Hey, I love the new header. You have posted quite a bit since I last visited. What the hell have I been doing that is more important than catching up on your fantastic blog? Damn everyday life!
Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to post comments. If you are interested in commissioning art work or anything else, you can contact me at sebreg@aol.com
I feel both smarterer and more amus-ed already. Thanks Sebastien! Thanks Fransh ursa!
Ha ha ha! Fermer votre bouche quand vous mangez l'ours!
I'm happy that I could understand that before reading the English translation. I guess I remember some of my schooling! Hehe.
Those kids are about to be devoured and they still have cheerful smiles. Very positive. That bear is going to have to floss, though.
Laura: I had a feeling you would enjoy or French ursine buddy, hehe
Ananda Girl: Vous avez raison!!!!
Tara: hahahha, you are right, I hope he flosses. Bad hygiene is really disturbing.
Hey, I love the new header. You have posted quite a bit since I last visited. What the hell have I been doing that is more important than catching up on your fantastic blog? Damn everyday life!
I love your pics and now gots to get me a tee!
Thanks so much Gary! I've been feeling better the past couple of weeks and have been able to draw more, woohoo :)
I think you should focus on more important things than work and social life, namely, the internet :)
Can't wait for you to get the t-shirt, hope you enjoy it!
This made me giggle :)
Thanks Sin Mistress and thanks for stopping by!!!
And here I see you write French!
Yes, French is my first language, hihi... but my English is way better now.
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