Something very important happened the other day. I saw a lizard. I was so sure you wouldn't believe me that I took a picture (the one above). It's a cool little creature, in my opinion, and I like the diamondy pattern on its skin. I hope it doesn't get eaten by a snake.
Speaking of patterns...
I love how nature is made of patterns, very different sorts of patterns, like color patterns, patterns based on shape and form, textural patterns, sound patterns, patterns in movement... and these patterns can be seen in everything, like branches, weather, stars, leaves, grass, animals, clouds, rain, water, trees, etc., etc. I remember someone telling me that paintings of nature were nice and everything, but that really, the truest way to capture nature was through music. And when I look at the natural world, and I see all those patterns, what that person told me made a lot of sense, but at the same time, there really isn't any way to capture the complexity and beauty of the natural world (which is kind of obvious!)...
So, I think we established the fact that I think nature is pretty cool. But it can be pretty evil too. For instance, did you hear about the killer squirrels in Denver? Contrary to those first images that pop into your mind, these squirrels aren't walking around with machetes chopping peoples' heads off. No, the truth is much more terrible. Turns out, these killer squirrels have the plague, aka, the Black Death, and they can transfer it to humans!!! I always knew squirrels were evil, and this evidence only further proves how right I am in fearing these evil, demonic, Black Death giving creatures...
In other news, I was watching one of my favorite channels, E, and I learned that Paris' jail sentence has been reduced to 23 days! I'm not sure how I feel about that... I have to admit, I'm very curious, I'd like to see how much money she's going to be able to be make from her jail stint. Somehow, every thing she does makes her richer.
Lastly, I'm gonna post another French song, Aupres de Mon Arbre by Georges Brassens. It's one of my favorites, very cool song, hope you enjoy it...
Alas, I don't have video access at work. But I grew up on his songs. My mother used to spend all her time listening to the French manly men (Brassens, Charles Aznavour, Ives Montand, Johny Holliday). She sang along and complained she used to have a beautiful voice before she started smoking.
Now, squirrels are cool. They jump and nibble. I'm willing to look the other way when they bring the plague and destroy the human race.
Lizards, on the other hand, I don't trust.
Please tell me chipmunks are still OK, that they are not evil, black death wielding devils.
When I was in high school, I wrote a research paper on the Plague. I got an A. Guess rats are no longer the feared creatures.
I love Brassens - wonderful songwriter and quick witted artist ! My favorite is "La Mauvaise Réputation" ...:$
Nice lizard picture, I love these animals. But I like squirrels best. And on't tell me they're the same family as rats. I don't trust that.
Sweet picture! Lizards are cool to look at.
Lizards are cute - but the very first time I saw one I picked it up. It bit me and held on. Now I admire them from afar.
As for Paris - it sickens me how the rich get special treatment. She really needs to increase her humility quotient. I kind of feel sorry for her on a certain level, though. With her attitude I don't care how much money she has, she can't possibly be a happy person.The old cliche "money can't buy happiness" is illustrated here. I wonder if she can ever be quiet and still and appreciate nature, another person's smile, or any spiritual aspect of life whatsoever.
People in the Sun: That's so cool about your mom, must've been nice growing up listening to that stuff, for some reason, growing up, we didn't listen much to French music. I remember listening to Mozart... And that's true about squirrels, they are pretty neat, especially flying squirrels, have you ever seen those creatures jump, it's unbelievable!
Mariana: Hmmm, I have yet to reach a decision on chipmunks. I will study them for a couple months and post my verdict on my blog :)
Silver: It's always good to be knowledgeable on the plague! But I don't think there are too many squirrels that carry this disease, doesn't seem all that prevalent... although, squirrels are evil and sneaky, so you never know when they will strike next.
Zhu: I'm gonna go on youtube and listen to the song, I'm not sure I've ever heard it! Honestly, I do think squirrels are cute :) I mean, with those fluffy tails, how can you not love them!
Desiree: Lizards are cool looking, I don't know why, they just are, and some of them have that crazy ability to regrow their tails. I don't know how they do it, but they do, crazy lizard magic or something...
Sonja: Haha, I didn't realize lizards bit people... I always thought they were pretty safe. Although, I wouldn't go near something like a gila monster, I'm not sure if that's a lizard or what, but it sounds like a crazy creature. On Paris, those points you make are so true, I assume there is a level of emptiness in a lot of these celebrities' lives, I dunno, in the end, it is very sad. It's like, all the glitz, glamour, and adoration only serve to obscure the real meaning of life and happiness.
You don't have a problem with squirrels too ? Phew! First, rabbits, and then... Where does it stop ??? WHERE ???
Well, at least you like squirrels.
(It's the 4th time I bump into your blog browsing Blodmad tonight !)
I love him! The lizard that is.
When I was in Thailand there were tons of geckos. They are so cute. One day I accidently shut one in the door -- he was hiding in the crease where the door closes. It was so sad...I cried and cried.
Zhu: 4th time running into my blog on blogmad!?!!! Haha, there is only one word to describe me then: ubiquitous. God I love that word.
Good for me: Glad you like the little guy! Awww, don't you hate that, when you accidently hurt a creature, it's such an awful feeling.
Thanks for visiting my blog Sebastian. I think you just about covered everything in this one post worth covering. Really. I think you can stop blogging now! :)
Seriously I don't think I've ever seen a post cover lizards, plague-ridden squirrels, Paris Hilton and Georges Brassens at once.
Oh ... there was that one other. It was on that crazy blog where the guy told the story of how plague-ridden squirrels were about to attack Georges Brassens but Paris Hilton save the day by hurling a lizard at the squirrels. Or something.
a little (friendly non-deadly ozzie) squirrel told me that you can be pretty evil too.........
I see squirrels jump every time I go outside with the dogs. They take apples from the neighbor's tree, than jump from branch to branch until they reach my tree, go down to the ground and start eating. Then I go out and Ginger bolts down like she's not a senior citizen (over ten-year-old pure breeds tend to take it easy in their old age). But she's never fast enough. The squirrel jumps to the fence and from the fence to a branch and back to the neighbor's apple tree in two seconds. You have to admire that. Then Ginger turns around and looks back at me with the saddest eyes. I don't know if she's ashamed of herself and thinks I'm angry with her for not getting the squirrel or if she's angry with me for not opening the door fast enough.
Dan: Haha, I did kinda jump around from topic to topic, this is true!!! Loved your blog by the way!
Pod: There are non-deadly squirrels? This is news to me! alas, your squirrel friend is probably right, I am kinda evil too, so it all works out in the end :)
People in the Sun: Awww, that's kinda sad. Reminds me of my last dog, when he was older, he couldn't give proper chase to the rabbits in our yard, and it made me feel so sad... Squirrels are entertaining creatures though, very athletic, I'd love to see the Squirrel Olympics, but I think tickets are very expensive.
i know, i know, i know! patterns in nature - they kill me. i was eating a strawberry the other day, and really, who hasn't eaten hundreds of strawberries, but it was the first time i noticed that the seeds are all set within perfect diamond shapes and then grow in straight lines along the berry. wow.
if you haven't read any annie dillard, you gotta. i'm pretty sure i'm going to die of happiness everytime i read what she says about violence in nature.
That's a totally cool lizard. You were wise to take his picture, what with people just saying they saw a lizard to impress me and stuff---you are the realest deal!
I'm not a bit surprized about the death squirrels. The dark side of the cute has long fascinated me. (Another reason I love your art work.)
Are you gonna draw the lizard, maybe with one of the dead scorpions for a side kick? It would be like batman and robin, ony a lizard, and dead.
Why do they let me have internet acess?
My house is very close to Denver City Park, and I can assure you that those squirrels are no danger. However, I heard that a platypus was spotted on the golf course in City Park, and he looked like he was up to something. By the way, Angela is right, Annie Dillard is a great writer.
Angela: YES! About the strawberries, I've totally thought of that too, I was even eating some earlier today... and it's a little overwhelming, the perfect patterns of those seeds. I try not to stare at the poor strawberry too much though, because when I do that, I forget to eat it... Annie Dillard, I have written this author down in my notebook, I will definintely check her work out, thank you for the recommendation!
Taarzaan: Thank you for recognizing my wisdom. I felt it'd be smart to confirm my lizard encounter, especially given the fact that so many wannabes are throwing out stories left and right about how they've seen lizards and everything when really, they haven't, and they do it to impress everybody. It just sickens me, and so I'm forced to use photographic evidence to confirm my own lizard siting. Your idea for a drawing, that sounds marvelous. How bout this, a giant superhero lizard, a couple cute little kids with weaponry, all riding on a scorpion. Yes, yes, I quite like this idea! You will be given credit!
Ian: OMG! What the hell!? Get out of there! You are in the danger zone! Ian, they gotta get a evac chopper to you right away, this is no laughing matter... and to further complicate matters there's a duckbill platypus in your area? Oh. My. GOD!
That's a great lizard! Looks like he can handle himself. You should name it!
i see lizards around my place all the time. i try not to get close to them though. i dont really like lizards.
oh and i love watching E! too. it's embarrassing but i cant help it.
Sebastien, I love patterns in nature too, and things like Mandelbrot fractals.
I also like to believe in karma, so I have reason to hope that Paris will get what she has coming to her one of these days.
As for the evil squirrels...how can we be sure this isn't just some of your evil platypus propaganda?
Patterns like the Fibonacci sequence are everywhere, man. It's like everything is made of math.
And those tiny black eyes betray the true evil of squirrels.
Tara: A name! Of course, I forgot to give him a name... hmmmm, he shall be known as... Leopold! Leopold the Lizard.
Jos: The E channel is addicting. Better not to let anyone know of this addiction, could prove damaging to one's reputation :)
LB: I had no clue as to what Mandelbrot fractals were, and I just looked it up on google, how cool!!! And I know, I know, it's hard to believe anything I say, but this evil squirrel thing is for real! Ian, who's from Denver, can attest to the fact that evil squirrels are walking the streets!
Josh: This whole numbers and nature thing is certainly a stoner worthy topic. And I'm glad that you, too, have pierced through the shades of reality and come to the realization and conclusion that squirrels are evil. Too many people don't understand how evil squirrels are, and at the end of the day, I get a little tired talking about it, because I feel like no one understands. Thankfully, you do!
What a cute little guy/girl lizard.. I would like to name him/her... Izzy The Lizzard...
Hey, It is kind of Stream of consciouness running here & haywire too...I thought cindy lauper was remnicent of lizards, not a paris hilton. & then there is a speck of squirrels in btwn!
That is cool, just like your wonderful artwork!
& not to forget..YOU!
Mona, why am I not surprised to find you in here? :)
because you know that I am fond of eye candy!
SEBASTEIN! Why do you have to be like your parents and choose such a difficult name for your lizard!!
Leopold..LEOPOLD..let me go & check...
Babybull: Izzy, hmm, isn't there a character on Grey's Anatomy with that name? Izzy is a good name. Sticking with I's, I also think Ignacious is a good name.
Mona: Hi there!!!! Haha, there is a bit of craziness at my blog, this is all too true! Cindy Lauper is awesome, never connected her with lizards though, which is an interesting parallel! Thanks for the kind words by the way! You don't like the name Leopold? Am I handicapping that poor lizard with a terrible name... hmmm, Babybull suggested Izzy, we could also name this lizard, well, we could name this lizard 'Brick.' Brick the lizard, a name that implies superior strength and reliability...
Dan: The internet is a small place. It's also a great place to learn about Paris Hilton.
It pains me to say this, but Paris is no dummy. She will figure out a way to benefit from this jail stint one way or another.
Sebastein...TIEn..seba-s-TIE- n...
I guess I wud call her Chammakchallo!!
I have been doing corrections of your name spelling at Dan's blog!
& have parcticed it quite a few times there!
I was wondering...did you create the header for your blog? I like it and makes me think I should do something fancy for mine.
NOOOOOOO! Ignacious sounds like pugnacious!!!
& it is so ...so so...
well..SQUARE sounding!
Give it some 'curves' Man!
Curves & a tail!
PS. Cindy Lauper Wore Live Lizards for a party once[ as a brooch!]
Mrmanuel: We all know she is a mad genius. She plays us all like a fiddle...
Mona: Chammakchallo, love that!!! This is the name of the lizard, from now on, Chammakchallo the lizard! About my name, it is somewhat tricky... People always want to spell it with an -ian instead of -ien... About the name Ignacious, I gotta say, Ignacious is a cool name specifically because it's so square, ya know, when something is soooo square, it becomes cool. That's the rule :) And how fun about Cindy LAuper, wearing live lizards for a brooch, I like that, I like that a lot! I think I will do something similar, but with scorpions...
Gary: Thanks! I came up with that header a while back, tis a little violent of course... I've been thinking of changing it up one of these days, to something a little more cute and cuddly. Sometimes having a simple header is good, but it's nice to experiment!
Please, it puts fhoto of Madeleine in your Bloggue
Missing Madeleine!
Madeleine, MeCann was abduted from Praia da Luz, Portugal on 03/03/07.
If you have any information, please contact Crimestoppers on
0800 555 111
Please Help
Chammakchallo is quite different from lizards out here. Ours are not so decorative. & I have one in my kitchen & it rushes to hide underneath my microwave & no matter how much I bang, it doent come out. But if I steal there quietly, I see it sometimes & then suddenly it darts back again!
I wonder if chammakchallo is sunbathing, or the sun is chammakchalloing in that picture :)
Hey, your art work is great. Is that just sketches? What media? They appear similar to being close to gouche. I guess you have used colored pens. But they are very emotive & expressive & alive. I swas just studying the expression on each 'face' there & each one has something to say, specially that dog in the ear. & that smug little missy with lolly reminds me of ME!... right there in the centre :)
they are indded very telling in themselves. I see that blood is one of your recurrent themes.
Among the great masters, Van Gogh has always been my favourite, & I like picasso's Guernica..it is just too fascinating & powerful with contrasting color scheme!
Have you seen Gauguin?
Hey! the boa constrictor is great & so is that rattle snake [ ?]
I splash some color as an amature hobby & I love to slice knife through oils on canvas. I did some abstracts oil on canvas & some acrylic & mixed media!
You say you have not been well. I hope & pray you have recovered now.
Please send the killer squirrels to Paris Hilton.
Mona: Oh yeah, Chammakchallo is sunbathing... whadda life! Thanks for the compliments about my artwork, I haven't been able to paint since I got sick, it takes a lot of energy. But when I have enough energy, I do little cartoony pencil drawings, which I then ink. Then I scan them in on my pc and I color and re-ink in photoshop. Haha, yes, blood, it is a recurring theme. Ohhhh, I'm soo happy you think the drawings are alive and expressive, that is such a wonderful compliment! Van Gogh, he's one of my favorites, one of the greatest drawers ever in my opinion... soooo talented, so perceptive, he was unbelievable. I'm less a fan of Gaugain though, I'm not really a fan of his work, nor his personality, he seemed like a mean, selfish person... So you paint too!? That's wonderful, painting is such a great outlet, a great way to explore and have fun. Do you have pictures of your work on your blog? And thanks for the well wishes, my illness is frustrating at times, but in life, we can be happy no matter what the circumstances, and I will get better, I just need to rest and I'm positive that with time my body will heal itself.
Wat: This is a very very good idea. Maybe they should send Paris to a jail in Denver...
I never liked squirrels, now I really don't like them! Paris who?
Yes, squirrels are frightening, I'm so happy I was able to enlighten you on this important subject. Imagine, going through life without the knowledge that squirrels are evil!
lol.. love the lizard!!!!
I knew the squirrels couldn't be trusted.
Katie: He is a wonderful lizard. Sometimes he cooks dinner for the whole neighborhood, whadda guy!
John Kaiser: Hi John! Please, keep spreading the news, general awareness of malevolent squirrels is imperative for our survival!
i like squirrels. we have black ones on campus though which is a little creepy...
That's so cool, black squirrels! I've seen them, but it's quite rare, haven't seen many of them.
by the way, I love the lizard photo just crawling along your window!
Chammakchallo is a good friend of mine. It's nice having her visit from time to time.
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