Sunday, January 28, 2007

Leaving the House. Thoughts on the Movie Blood Diamond.

Whew, I'm really tired today, I did a lot of stuff (for me) yesterday.

I finally made it out the house (really!). I went to Borders, I just love wandering about and checking out all the temptations... But hey, I made it out without buying anything! I have certain suspicions that the Borders megacorporation called the CIA to order a hit on me, you know, put a couple of retributory bullets in my brain for not spending a cent in their store yet I still read tons of shit. I'm not scared though. Really, I'm not (can you tell I'm trying to convince myself, I'm really doing a shitty job of soothing my fraying nerves).

Anyways, I also went to a movie with some friends. We saw Blood Diamond, a movie starring a guy I used to call DiCrapio, but he was awesome in this movie, I got so much more respect for him than I did back in the day.

I was a bit worried Blood Diamond might get too preachy, or just be full of cliches... but overall the director did a great job, and the action was stellar, and like I said, DiCaprio was really great, and so were all the other actors. Of course there were some stupid parts, totally Hollywoodized, but hey, you'd have to be an idiot to not expect that sort of stuff!

I haven't seen The Departed, but it seems people are saying DiCaprio was even better in that flick.


Anonymous said...

Have you read the article 'Kitch' by Calimescu? I'm glad that Blood Diamond wasn't full of cliches; it's hard to find a movie nowadays that isn't full of audience-pleasing cliches. Maybe I'll go see it finally.

Anonymous said...

Congrats!!! Sounds like you had a busy, active day. Feels good, doesn't it, like an accomplishment? Going to a bookstore is like medicine...

fringes said...

My current to-see movie list is ridiculously long. I might as well wait for the DVDs. I really want to see The Last King of Scotland. I loves me some Forrest Whitaker.

Tara said...

I was just thinking of DiCaprio today. He was really good as Johnny Depp's little brother in "What's Eating Gilbert Grape?". In fact I'll probably rent that movie again.

Anonymous said...

One day I will enter a Borders wearing my pajamas holding a thermal of coffee and recline on their couch, reading a book I brought in myself. And challange any employee to remove me.

DiCaprio would have made a good elf. I would have eaten his cookies.

Hedy De Vine said...

i haven't seen any of the films nominated for best picture. so sad.

yay for going out! except i stayed in all weekend. now i wanna go see one of those movies.

Anonymous said...

Glad you got out and went to the movies. You absolutely MUST see The Departed! Leo is terrific. I must confess, I have not seen Blood Diamond. I will though. Maybe next weekend.

Nikki Neurotic said...

A lot of people tend to think that DiCaprio is just some teen heart throb from back in the day...and not really a good actor...but the truth is is that he's always been a good actor (see The Basketball Diaries), it's just that for the longest time he ended up in movies like Romeo and Juliet and Titanic where it just seems that he was a pretty boy actor not worth much. Now finally he's starting to get more complicated roles and showing his skills and finally getting the credit that is long deserved.

M said...

Hey, glad to hear you're getting out of the house a bit and enjoying yourself! :)

MrManuel said...

He is amazing in the Departed. Absolutely amazing. Haven't seen Blood Diamond yet, but I intend to when it comes on DVD.

Cassandra said...

You left Border's without buying anything? You're a stronger man than I. Of course, I'm not a man. But I can't leave a book store without buying a book. Usually about 5 books. It's the special price books that get me everytime. Bastards, they know my weakness.
Does DiCraprio look like a man yet instead of a 12 year old boy?

Anonymous said...

am going to watch blood diamond this saturday. just hope it's good. well, at least i heard it was good.

and you manage to go to a bookstore without getting anything? man, you must be good. every time i go into one, i come out with less money than i came in.. the temptation's too much for me apparently..

WAT said...

I'll wait till "Blood Diamond" hits DVD. As for "The Departed", I may just haul my skinny ass to the theater. It sounds real good from everything I've been hearing and reading. Leo has truly grown into a fine fine actor. And not bad looking either, although kind of odd on the eyes at times.

He is destined for Oscar gold someday. Maybe not this year though.

Christine and FAZ said...

I normally hate films about Africa as I find them so depressing but I thought Blood Diamond was excellent. It managed to combine a good thriller with a relevant issue whilst still leaving me believing that the problems in Africa are not insurmoutable. Hats of to the writer, director and cast.

Sebastien Millon said...

Frenchy: Haven't read it. Did you send it to me? You should consider seeing it, not sure my friends liked it as much as I did.

Sonja: Oh yeah, the bookstore is one of my favorite places!

Fringes: That's a movie I want to see! I don't have enough time to see all these movies, there're so many good ones too.

Tara: That's true, he was really good in that. I saw that movie on tv a while back.

Omninaif: Haha, Dicaprio would have made for a great elf! That is a great idea for Borders, threaten them with lawsuits if they try to kick you out!

Hedy: Go see some movies! Seems like there's too many good ones though...

Glorious: I will make sure to see the Departed, first thing once it's out on DVD.

Silver: You are so right. He has a ton of talent, and he really did a superb job in the film.

Mariana: Thanks Mariana! Yeah, it is so wonderful to just get out every once in a while. And hopefully it's going to just become more and more often!

Mrmanuel: Ok, I am dying to see the Departed! Everyone is raving about it.

Babs: I might be a stronger man than you, but I am also a marked man now. Yes, Dicaprio still looks exceedingly young...

Jos: Hey Jos! Well you know, most times I'm not strong and must cave in to the temptation!

WAT: He's definitely going to get an oscar one of these years. It's true, there is something about his face, and maybe it is his eyes, kinda odd looking.

Faz: Yeah! Exactly my sentiments! Sometimes the moralizing in the films gets a little too heavy handed, but I thought it was ok, not too too bad.

Lauren Brazeal said...

Yay!!! I know you must be so excited to finally be getting out more...and I hope you aren't paying for it too much today.

BTW- I'm mailing you that copy of Folio sometime this week. Lemme know if it doesn't arrive.

Mrs. Hairy Woman said...

My my my you are the busy reading beaver now now the platypus..not spending any money in a big ass box store is a challenge..glad you enjoyed the movie.. I shall wait till it comes out on DVD...

Sebastien Millon said...

Lauren: Awesome, I'm looking forward to receiving the copy, thanks again! Yeah, it kinda sucks, I did feel way tired from doing all that stuff, but it's ok, it was worth it.

Babybull: Yes, it's so difficult not spending money in those stores, I usually do!

Sky said...

I enjoyed Blood Diamond too. The Departed didn't really do it for me, but I seem to be the minority with that opinion. While we're on the subject of DiCaprio, I recently saw him in "This Boy's Life", which is a really old movie, but it was quite good. You should check it out.

Sebastien Millon said...

Hey Sky! Aw, too bad about the Departed... I've never heard of This Boy's Life, but I'll try and check it out. Thanks!