Tuesday, July 14, 2009

More Alphabetic Misadventures: F is for Furnace

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Ananda girl said...

Foxe flies into a firey furnace! Fanny Fox is fixated on the flume of the flames!

Sebastien Millon said...

Oh, that is some fantastic alliteration! Love it! Flume sounds like a cool word, reminds me of plume.

dmarks said...

Burn, fox. Burn.

laura b. said...

Oh, you and your fire, Sebastien :-) Do you think maybe foxes see fire and imagine it is just fox fur? I bet that is what happened...

crazy4coens said...

fly fox fly
die fox die
high fox high

Tara said...

I love your foxes!

That one fox is about to become Firefox!

Sebastien Millon said...

Dmarks: That's the spirit!!!

Laura: Ahhh, I like this theory. We need to study it.

Crazy4coens: Excellent! Although a bit of a downer. Guess that's my fault.

Tara: I hadn't even thought of that, love it, Firefox in the furnace fire :)

sammy said...

HAHA! firefox! that should be their new logo!
(but i assume that the little boy will jump off before going into the furnace? after all, the children seem to cause the trouble, but never actually get into trouble!)

Sebastien Millon said...

I know. Firefox needs to pay me. Now!

Hmmm, that is a good assumption on the kid bailing out, but that is the very mystery of it all...