This image might not come out so clear because of its width (if you click on the image I think you will get better quality). Basically one bear's skull is exploding due to high caliber gun shots to the head. Stars are bursting out of his head.
I like to think of this drawing as Sergio Leone meets the Care Bears meets the Victorian age.
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Oh dear. Well at least Sir Growlsalot went down in a blaze of starry glory. RIP. *Takes own bowler hat off in a moment of silence*
Hey, don't enter into a duel if you aren't prepared for the consequences. It is a matter of honor. And maybe honey.
A proper "duel" between bears - who slept with which female bear?
At least it was quick!
Tara: Haha, that is a fantastic name! can I use that at some point in the future? sir growlsalot, hehe...
Laura: Honey.
Zhu: These things are always so sordid!
Silverneurotic: That's what she said! haha, come on, I couldn't resist :)
Very cool.. Love the stars..
Thank you! I'm seeing stars...
He was a lover, not a fighter.
Alas, the romantic is always at a disadvantage in a duel :(
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