinfeld is a great choice. Yes, they are all terribly neurotic, but I love that they hung out all the time and were always just so comfortable with each other.
ohhh I think this is one of my top three if not in my top two of favorites!!! :) Absolutely fantastic!!!
and I haven't done anything new art wise since my hands went into a downward spiral... but soon! Soon! I promise! :)
We love it when you draw. And when you recount your many adventures!!
I love your drawings, even if they do scare me just a bit. But, then again, so do mirrors.
You really have a thing for snakes, Seb! Or maybe they have a thing for the other animals in your drawings, because they're so friendly.
Sir Jorge: Thanks buddy! I love your writing, it's serious, but interesting, and I love your sense of humor. And you are very honest. That's hard to do.
Les Quinn: Thanks! The background is modernist I guess, haha!
Rachelcreative: Why thank you! I'm still working on developing the craziness :)
Babybull: Haha, I wish I could be a prairie dog again, it was a beautiful time in my life...
Ak-man: Thanks so much! Glad you like this one, it is mildly horrific, that is true. Hmmm, I need to make some more drunken polar bear drawings....
Greensleeves: I've really been messing around with these drawings, just having fun, I really haven't thought of doing anything with them. Maybe when I'm better, I was thinking of doing huge paintings based off some of these characters I create... Thank you for the recommendation, I'm not familiar with rubber stamping, but that could be a great idea, and good fun!
Fringes: Thanks Fringes!
LB: Ahhhh, the anteater, his name was Marcello. He was a kindly fellow, a little googly eyed, always drinking a little too much whiskey, but he was a kind spirit. Alas, we haven't talked in ages, I should track him down and see what he's up to!
Tara: The purple snake is paving the way! Glad you like him, I'm glad he's not too scary :)
Alexgirl: Thanks Alex! Ahhh, Seinfeld, it was such a great show, great comedic timing, hilarious scenarios and the best dialogue... George is my absolute favorite, if there's something to be botched, he's your man!
Katie: Oh no, you've been having trouble with your hands? I hope it's nothing serious, I wasn't aware that they gave you trouble, so sorry... hopefully you will be creating wonderful artwork soon!
Taarzaan: Haha, thanks buddy! I've had so many adventures, I should tell you about the time Barkley the Bear and I ate some rose petals and went on a time travelling adventure...
JM: Hey there! Thank you, and I'm glad they are only a little scary, and not a lot. And mirrors are fiendish, your fear of them is well-founded.
Mariana: Yes, the snakes prey on my little gopher friends. Sometimes it is only playful though...
I agree with Sir Jorge who said last time you should put your drawing on a tee-shirt. I'd buy one ! :)
NBA, interesting ? Pfff... Get on with the program, man, it's the Stanley Cup playoff ! Rrrhha... these Americans... :D
Keep posting your drwings. I love them. One would look really good in my office.
Oops, that should be me above.
I'm glad to hear you are able to create more than you could before. Creating heals... and obviously, you're quite creatively gifted.
Zhu: Yay, thanks, I will try to do that one of these days! I've experimented a bit with the t-shirts through the internet, but I'm not sure the best way to do it, to get good quality... Haha, hockey?! Well, I must admit, I went to a hockey game, one time, and it was unebelievable fun...
Mrmanuel: Yes! I'm going to try and experiment with nice quality paper to print on, once I figure that out, I will mail you some drawings!
Desiree: It's so true, creating is such a magical thing, very good for the spirit! And thank you for your kind words!
What is that psychotic thing playing the bango? AHAHAAH!
Drugs? DO TELL! Are u serious?! I'm very amateur in that dept. only doing the good herb Mary. Ahem.
U can't add me to your feed? I'm still trying to figure out how to do that period with anyone's blog or page. I hear it's convenient.
I think you would be fantastic doing some artwork related to greek mythology. For starters, Medusa with snakes winding hither and thither (is that a word?). You do snakes very well. oh, and prairie dogs.
another fantastic drawing although I do worry about your prairie dog soul. FAZ
Your pix are always interesting. You should publish a book or something.
WAT: Haha, bout the drugs, not really... Yeah, I've been trying to add your feed, I just started using google reader, it is VERY convenient! Much easier to keep track of blogs. Can't believe it took me so long to discover it...
Gary: Yes! Thank you, I will start off with Medusa! I was also thinking Cerebus, seems pretty cool...
Faz: Thanks Faz! Did you notice there's a cat in the drawing :) I know, I know, my prairie dog soul is going straight to hell on the Prairie Express.
Silver: Haha, maybe someday, years and years from now when I'm old and gray...
CTS.. A fact of life in many... and numerous other peeps have it tougher.. so.. no worries.. simply takes the time it takes... to do anything... :)
ohh yeah.. did you catch that video with all those helpful hints for Paris for her downtime? I laughed!! Quite funny !!
Not repetitive! Just wondering what makes you include so much blood...it really works with your great pics-- but does it represent something for you?
I'm so glad to hear the fog in your mind is fading. That, I think, is the worst part of a autoimmune illness...I hope you continue to trend upward.
I love your drawings... they're never boring, especially combined with the great stories about them!
Speaking of the NBA - did you see that horrible foul against Nash in game 4? Now Stoudemire and Diaw are suspended!
And you make a very cute prairie dog. : )
Hey, it's been a while. Great new drawings. You're crazy. I'll StumbleUpon this drawing and we'll see what happens. It'll get more people to see it, but more people will also know you did drugs in the past. I've just ruined your life (Homeland Security is on its way).
Katie: I'm sorry about your CTS, but it sounds like you manage quite well! As for Paris, I didn't see the video, I did see that her sentence was reduced to 23 days!!!
Leiselb: Haha, the blood? Hmmm, I guess it's a silly little thing I like to do, frailty of life or something... Thanks for the kind words too, it feels so good to have my mind back!!!!
Moonbeam Baby: Thank you!!! Oh man, that was a terrible foul, pretty ridiculous that they suspend Diaw and Stoudemire, when they didn't do anything, while throughout the series Bowen has been cheapshotting like crazy and he doesn't get a suspension...
People in the Sun: Hey!!!! Cool, haha, my phones are already tapped. Did you know that maybe I'm trying to lure other druggies to my blog and I'm secretly working for the FBI and I bust all these drugged out people that visit my blog... true story.
i really like this one, seb. especially the pattern in the background and the on the dog.
Thanks!!! I'm glad you like that modernist touch, I will try and experiment with that sort of stuff.
i just had one of those great moments when i thought i had finished all my tasty toast with homemade marmalade. i was gazing at you (in prairie dog guise) and when i looked down, hurrah! a small prairie dog mouthful sized piece was left!
What a coincidence! Wow, it's funny to think that you are having breakfast, it's night time here. You are already in the future, I bet it feels pretty great. Or maybe you are in the past, I forget how the time zones work!
always one step ahead......
Very nice. This puts you in a very fine position to make bold predictions about the future, sorta like Nostradamus, except you are already in the future, so that gives you a leg up on the competition.
I like... it kind of has a Jhonen Vasquez meets Trevor Brown vibe going on.
Thanks! I will check those artists out, I've seen a couple pieces by Trevor Brown, love his work!
Love your drawing, can I post in on the blog sometime?
Oh yay! It would be an honor!
Dude... I just love prairie dogs. They way they poke their little prairie dog heads out of holes is sooooooo cute. You had some awesome childhood adventures.
Aghhhhhhhhhhhh.... $%^#@%$%$&Y%& word veri
Haha, sorry bout the word verification, was getting too much spam!
Prairie dogs are cool, I want one. No, scratch that, I NEED ONE!
LOVE your work. It's fantastic. So creative and exciting. You really are good. Do you illustrate professionally? You should, if you haven't.
What medium do you use, prefer???
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