Posted this on my facebook account a little while ago. Another drawing with floating kids!
And it really is true. If you think hard enough, I mean super focus 5000, you will be able to float. And even make a giraffe appear if you think about that hard enough, but the giraffe is like the icing on the cake! Floating is the be all end all in my eyes.
I'm going to work on more drawings with Giraffes :) Will also do some drawings of fire-breathing hummingbirds, an idea thought up by the most amazing Laura. Like I told her, add fire and flames to anything, and it is automatically one hundred times better!
I think floating is the end all and be all in my eyes too. I see those floating kids and I am pretty sure I can be one. I need to learn to focus! I lack focus!
I like the thought of seeing more giraffes. And hummingbirds...lance-flammes.
Lance-flammes hummingbirds, coming to getcha!
Ha! I love this idea. Great drawings BTW.
I came from laura b's. Your statement about burning down your house told me you had a good sense of humor, so I had to check it out.
Seems you have a great imagination too.
Welcome Ananda Girl, and thanks for the visit and kind words!
Seriously though, I did burn down the house. Good lesson that taught me that fire isn't always a good thing. Ok, that's a lie, fire is ALWAYS a good thing. You just gotta minimize the collateral damage when you play with it!
That giraffe looks hella hilarious and odd. Are you on the herb Seb? Do ya smoke weed buddy? If you do, I can see it in yer drawings and fantastic adventures described, but if not, it could surely expand your horizons into true epic artistry!
I think I myself have a bit of that THC still in my system from last night. LOL!
Hey Sebestien! Thanks for putting me on your links. :)
Crap! Typo on your name... ooops. Sorry. Caught it too late.
WAT: Hehe, so glad you got a kick out of the giraffe! I don't smoke, but if they legalize here, I would consider growing :)
Ananda: Of course! I'm really enjoying your posts :)
I tried, I have yet to float. Boo!
I tried really hard but I couldn't float. I think it is because I just ate... I saw a giraffe though.
Flames and sparks always add a bit of excitement!
I'll have to watch out for floating children and giraffes on the way home... not sure I would notice them though. They may just look like clouds and chimneys in my drive-home daze!
That's one wonderful giraffe though!
Mrmanuel: Maybe need to do some LSD, that could help :)
Zhu: Yes! You are half-way there. I guess you could also try some LSD, hehe...
Daffy: Giraffe says thank you! Floating kids and creatures are ubiquitous, please be careful.
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