Might be using this image for a future tshirt. Of course any design ideas or suggestions are always welcome. And don't worry, I'm working on the lightning girl image as we speak :)
Spanish fire bear tshirts are going to be ready soon! woohoo!
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Lightning Boy looks quite crazed...I believe he will electro-cute me :-D
I agree, he is cute before being electro.
The whole story is in his eyes.
Even the look in his eyes is rather *Shocking*..
Hey, I like the lighting dispenser in LB's head. Bioluminence has come a long way since the lightning bugs in the park.
I really like the glass dome on his head. Where can I get one of those?
Lightening Boy looks dangerous. I will not cross him.
Laura: He is crazed!!! muhahaha
Zhu: Thanks zhu :)
Gary: So true.
Mrs Hairy Woman: He has seen the 'light', er, 'lightning'
Jeaux: That's why it's good to live in this era.
Tara: Ebay should have many available glass lightning domes.
Thhis was great to read
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