Monday, May 21, 2007

Mini Magic 8-Ball Meme

I was tagged by Tara... so here goes:

8 Random Facts About Me

I broke my hip... the day before my 13th birthday. I'd tell you about it, but it's kind of a long story.

I love celebrity news (but you already knew this). The latest celebrity news that made me laugh: Britney Spears deplanes due to a lack of leather seats. How awesome is that?!! The answer, of course, is ridiculously awesome.

When I was younger, I had recurring nightmares about the witch from Sleeping Beauty.

I usually read the Economist before going to bed. That way, instead of having nightmares about witches, my nightmares will be about rising interest rates, terrorism, inflation, nuclear proliferation, Iraq, collapsing 3rd world economies, global warming, stock market crashes, or the rising US trade deficit. Sometimes, instead of reading the Economist before bed, I'll read something like People Magazine, just to mix things up. That causes me to have nightmares about celebrity fashion faux pas. And let me tell you, those are the most frightening nightmares of all...

My favorite art, from a particular culture and period of time, is Flemish art from the 14-15th century.

The last movie I saw in theaters was Hot Fuzz. I liked it. But I liked Shaun of the Dead more.

My favorite sport is basketball. My favorite player, other than a Phoenix Suns' player, is Gilbert Arenas.

I'd like to visit India someday.

I tag anybody who wants to do this!


MrManuel said...

I still haven't seen Hot Fuzz. I loved Shaun of the Dead!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for letting me know about the comment things, it's fixed. ;)

Now, let's read that meme again...

Anonymous said...

I can't believe you broke your hip ! If I remember well, you broke your leg as well when you were a kid... wow, that's a lot of time with casts !

I have to go see Hot Fuzz. The trailer was hilarious...

I watch CNN before going to bed, almost as scary...

I wanna do this meme, looks fun !

Nikki Neurotic said...

I wanna hear the story of the broken hip. I've never properly broken a I'm facinated with broken bone stories.

Oh, and that Britney Spears story made me roll my eyes this morning when I saw it on the news.

M said...

I can't stop thinking about celebrity fashion faux pas either. I used to free, I used to have a life... But how can I concentrate when they keep wearing the wrong shoes with the wrong dress?

Sebastien Millon said...

Mrmanuel: I think you will like Hot Fuzz, it was quite good, but unfortunately, not as great as Shaun of the Dead.

Zhu: I will swing on over a little later, I was meaning to comment. Oh man, CNN, that'll really give you nightmares, I don't watch the television news, it makes you feel like the world is about to end at any second.

Silver: Haha, one of these days I will try and post about it. Unfortunately, I've had my share of injuries. Britney, seriously, when Paris news is flagging, you can always count on Britney to pick up the slack! or Lindsay of course...

Mariana: I know! When there's a celebrity, somewhere in the world, who has just made a fashion faux pas, it ruins my day. I can't eat. I can't sleep. I end up crying most of the day.

Mona said...

very informative :)

you broke a bone! that is terrible! But they do heal fast at that age!
But then you say it was near the joint, so I hope it was not too bad !

Sleeping beauty had a witch? I think it was just an old woman with a spindle! & that just Snow White & Rapenzul had witches!

I hated the Rapenzul witch but I loved her hair more!But The giant in Tom Thumb terrorised me!

O yes! how cud I forget! The worst witch of all!!!! The Hansel & Gretel witch!....

& not to forget to paternal aunt...

Nightmares are a feature with me as well. & I have funny ones, like being buried alive or burying someone alive..LOL

World situation hardly bothers me...que sera sera

& celebrity? what is that!

& your art is unique & incomparable.

Anonymous said...

Hey, thanks for coming back commenting... Blogger has some weird glitch sometimes, I'm not even trying to understand.

Tag me, I'll do the meme ! (I have a boring class tomorrow, need to focus on something...)

Dan said...

I usually read the Economist before going to bed.

I thought you were going to say because it helps to put you to sleep! :)

Sebastien Millon said...

Mona: Breaking my hip was no fun, but it's true, we heal much more quickly when we are young! And in the end, it was a good experience, forces you to learn patience and things of that nature... oh my, that witch in Sleeping Beauty, if I remember correctly, she was horrific. Frightening. Ghastly. Hey, your dreams are fun, very Edgar Allan Poeish, he's my favorite writer, he's always writing about those things... you have a good attitude about the world, best to focus on Paris Hilton news, that's what I say :) I have some drawings in the works, it takes me a while to finish things, don't always have energy, but it is always fun creating creatures and kids and monsters. Creating is one of the most wonderful things in the world!!!

Zhu: Yeah, blogger can be a little weird sometimes, it is a beast with no master... Hey, you are tagged!!! Can't wait to see what you come up with :)

Dan: What you say makes perfect sense, it seems like it'd be such a boring magazine. But, oddly enough, I quite enjoy that magazine, and the writing is really good. Plus, I like British things, guess I'm a sort of Anglophile or something...

Dan said...

An Anglophile?? I think you're a subversive, that's what I think. :)

alexgirl said...

I love your list. Broken hip? I'm intrigued. That must've hurt like a biatch.
And nightmares about the witch from Sleeping Beauty--awesome! I mean, that sucks, but she's pretty evil and kind of a cool villian to be dreaming about.
And the Britney Spears think is Ridonkulously awesome.

alexgirl said...

PS-Edgy bond girls. I agree. I think Pussy Galore was my fave BG. I never get tired of that name. Hah.

Mona said...


Sebastien!! SEBASTIEN!!! HALP!!!

I am Paranoid!!!!!!

& this time it is no witch who is following me!!!!!

Mrs. Hairy Woman said...

Here I am playing catch-up.. Those are great answers.. ridiculously I love reading People Mag.. and Shaun Of The Dead was great..

Kyra said...

The idea of nightmares about rising interest rates and the like gave me the chills. Of course, so did the idea of reading People before bed.

I like the flemish art too - it's not my favorite, but I like the way the subjects seem to... glow.

Tara said...

Jeez, you broke your hip? Do you still have problems with it now?

Part of why I love "Sleeping Beauty" so much was because of how creepy that witch looked. She was so intense and drawn so sharply. And when she was the dragon, it was even creepier.
That's my favorite Disney movie. I also loved how Aurora's dress turns out at the end because the three fairies can't decide on the color.

Sebastien Millon said...

Dan: A subversive!? No, no, no, I'm much too mellow for that :)

Alexgirl: Ah, the broken hip, that was true, agonizing pain, it was so extremely painful... Oh yeah, Pussy Galore, she was a great BG, I haven't seen that Bond in ages.

Mona: Hey, you got my name right!!!! Paranoid?!!! Of what? Please don't say sharks, because I too am paranoid of sharks and won't be able to offer any help if they are scaring you. Sharks haunt my house and eat my frosted flakes at night so that when I wake up I don't have any frosted flakes to eat. It's hard, waking up, having no more cereal to eat, just makes life seem so hollow and sad.

Babybull: Haha, thanks! People Mag. is great stuff! Shaun of the Dead, such a hilarious movie, makes me laugh just thinking about it...

Savy: Hi Savy! Wow, yeah, the rising interest nightmares, those are some of the worst nightmares, I'm sorry to hear that you also suffer from them. I love the Flemish art, that's a great point, some of those paintings really have a glow to them. I love the workmanship, the textures, patterns, the colors, the way space is often distorted in such interesting ways...

Tara: Thankfully, I don't have any problems! Quite lucky I suppose. I really like how you summarized Sleeping Beauty, I actually haven't seen it since I was a little kid (cuz it traumatized me sooo damn much!)... but I need to see it again, hopefully it won't traumitize me as much, especially given the fact that I'm an adult now. But I wouldn't count too much on that hope.

Katie McKenna said...

Very Interesting tidbits Sebastien!
:) I'm glad to hear that you are doing better!

fringes said...

Shaun of the Dead was too funny. I really liked it. details about the hip? C'mon...

Mona said...

No no sharks either...poor sharks, they are almost human..

It is a human...[ who are almost sharks!!]

& I took out all my fairy tales books & there is no witch in sleeping beauty. Only the old fairy who was not invited for the baptism!

People in the Sun said...

Zhu, you're not alone.

The only thing that puts me to sleep is CNN Headline News. The way they repeat the same stories again and again, the way their facial expressions change to let you know whether it's a sad story or a funny one, the energetic sports guys, the over-the-top graphics... I get sleepy just thinking about it.

And speaking of CNN Headline News, my nightmare is being attacked by an army of Nancy Graces.

Pod said...

even more reason to see an osteopath (the old hip injury). do you get a sore bottom?

i forgot to look one up for you. i shall endeavour!

H said...

I used to be afraid of The Count from Sesame Street. All that laughing and thunder and counting... I couldn't handle it.

Anonymous said...

I love your choices for light reading before bedtime. Interesting indeed.

When my mother took me to see 101 Dalmations when I was younger, she thought I would love it because I love dogs. But when Cruella came out I cried and cried and she had to take me out of the theater. I still have nightmares.

P.S. Old person, new blog. I'm trying to be incognito. ;)

Anonymous said...

Fun to know more about you!

The Economist, huh? Wow. I need to read more of that and less of People... okay actually I like Elle. ;)

Sebastien Millon said...

Katie: Thanks! Yeah, my recovery, there are lots of ups and downs, taking a long time, but patience is key, and finding joy in each and every day, that is also very important!

Fringes: Well, the hip story, it's a little complicated, and not as exciting as one would imagine...

Mona: Well, that's a relief, that it isn't a bunch of sharks chasing you. Humans, humans can be more terrible than sharks, so that is one worrisome fact... Yes, I promise that this witch was for real, at least in the cartoon movie I saw when I was a kid.

People in the Sun: Nancy Grace. Never seen much of her show, but she strikes me as a very very evil person.

Pod: Hahaha, sore bottom... my hip is fine now, thank goodness!

H: Hi H! Oh yeah, the count! Well, wasn't he a pimp or something... too much counting for me too, and didn't he have some cereal, was that the same guy, count chocula maybe?...

Beautifully Broken: Oh yes, gotta mix up the bed time reading. Celebrities plus economics is always a wonderful mix. I also recommend Good Housekeeping balanced out by Gun and Ammo magazine. That way you can dream about Martha Stewart shooting at you with an Ak-47.

Desiree: Oh, Elle, I've never read that one, always seen it around, but never really checked it out...

Gary said...

I was thinking about your list today and wondering what tidbits I could come up with. I came up with a few:
1. I have a twin brother.
2. I am fluent in American Sign Language.
3. My favorite color is green.
4. Love has been a little bit hard on me and then again not so hard as to poison my perspective.
5. I think Linda Ronstadt is about as good as it gets.
6. I was obsessed with Casper the Friendly Ghost as a child and with Curious George as an adult.

That enough for now I guess. Thanks for sharing your info. You are fascinating.

Angela said...

i clicked on the flemish art link yesterday and didn't return until today, and now i feel ready to pass a test on tempera (not tempura-the japanese fried food. heh) paint, oh, and gouache. damn that wikipedia. it owes me years of my life.

Battlerocker said...

I saw that Britney Spears story. It cracked me up.

tkkerouac said...

my nightmare was the wicked witch of the West. great post.

WAT said...

Broke your hip? OUCH! MY GOD MAN.

You're right, I can't get my blog into my google reader either. That is bizarre.

Sebastien Millon said...

Gary: Wow, those are fascinating facts! I'm sorry about the love part, but I'm glad to hear it hasn't poisoned your perspective, that's the most important thing, to not let bad experiences sour our perspective and sap our spirit. Of course, it's one of those things easier said than done... And I too love Linda Ronstadt, and Casper is quite cool. There's this singer, Daniel Johnston, he did a whole bunch of songs just about Casper, really hilarious stuff...

Angela: Hahaha, wikipedia, it's a black hole, you enter, and just get sucked in... I once learned that Ahmadinejad was a drummer for the Beatles, I thought that was an interesting fact. But seriously, I've learned quite a few interseting things on that site...

Battlerocker: Isn't she the bestest (well, just after Paris I mean!)...

Tk: Oh, the wicked witch of the West, she was super scary, she freaked me out too!

Sebastien Millon said...

WAT: Oh yeah, breaking the hip was a crazy experience, and most painful too... Weird about the google reader thing, no? I wonder why that is, there a couple blogs that I'm unable to add, yours being one of them...

Mona said...

Ah! cartoon movie! That explains it all. They so distort the actual origanal fairy tales in its pure form in them.
I remember that water witch in Little Mermaid Singing songs. I dont think Anderson wrote that song!
& Little Mermaid's father semmed equally terrifying to me!
Now if you want to see the real solid mother of all witches, you must see Hansel & gretel witch!...EEEEKS!

Mona said...

Ps> how is our Chammakchallo doing?

Please take good care of her!

Deadmanshonda said...

why am i STILL locked out of your artwork site? And here's a random question for ya-- for some reason I wondered if you photoshopped your head to a diff body (or vice versa for that matter) on your profile. Did you or am I just way too freaking tired? ;-) And don't hate me-- even if you didn't do that it still looks good. Either way. I was just curious. Cause I always am. About everything. It's annoying. LIke this post.

Sebastien Millon said...

Mona: Chammakchallo, hey, I haven't seen her around the past couple days! I need to read those Brothers Grimm stories, I have the book out, so I will read them, I've never read the actual stories, can you believe that!!!

Leisel: Hahaha, best question ever!!! That picture is from a couple years ago, when I was healthy, lifting weights, doing lots of sports, so it REALLY is me, I promise! No photoshopping... I should probably put up a more recent picture though... As for the art site, I haven't set it up yet, I'm hoping to put up all my older work from before I got sick, but it makes me too nostalgic, so until I get better, I don't think I'm gonna put it online.

Mona said...

No wonder you have such a distorted view of the events LOL!

Sebastien Millon said...

You are so right. We should always refer to primary sources. Unfortunately, my views will always be distorted, no matter how well I keep up on primary sources.

Mona said...

Of course Sebastien. That is so true with all of us infact. We are like hollow pipes through which life passes. & whatever we have to offer to existence is bound to be colored by our essence.
I know exactly what you mean. Any artist would feel that, because an artist is one who has the most potent visions of all the craetures and expressess them in his/her own terms! :)

Ak-Man said...

Like the dude who posted up first I havent seen Hot Fuzz but have seen Shaun of the Dead.

Every who's seen both prefers Shaun.

The witch in Snow White was a hottie.

Sebastien Millon said...

Shaun of the Dead was pure awesomeness, from start to finish!

Haha, the witch was a hottie?! Oh my, I better check the footage...

Mona said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Moonbeam Baby said...

That's quite a record of broken bones- how many total? I've broken 3 (elbow, rib, toe)...

Shaun of the Dead gave me some very interesting zombie nightmares... Very interesting, indeed...

I love basketball; it's the only sport that I watch. My fav player will probably always be Steve Nash. He's amazing!

That video of Gilbert Arenas is great!

Sebastien Millon said...

Oh, too many broken bones, I was quite active... I've also broken my nose a couple times, broken my wrist, gotten so many cuts and gashes it's ridiculous...

Haha, Shaun of the Dead, I'm sure that movie would give you funny nightmares!

Gotta say, Steve Nash is my favorite too, he's just incredible. And Gilbert is fun, he seems like a very goofy person. Glad you enjoyed that video, Arenas is unbelivable!!!