Monday, November 16, 2009

Bear Watches German Shepherd.

I just found this massive bear friend at Goodwill. He was in the back, all sad and lonely. He needed me.

Here is he is, watching my dog, Rambo... hehe.

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laura b. said...

That is a HUGE bear! What is his name? It looks like he and Rambo will be the best of interspecies friends.

Ananda girl said...

My goodness... what a big bear! I had one about that size named Ours... that's French, not English.

Tara said...

Omg! I want to pet him and hug him and take him home with me! And the bear, too!

Joe Jubinville said...

Wow, Sebastien, just... wow. People talk about epiphanies as if they knew what they were talking about. You got to take one home.

Seraphine said...

if you named your dog rambo, you have to name your bear too.

MrManuel said...

I don't know, in the second picture, the bear looks like he has lust in his eyes.

Sebastien Millon said...

Laura: They are great friends! Hmmm, a name...

Ananda Girl: haha, awesome ;)

Tara: He is sooooo soft. They both are!

Jeaux: I know, I'm lucky like that!

Seraphine: Hi Seraphine! You make a great point, gotta get a name for this guy.

MrManuel: That is just wrong, haha!

Seraphine said...

smiles. it's ok, i have more bears
than i have names for them too.

Antoine said...

Superb. Great caputre and the dog is really beautiful. Have a lovely week-end. Antoine.