Here are some quotes about monsters that I found. After each quote I include my thoughts. I'm very perceptive and have lots of insight, so read this post, you will learn soooo much!
"He who fights with monsters might take care lest he thereby become a monster. And if you gaze for long into an abyss, the abyss gazes also into you." Frederich Nietzsche
Oh, gotta love that Nietzsche quote, I'm sure he's being serious but it makes me laugh. Woohoo, lets fight monsters and become monsters ourselves, what a kickass deal! I'm gonna go find some zombies and vampires right now. And that part about the abyss, that sounded pretty deep and mind blowing but ultimately the abyss is my bitch so it doesn't scare me.
"Adversity makes men, and prosperity makes monsters." Victor Hugo
I think Hugo is trying to say that prosperity makes you fat and lazy, and evil too (although I do think being evil is pretty super). Wait a sec, I may have misinterpreted the quote... maybe Hugo means that prosperity turns you into a crazy cool monster, maybe like Cerberus or something hilariously frightening of that nature... Either way, I can't wait to be prosperous.
"There are very few monsters who warrant the fear we have of them." Andre Gide
Bullshit. All monsters warrant the fear we have of them. Gide obviously never came across a duckbill platypus, he would certainly have had a change of heart (a heart that would have been gleefully ripped out by the duckbill platypus, hence the necessity for a change of heart, ie heart transplant).
"Fantasy, abandoned by reason, produces impossible monsters; united with it, she is the mother of the arts and the origin of marvels." Francisco Goya
Uh, I disagree. Impossible monsters are the coolest and most marvelous of the marvelous. Goya, you overestimate reason and underestimate the coolness of craziness my friend...
"Ignorance breeds monsters to fill up the vacancies of the soul that are unoccupied by the verities of knowledge." Horace Mann
You, Horace Mann, are knowledge's bitch. We all know knowledge can be good but it is not the ultimate good. The ultimate good is, well, can you guess it? Why, crazy monsters of course! Hooray for ignorance and monsters!
"Everyone carries around his own monsters." Richard Pryor
I enjoy carrying my monsters around in a Prada handbag. I loooove the stitching...
"I am able to play monsters well. I understand monsters." Anthony Hopkins
I don't like playing with monsters. They steal my lunch then beat me up. I think the animosity between the monsters and me is due to a lack of communication. We need to polish off a couple of tequila bottles and really bond, then we'll be cool.
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Seb- I have news for you. BIG NEWS:
Your memory is a monster; you forget - it doesn't. It simply files things away. It keeps things for you, or hides things from you - and summons them to your recall with a will of its own. You think you have a memory; but it has you!
John Irving
How about Monsters anyway you've been tagged...
You've been tagged... again. : )
Those were really cool! I like the movie Little Monsters!
Monsters, Inc, now there's a classic and awesome movie.
I take comfort in the words of Brother Theodore:" I have stood on the edge of thre abyss; I have stared into the void, and the void has stared back into me---and neither one of us liked what we saw".
Whenever you want to do the tequila thing, I'm game.
So sorry, but Sesame Street has forever taken the power away from the word monster for me.
Q: What green on the outside, pink on the inside, has yellow dots on his toes and fourteen legs, lives on a tree, and eats quarters?
A: A monster.
Schwarzenegger, he of "Why am I talking to you, when I could be at home doing something much more dangerous, like re-arranging my socks drawer" would be proud of you.
Helen: That was wonderful! More red pandas, this is what the world needs!
Moonbeam baby: Good quote. Memory is a monster and it eats me up like a good piece of cheese...
Babybull: I gotta see that movie!
Mrmanuel: Hey, I've never heard of that one...
Frenchy: I gotta gotta see it!
Taarzaan: Oh yeah, tequila, tequila, it is the magic goodness that makes life good. Am I right?
Fringes: Big Bird is a stoner and the Snuffleupagous is a right wing paratrooper. They're crazy.
People in the Sun: That was mind blowing! But truly, monsters are everywhere and take all shapes and forms, for instance, take this coffee mug in front of me, ahhhhh it's attacking me as I write!!!
Mariana: Haha!!
wait? you haven't seen that movie?!? Oh my. this needs to be remedied, and soon.
Yes! Let's remedy this situation!
I always liked the monsters in the book "Where the Wild Things Are".
"Let the wild rumpus begin"...
Where the Wild Things Are, hmmm, never heard of it...
"the abyss is my bitch"
t'es cool!
Haha, merci!
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