'L'usine va Brûler' means 'The factory is going to burn.' Obviously, this is not what I want, nor do I believe in arson or condone it... but I can't always control my characters in these drawings. They have a mind of their own!
I know it might be hard to tell what the little boy is up to in this drawing (but it involves fire and probably has something to do with the French phrase!).
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Oooohhh..I hope Boy has his escape planned! That imp.
You are the best French tutor ever.
HAha thanks! I hope these drawings help me land a language tutoring job :)
It looks like that little whipper snapper has a firecracker!
Looks like it don't it!!! uh oh... hope the fire trucks are close by.
I think that boy is very civic minded to give those firemen and EMTs such valuable training.
That's a cool usine. I bet it's a firework factory!
Ananda Girl: I love how you see the positive.
Zhu: Hehe, one can only hope!
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