I'm not a particular fan of drugs, so Lord knows why I did this, but not all things need explanations (don't you love how I get out of explaining myself and my weird antics!).
Anyways, my worries about my dog being a hippie have somewhat dissipated. Only prob now is that I think I'm turning into a hippie, or I've always had some hippie in me, I have no clue how I got to be hippyfied. The best remedy I could find for getting rid of the 'hippie' in me, well, I decided to flush all my drugs down the toilet (then I cried after I realized what I had done, shouldn't have reacted so hastily, regrets, regrets...). So, now that I am drugless, I still need to fully cleanse myself of any 'hippie' that might be left in me. That's why I've listened to country music all day, especially Merle Haggard, uh, actually, I really seriously do love country. LOVE LOVE LOVE it!
This looks like it was drawn in a drug induced state. Ease up on the peyote and you should be fine in a day or two.
Country music? Please go back to being a hippie! Grow out your hair and practice love and stuff. Country music... that's what happens when you dump the drugs man.
I love the drawing though.
Ha....an Eyeball packin' a Magnum....Very cool. The eyeball chicks are all swooning!
Ok you have to go back to hippydom. Love love love the drawing..It has all the elements except "SEX" Can you unflush the drugs?
Doing drugs doesn't make you a hippie. Doing drugs and preaching to people self-righteously while doing nothing constructive with your life makes you a hippie...or an asshole. Either one.
But you are neither. : ) Love the drawing, BTW.
That is one crazy picture!
Bice: I know, I know, you'd think it was drug induced. And I HAVE to lay off the peyote, I flushed it all down the toilet...
Babs: Haha thanks Babs! Not a fan of country... oh well, you're still my leading loyal general in the war against the platypuses!
Shaymus: Hehe, glad you like the eyeball! Shoulda drawn some eyeball chicks now that you mention it!
Babybull: Thank you, yes, I need to dive into the toilet and fish the drugs out from the sewer system!
Lauren: Hahahahaha, thanks!!! Hmmm, being a hippie doesn't sound all that bad... being preachy is kinda cool!
Silverneurotic: Yes I know, I don't know what's wrong with me, I fell on my head a lot when I was kid (that's not actually a joke), so my brain is kinda funny.
A nice sort of Ralph Steadman, Peter Max kind of synergy, while having it's own unique energy. Love it!
Mmmh, sexy.... *drools*
That's awesome!
Mariana: Haha, thanks!
Skittles: Thank you Skittles!
JM: Thanks buddy! I need to check out Peter Max's work, I've been meaning to for a while now!
I'm keeping your place in hippiedom warm. When you are ready to re-embrace your inner grooviness, it wil be waiting, all warm and psychedelic colored and vanilla scented and giggeling. But it may have a new tatt or piercing. happens.
Haha, you are kind Trey! I got some hippie in me, I think it's just fun (although in a slightly mean way) making fun of hippies. I feel a bit bad now though, hippies are nice, usually cool people... I feel guilty.
As always, LOVE the picture!
don't feel guilty, Sebastien! channel that to the icky joke making people who need it. Rambo can offer you absolution with puppy kisses :)
Mrmanuel: Thanks buddy!!!!
Taarzaan: Haha, that's good to know, my dog will lead me to the path of redemption!
Your drawings are the BEST!
i really like the little blue shark with the telescope.
Gizmo would like to commission you to draw a cartoon of her. She's the one checking out the printer in my last post - the best dressed parrot in the world!
Wow, it worked again! I guess my karma yesterday was not to comment on your blog...
Nicole: Thanks Nicole! That poem you posted really inspired me!
Hedy de Vine: Cool, thanks! I forgot to include a guy sawing his head off with a chainsaw, he's usually a popular character!
Sonja: Yes, yes, I haven't forgotten, I will do a fun drawing of birds one of these days, and your beautiful little parrot will be the star!!!
i love your drawing!! fabulous!! *thumbs up*
Thank you so much Dolcedonna!!!
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