This first one is a birthday card, image on the left is the front and the image on the right would be on the inside.

These next two are postcard designs. I'm doing a series of these, currently working on San Francisco, Paris, and Detroit. Let me know if you want me to do one of your city :)

Drinky coyote! That's great!
Keep creating my friend, keep creating!!!!!!
I shiver before your ever expanding empire. What power...
Oooohhh...can you do Looosss Anguleeesss?
These are great, man, good job!
I love them all! Very excited about the postcard designs. Of course, I love the Arizona one, especially.
The Phoenix one is just awesome! This is a great idea, your art totally fits cards.
Great idea to do postcards, I really hope to buy one of those in a brick-and-mortar store someday.
This is a fantastic idea. I'm looking forward to getting your cards for sure.
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