Saturday, October 24, 2009

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Cut Out Bear, Now Headless.

Look. I hate to be the bearer (excuse the pun) of bad news, but cut out bear no longer has a head. His head, was, cut off...

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Monday, October 19, 2009

The Lion's Roar

Lion's roar wasn't so impressive. But we told him it was scary and impressive because we don't want him to feel discouraged. We're thoughtful like that.

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Saturday, October 17, 2009

Curiosity Killed the Bear

Ok, this is a sad one. And I've been doing too much bear stuff lately, I will finish up the alphabet and diversify, you know, maybe make some drawings about rabbits and lions and duckbill platypuses.

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Friday, October 16, 2009

Your Advice, Please

Hi guys, hoping to get a little advice from you. If I were to make this image into a shirt, do you have any things you'd like to see changed, added, removed, colors changed, words changed, lines done in a different way, the bear in a different position, etc, etc... Right now I'm thinking of having this image printed on a white t-shirt. I'm happy to hear any sort of idea, or ideas for other shirts as well. And even if you say you love this image, don't worry, I won't consider it a binding agreement that you will have to buy the shirt :)

Whatever you say, don't worry, I take criticism very well (uh, that's what I say, but please don't ask the victims of my insane anger about my ability to take criticism).

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Little Boy and Lion Go Tagging

Little boy and Lion were feeling a little sad the other day. So they decided to go vandalize some public property, and just like that, they felt all better!!!

Nothing cures the blues like a little bit of vandalizing.

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Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Boxing Bear

Boxing bear trains all the time. He doesn't lack confidence, but he is not very dangerous and not an effective boxer. But I tell him that he is talented and a great boxer... I like to humor him and soothe his ego.

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Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Sunday, October 11, 2009

The Inner Light

This drawing is titled "The Inner Light." We all have an inner light, but sometimes it's good to take your head off to double check and make sure the light is still there.

And I need to mention that this drawing is kind of similar (but not quite so super) to some of Luke Chueh's work. He is awesome, does lots of paintings with bears, so obviously he is great!!! I think many of you will really enjoy his work.

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Saturday, October 10, 2009

L'ours Boxeur!

Hello friends! I hope you are all having a splendid holiday weekend.

This drawing features L'ours Boxeur. "L'ours Boxeur" translates to "Boxing Bear" in English. Every day you stick with me, you learn something new ;)

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Friday, October 09, 2009

Je Mange Les Petits Enfants

Hello. This French bear eats children.

Not only do I give you sketches and drawings, but I'm helping you learn lots of stuff, like French and the alphabet. Yay!

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Fight Night!

I was watching one of the Rocky movies the other day, and it reminded me that I wanted to make a series of drawings featuring boxing bears. Probably an idea I will keep developing...

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Thursday, October 08, 2009

Lightning Bear T-shirts Now Available!

Yo peeps! I'm so excited. Just got these t-shirts printed of lightning bear. They are high quality silk screen prints on quality hanes t-shirts. Sizes I have are small, medium, large, and XL. If interested feel free to contact me at, or pick one up at my etsy shop. Prices are $18 plus $5 for shipping. I will also try and set up an etsy shop in the near future. Will be doing more shirts and hopefully get around to making some limited edition prints!

You totally need to subscribe to my site. Seriously.

Sunday, October 04, 2009

Circus Fun!

I have an idea: let's all join the circus and play with giant bears and fire!

My career advice trends towards circus careers (which is why I am a popular college career adviser!).

You totally need to subscribe to my site. Seriously.

Friday, October 02, 2009


This drawing is certainly inspired by something. Probably Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. There's nothing quite so satisfying as ripping off another person's idea.

But believe it or not, the event in this drawing has happened to me before. Medical fact. Google it.

Anyways, there is a moral to this story: eat more chocolate.

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Thursday, October 01, 2009