I went to the theater yesterday to see the movie Grindhouse. Honestly, I had zero expectations... believe it or not, I don't like all of Tarantino's movies, I mean, sure, I love Pulp Fiction, Jackie Brown, Reservoir Dogs, but I never really got into the Kill Bill movies. I don't know why, I would've thought they were right up my alley, but instead they just kinda bored me.
Anyways, Grindhouse was amazing! It was thrilling, exciting, just a blast to watch, I don't think I've ever been as entertained by a movie as I was by this one.
Basically it's two movies in one, the first part is a film directed by Robert Rodriguez, it's called Planet Terror. The opening scene takes place at a dance club and showcases the lovely Rose McGowan go-go dancing, certainly an auspicious beginning! So, the film is pretty much just a crazy zombie movie... the action is great, tons of crazy stuff happening... super extreme violence, which really didn't bother me because it's so overdone that the violence loses most of its usual meaning. And the film is really crisp, seamless, suspenseful, atmospheric, the dialogue is fun and great, the characters are wonderfully crazy and stylized... Weird stuff happens, like Rose McGowan's character loses a leg and gets a super-gun screwed in to take the place of her leg... did I mention that there are lots of needles in this movie, one attractive lady doctor has a reserve of needles which she wields like a carnival knife thrower. Cool. The film is just superb, the violence, visuals, humor, execution of the scenes, dialogue, it just doesn't get more perfect and fun than this.
The second film is directed by Quentin Tarantino and it's called Death Proof. After Rodriguez's film, I was doubtful this second part would be as good. Death Proof was different in style and content, but it was every bit as good! This movie involves young attractive women, a pyscho serial killer who kills young attractive women with his car, and car chases with said young attractive women and psycho serial killer, and constant references to the movie Vanishing Point, which I've never heard of... Anyways, Tarantino's film is less cartoony and less stylized than Rodriguez's film, and it's a little more focused on dialogue and not as visually stunning or violent in comparison to the Rodriguez flick, but it's just as cool and exciting... although, if forced to choose, I have to say Planet Terror was my favorite of the two films.
These films spoof tons of older films and are very silly but the spoofing and silliness never manage to overshadow the action, story, and atmosphere of the films. It's hard to be original and stick with your story when you are constantly spoofing crazy shit, sometimes a story loses all sense of meaning when that happens, but that never happens with these films, they are just too fresh, crazy, and fun!
And the craziest thing is that these films are so damn funny! I wish I could tell you about the end of Death Proof, I laughed so hard...
These movies have everything going for them, they are funny, filled with beautiful action, great dialogue (which would seem weird because it's very B movieish), awesome suspense and atmosphere, I mean, it's all good, all around! and to see these flicks back to back, how awesome is that, they work so well together.
I guess all I can say is that the film was masterful, absolutely positively masterful. Definitely one of my favorite films ever!
What a description! I don't know that I would be able to watch those movies in the theater--but, based on your review, maybe I'll have to make it a netflix rental priority.
Glad you enjoyed them!
A hot chick with a super-gun screwed on leg... as Paris Hilton would have once said... that's hot!
Fantastic description! I have to see it. I also wish I could see 300 but my husband will only watch Babe-like movies (as in the little pig called babe, not super hots babes.)
I've been wondering about this movie... it sounds really interesting.
(\ /)
(> <)
Happy Easter!
P.S. - Suns 115, Lakers 107 (Yay!)
I saw it Friday night and liked it. However, it wasn't my favorite by far from each director. I will have a review up later today too. Glad you liked it.
definitely an awesome movie. I really liked being able to see two different movies by such talented directors one after the other. Made for an interesting comparison, and an amazing movie. So much fun to watch and actually very funny at times.
I like how Tarantino maintains his experimentative curiosity. I saw the trailers last thursday, while waiting for 300.
ps: a belated happy easter to you!
thanks for an honest and descriptive review. i don't think i could sit for that long (sore back = ouch), but i'll definitely viddy it up when it's out on DVD.
Tarantino always has a warped perception of any movie he makes.. I liked the "Kill Bill" series.. It sounds like a movie that I will rent when it comes to DVD.. I won't waste money on tickets... Not when I can rent for a mere $2.50...I look forward to seeing it then..
This is probably a movie I'll reserve for a DVD day, but I am interested. The "Kill Bill" movies had some drawn out sequences that lasted too long. I was bored with some of those. But I did like the story and the anime parts too. And of course the music.
It's three hours tho. Hmmm...we'll c if I brave the theater or just leave it to DVD.
I could never get into movies like that. I really never liked violent movies...even in Forrest Gump (which I love) I dread the Viet Nam section which is really tame compared to most other movies!
They shot much of it here in Austin (we see Roberto all the time around here).
I gotta recommend another "shot in Austin" flick--Idiocracy.
Roberto: Yeah, you should check it out, although I know you aren't much into the horror movie genre!
Bice: Haha, sooooo true! Gotta love Paris...
Mariana: Thanks! Oh, you should trick your husband and tell him Grindhouse is a movie about penguins or something cute like that :)
Moonbeam Baby: I hope you had a Happy Easter :) Oh yeah, Suns won, hopefully we can keep the 2nd seed!
Mrmanuel: I'm going to swing on over to your site and check out your review, can't wait to see what you have to say.
Frenchy: I was so happy to hear that you liked it! I know the violent stuff isn't always your favorite...
Anastasia: I hope you had a happy Easter! Did you enjoy 300? The thing that's cool about Tarantino is you know he's a film geek and he lives for movies, that's ALL he's about...
Lisa: Yeah, I was sore from sitting for so long, but the time just flew by.
Babybull: Hope you will enjoy it when you see it, I know going to the theater is expensive but really, I always love the experience and I have rarely gotten out this past year or so it's a nice opportunity...
Tara: The music is always good in Tarantino movies!
WAT: You gotta see it! But yeah, it is super long.
Silver: I understand completely. Even I got queasy with that scene in Forrest Gump and what's his face loses his legs, ahhh, made me so sad.
Taarzaan: Really? That's sooo cool! Idiocracy, check, I will try and rent it.
That sounds like some movie!
Haha, it sure was, certainly didn't leave anything to be desired!
I enjoyed your post. I have to admit I am not a Tarentino fan. I'm not into violent movies.
I am being just a little hypocritical here. I do like Total Recall, Demolition Man, Blown Away, Diva, and I'm sure several other older violent flicks. But I guess I haven't watched any new ones lately.
Actually that last post was by Sonja. I cut off the rest of my name by mistake!!!
I love Total Recall and Demolition Man, haven't seen the other two. They're both very B-movieish. Hmmm, yeah, I'm torn on violence in films. I mean, I'm not sure how I'd feel if I had kids and they saw these sorts of movies.
I'm anxious to see this. Then again, I'm anxious to see most things Rose McGowan is in.
Hey Battlerocker, long time no see! Oh yes, you will certainly like this movie if you like Rose McGowan...
Awesome review! I can't wait to see these now. I mean...Rose McGowan with a machine gun leg? It can't get any better than THAT.
Thanks! Hope you get to see the movie soon :) be interested to hear what you think!
I'm glad to see that we are not the only one who didn't get into the Kill Bill stuff... as you, we appreciated the others... but those two... really not...
Thanks for this review, I think we will go to the movie theater tonight.. ;-)
i've really been looking forward to this film.........thanks for the review,man.....and how the hell are ya?!........
Searabbit: Hi, thanks for stopping by! Hope you enjoy Grindhouse, it is murderificly glorious!
Stak: Doin ok, had a rough period, thanks for asking! Hope you get a chance to see the flick and I have no doubts you are going to enjoy this one!
Something strange went on here, i was more enamored with your word choice than what you were actually saying! Um, you have a beautiful style of writing, made evn more enjoyable given what you were writing about!
Go well mate,
First off, thanks for stopping by my blog, and secondly, thank you so much for the kind words!!!!
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