The drawing pictured above depicts a spaceship adventure I went on. It all happened back in 1985. Let me tell you about it...
I was 3 years old at the time. I had saved up some money, and luckily enough, I was able to buy the spaceship that you see in this picture for only $1,257. It was a great deal. The ship even came with cupholders and 60 kilos of tequila. I even think the tequila was Jose Cuervo Gold. My favorite.
I was excited, I was the proud new owner of a wonderful spacecraft, but I had a problem. I didn't know how to fly my new spaceship.
Later that night, I was drinking at my local bar when I started talking to the polar bear sitting next to me (to be more accurate, he was slumped over the table, his eyes half-closed, with his snout lazily resting in his beer mug). Turns out, he was a pilot, and he was looking for work. What a coincidence! I hired the polar bear on the spot, he would now be in charge of flying my spacecraft.
The polar bear and I left the bar in high spirits. Although, once outside, the polar bear momentarily panicked, and frantically ran back into the bar. Two minutes later he emerged from the bar with a massive grin of relief and joy eating up his face, and his huge furry paw now clasped a small ziploc bag full of white powder.
The polar bear and I settled down on a nearby park bench. While he was fumbling around with the powder, doing god knows what, I proceeded to call all my friends and invite them for a spaceship adventure. Most agreed to come along for the ride.
The next day we took off, and the first few days were marvelous, the polar bear was a great pilot, and we had great fun exploring the universe. Everything was going well, but bad luck would strike. It happened in the blink of an eye, and before we knew what was going on the drunk polar bear had lost control of the spaceship and crashed us into a wheat field full of crows.
My friends and I slowly crawled out from the wreckage. Fortunately no one was hurt. We examined the craft, and realized it was now in serious need of repairs. The crows, who had seen this crash take place, slowly approached us... they seemed pretty nice, and even offered to help us, telling us they'd fix the mangled spacecraft.
We agreed to let the crows fix our ship. So, the crows took the ship, and dragged it out beyond a field of sunflowers where they had told us their repair shop was located. They said they'd be back in a day or so with the spaceship fully repaired. Unfortunately, we never saw the crows, nor my spaceship, ever again. Nor the tequila, for that matter...
was I born yet?
you weren't trying to avoid me, were you?
by the way, I like this one a lot. and especially that it's 1985.
If you hadn't all been so intoxicated this story may have had an happy ending.
Let this be a lesson to us all.
At three years of age you were drinking Tequila and even had a favorite brand??? Pfff, what a sucker. I wouldn't touch a drop of the stuff at that age, no, only whiskey for me, thank you very much. That's what I used to say to the lady in kindergarten when she tried to pour me some milk, BTW. I used to say: Only whiskey for me, thank you very much.
Ahh, so that's how the first crop circle was created...from the crash due to the drunk-driving polar bear. It all makes sense now. ;)
Hey, thanks for leaving a comment on my newest calendar posting! There were technical difficulties while I was posting it, and the comments for that posting vanished. >:( Don't know why. But thank you for the comment! I recreated the whole post, though.
Love your drawing !
I saw a comment from you on another blog, I saw the light, followed the link and here I am !
Be back for more reading...
Frenchy: Haha, no, and no. You were born shortly thereafter. Fortunately, I bought a new ship shortly afterwards and you joined me on many adventures, remember!?
Akman- It does! And drunk polar bear is a very dangerous dangerous character, further proving that one should never drink and drive.
Mariana: You were wise beyond your years. Very wise. I remember some crazy foreigner once told me whiskey is the drink of the jedi knight... haha!
Tara: Oh no, my comment disappeared in the blogger monster!!! Shoot... Drunk driving polar bears are behind a lot of things in this world!
Zhu: Aww, thank you! So nice of you to drop on by, hope to see you again soon, will be visiting your blog :)
Hmm...I sense a crow theme here. Did you know that Jose Cuervo means "Joe Crow" in Spanish? That's probably why the crows appeared at the end. They are so vain and a liquor named after them would be irresistible to their egos.
haha, yes. I recall an investigation into why polar bears like to get so drunk. too bad we never found the answer...I think we got distracted along the way by those unreliable crows.
3 years old and drinking Tequila. Those where the days...
Sonja: Ah, yes, Joe Crow, that makes sense, I never even thought of that! I didn't realize they were such vain creatures, but now I know! Plus, that's probably why they stole the spaceship, they wanted their liquor back...
Frenchy: Why polar bears like to get drunk? One of life's mysteries, unfortunately, there is little prospect that the answer will ever be revealed.
Battlerocker: I know. Now we are old and jaded, and prefer whiskey on the rocks...
Ooh...I love this. Very cool blog, fantastic illustrations. I'm glad you came over and checked me out.
you're funny. why is there always blood in your drawings?
I think you should put all your little friends into a comic strip...and call it monster planet or something...
they are all wonderful little critters!
There's a chainsaw in this picture! It makes me happy.
It's been so long since I've been by your blog and many others. I'm going to do some catching up on Seb's life because I love the insanity of your artwork and your adventures!
And regarding your comment... I would imagine eye stuff would be very scary to an artist. Just don't be like me, go to the doc if you have any issues with those peepers! They can fix the stuff if caught early.
F$#^#%#y7$^%%^$@&@&f word verification for the blind doesn't work well.
you're just a little bit silly, aren't you? yes, yes you are.
cool story.. I like the drawing.. it pretty much gives you an idea what the story is going to be about..Have you ever thought about publishing this stuff?
Wow, at that age you drew better than I draw at this age, even after a degree in Art.
Jessica: Awww, thank you!
Good for Me: That's a very very good question... I'm not a really morbid person, but I kinda like that hint of death...
Shaymus: Haha, thanks Shaymus, maybe some day, when I'm healthy and I can do more work!
Babs: Babs!!! You can see! I had to do word verif because of spamming... I'm so happy you enjoy the chainsaw, I know you like chainsaws haha!
Lisa: Totally silly, haha!
Babybull: Thank you! Hmmm, publishing, haven't thought about it, maybe someday if I can really work on this style and ideas and come up with stuff people really enjoy, but for now, I do this whenever my body grants me the energy to draw and just for fun!
Sir Jorge: Hehe, thanks Jorge, I was an engineer for NASA back when I was 3, so I drew up lots of aircraft plans back in the day...
lol.. you were born talented!
Nothing ever happens in my life like that. My life is so boring! So Boring. I want a spaceship. I want a polar bear. I want tequila. I want powder. No! Scrap that last one, drugs are for mugs.
Sebastien, do you do drawings on request? I want one. I want a cartoon drawing for my blog. I do. I want.
No, really, do you?
3 years old in 1985! I WAS...NEVERMIND!
Anyway, love the guy in the goggles and scarf the best. AHAHAHAHAHAH! Purty f*cking cool.
I love pink elephants!!! First time I met one, I felt in love wit it at first sight...
Katie: You are too kind, you are very talented yourself ya know!!!
Princesse Ecossaise: Hahaha, you make me laugh! Princesse, I would love to make a drawing for you, I can't promise one soon, my productivity is pretty limited and sporadic... but as soon as I can, I will send you a drawing, somehow Scottish/French themed if you'd like, let me know if there are any creatures in particular you'd like to have in a drawing!!!
WAT: Haha, thanks buddy! Nothing beats flying a spaceship while high off tequila. Nothing.
Searabbit: Pink elephants are cute cuddly creatures, and they have very good memories. I'm glad to hear they roam your neck of the woods!
Ohhh Sebastien you have made my day!!!!
I want a frog and a highland cow and a thistle!
And then just use your wonderful imagination.
Don't worry, even if it takes two years, that's okay. I will no doubt still be here. Sitting at my little laptop.
(grrr every time I try to post a comment here I have to fill out the damn word verification 5 times! Even though I know I'm doing it right)
this post explains everything to me..I was having sex with this bartender out in the middle of this corn field..when this space ship crashed right on top of us..kilt the bartender and scarred me so bad..I haven't had sex now I have someone to blame for my cobwebs...
Princesse Ecossaise: Yay!!! that sounds fun, I will try and do it as soon as possible! Might be a little while, we'll see... oh, I had to turn the verification thingy back on, stupid spam comments about viagra and god knows what, were starting to drive me insane!!!
Yellowdog Granny: I'm sooooo sorry. How rude of the drunk polar bear to crash into and kill your bartender. Polar bear is in jail right now, stuck in there on other charges (drug-related), but he says he's sorry about the unfortunate death he caused...
Dirty stinkin' crows... you just can't trust them. Never loan them any money--- they won't pay it back.
BTW: Love the spaceShark! I wonder where he got the book?
Haha, he stole it from the library!!! He's sneaky like that.
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