Sunday, December 31, 2006

Happy New Year! and I Lost My Contact in My Eye

Happy New Year everybody! Hope you are starting the new year off with a blast.

Unfortunately I think I may be starting off the new year on a bad note. I think my contact is lost in my eye. I don't think I washed it out, but I don't feel it in my eye either... I think I need to see the eye doctor as soon as I can (although I don't think this situation is all that serious or dangerous to my eye). I'm not panicking, not panicking, ok, I'm kinda panicking... it's my good eye too, my dominant eye, my other eye has really poor vision. Well, I needed to see the eye doctor anyways...

In terms of being optimistic, at least I wasn't stung by a scorpion today. Nor is my contact a necrophagous organism, so at least that's another good thing I can be thankful for. Necrophagous organisms suck.


Anonymous said...

I asked my wife, who is a surgical nurse and she says not to panic...eye drops and keep rolling your could be up there but most likely fallen out....

Mariana said...

Wow, I had no idea contact lenses were so comfortable you could lose them in your eye and feel no discomfort! I'm glad the surgical nurse said it's nothing serious.

Lauren Brazeal said...

Don't panic. Your contact most likely fell out if you can't feel it up there. I've lost my contacts in my eyes before and it's super uncomfortable, so if you don't feel anything, it's most likely not there.

Katie McKenna said...

lol.. I agree with Lauren. I've lost mine in my eye as well.. if it hurts - it's still in there. If you don't feel anything - no worries!

Happy New Year!

Nikki Neurotic said...

Perhaps its stuck behind your eyelid. It happened to me once or twice when I work contacts.

Sebastien Millon said...

Shaymus: Thanks Shaymus! That helped reassure me!

Mariana: Hehe, yeah, I'm pretty sure it's not in there anymore, but I'm not sure.

Lauren: Yeah, most likely, whew, I'm less nervous now.

Katie: Cool, this is great! I'm not gonna die from this contact lens!

Silverneurotic: Oh shit, maybe it will kill me!

Anonymous said...

> at least I wasn't stung by a scorpion

Well, tomorrow's a new day.

Mrs. Hairy Woman said...

I don't wear contacts.. Cause I don't like sticking my finger in my eye..I wear normal glasses..what is normal?I don't know other than they are contacts.. he he he.. so Happy New Year Sebastien, Have a healthy and happy and scorpian free year...

Mrs. Hairy Woman said...

What was I rambling on about..?

MrManuel said...

Ouch, sounds painful. I have never done that with my contactm but there was one time that I tried getting an earring and got the stud stucki in my ear lobe. Yes, it sunk into the hole and didn't come ut the back side the the stud was completely in the lobe. Got it out and never got an earring again.

Anonymous said...

I once thought I lost my contact so I put in another one, only to apply it directly unto the one I thought I had lost.

Whiskey and eye care doesn't mix well.

Have a good one, Seb.

Trey said...

I had a contact lens fold itself up into quarters while I was teaching ballroom dance--bloody thing turned up the next morning on my cheek---it came loose during REM (not the band).
Happy New Year!! Stop calling Rambo "necrophageous organism". He's just a puppy--he can't really help it if he likes to eat stinky roten stuff--it's a dog thing. Just put a little mouthwash in his dog water before kissing him :)

WAT said...

Not to scold or brag here, but this is why I refuse to wear contact lenses.

I'll stick to my nerdy glasses thank you.

fringes said...

Happy New Year!

Did you find your contact?

Going to watch some TV...

Why is my word verfication soooo effing long? What is this? The CIA? Geez...

Anonymous said...

I have always heard that it's impossible to lose a contact lens in your eye. I used to wear them for several years, and I always knew if they were there or not - it probably fell out when "you weren't looking" (ha ha).
At any rate, I hope you got it straightened out and everything's clear again!

Sebastien Millon said...

Bice: Maybe tomorrow is the day!!!

Babybull: Thanks! Yeah, the main reason I wear contacts is that I see a lot sharper, and it really helps for when I paint and draw. By the way, rambling is great!

Mrmanuel: Ouch, that doesn't sound good! Good decision not to wear those things anymore!

Omninaif: Haha, oh yeah, alcohol and contact stories, gotta couple of those!

Taarzaan: Dude, Rambo is the king of necrophagous organisms!

WAT: Yeah, glasses are good, but I see better with contacts, so it helps especially for painting and detail work.

Fringes: Happy New Year! Hehe, not yet, gonna see the eye doctor tomorrow. I doubt it's in my eye anymore. I don't feel anything and my sis totally checked too. I turned off the word verification seems like it's been a problem.

Sonja: Yeah, I heard it's impossible too, so I'm not too worried anymore.

Tara said...

I went to the eye doctor one time thinking I had both contacts in my eyes. He asked me "Why did you take the contact out of your right eye?" "Um...I didn't!" "It's not there!"

When I got home, there it was on the bathroom floor, all dried up. That was before disposable contacts.

Sebastien Millon said...

I feel better after your story! Hehe, contacts can be tricky...

Cassandra said...

No more word verification! I almost feel a hug coming on... almost.

Sebastien Millon said...

I did it for you Babs! I know you hated it!

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