Getting a new dog is great, but all those feelings of missing my old dog have come flooding back. Sort of feels like I'm cheating on my girlfriend or something (not that I would ever do such a thing!). My last dog was with me during the worst times in my life, I could always find comfort lying down next to him during my most painful days... But what can you do, gotta just be happy with the fact we got a dog, and be thankful my previous dog left me with so many touching memories.
And don't worry, I will go back to posting things that aren't nearly as cute and maudlin very soon...
I'm feeling kinda sick, all this excitement, all this craziness, it's great, but I just gotta lie down for a while.

Congratulations on your new pooch. Looks like a great little guy. Sorry you are feeling ill again. Feel well soon. :-)
OMG, Rambo is adorable! I've always had a soft spot for German Shepherd puppies. They are just so cute with their floppy ears and ... well ... everything. Here's to many happy years with your new fur-friend.
Rambo is very, very cute!
Be careful not to tire yourself during the busy holiday season!
Glorious: Thank you so much!!! I just need to rest and not get carried away running around with the little guy!!!
Kym: Rambo is so happy for the compliment. He is writing thank you cards to you right now! German Shepherd puppies are unbelievable, the little floppy ears like you say, haha...makes me laugh so hard, and their cute little quizzical looks they give you when you use the phone and what not!
Lauren: Rambo is also writing a thank you note to you for the compliment! Yeah, I gotta take it easy, it's so hard with all this stuff going on, friends in town. Relaxing and sleeping are the two things that are making me recover from this illness...
Aaaaahhhhh... It's the second time I fall in love today! The first time was this:
You got a dog, I gave away a cat. One of my cat-friends that lived on my street was adopted today. I personally put him in the box and sent him on his way. I'm sad, he was the sweetest cat I ever met, but if ever an animal deserved to be adopted he was the one. Today he won't be sleeping in the streets and out in the cold anymore, that's what i keep telling myself.
OMG Mariana!!!! That cat is soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo cute!!! I can't take it!!! I want that little cat, I love black cats!!!!!!!! So wonderful you found him a home...wish it was my home!
that puppy is so cute it makes my face hurt! Ow!! My face!!!
Thanks for the comment, The can never go wrong with them.
My family got a German Shepard puppy over the summer. Guess we have something in common...they're so cute when they're little! We had to put our Black Lab to sleep back in April, that was hard, had her since I was 11 so went through a lot together, it's tough at first but it gets easier. And the puppy is a good distraction.
I'm so happy you got the puppy!!! Rambo is adorable. I want to pet the puppy! Are you sure he's not narcoleptic? We must have more puppy pics!
Hope you feel better. The holidays are stressful for "regular" people. Take extra care of you. And love the wittle puppy. Sorry, puppies make me go all mushy.
Taarzaan: Haha, I understand that pain! Too much cuteness makes my face go numb! and then I start slobbering all over the place.
Silverneurotic: Awwww, your family got a German Shepherd puppy too!!!! How wonderful! I'm sorry about your Black Lab, it is so difficult, but the good memories are what counts.
Babs: Dude, I was worried about the narcoleptic thing, he's sleeping soooo much, and especially after seeing that narcoleptic dauschund!!! Rambo can't wait to work with your cockroach army! Thanks by the way, I'm feeling a bit better tonight, I tried to lie down a while this afternoon.
You aren't fooling nobody seb. You bought a dead dog didn't you? Grab a stick and poke it. I think that dog is dead... cute... but dead.
Hey? Where's all the newspapers?
He is adorable. He don't suffer from narcolepsy like Rusty now do he?
Allen: I know, it's such a rip off, but I'm actually a taxidermist, so it works ok.
Omninaif: I ate them?
WAT: Ahhhhhhhh! I was asking myself the same question, I got freaked for a second, and then I figured it's normal, he's a baby.
First, my word verification is: iblab
That's so apropos!
That is one cute doggie. I love him. Have fun, and hide your shoes! Post cute any time. Just mix it up with some twisted stuff, okay?
Haha, love that word verification!! Oh trust me, I will really be having to throw in some twisted stuff to make up for all this cute cuddliness! It's going to be murderific!
Wow what a cutie!!! Reminds me of something my father used to say whenever someone would say a mischievous child was cute...he'd say "especially when he's sleeping." Get it? No? Guess you just had to be there.
I'm so glad you got another doggy to love. They are SO comforting when you don't feel well. I had a parrot for 20 years who used to snuggle with me in bed when I didn't feel well. His warmth and the softness of his feathers really comforted me.
Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!!
P.S. His awesomeness is truly unsurpassed!
Aahahahaha! Thank you Sonja, I love the unsurpassed awesomeness!!! Happy thanksgiving!!!!
Yeah, I didn't 'get it' though on the saying...but sometimes I'm dimwitted as a rock, so you never know...
P.P.S. I just nominated you for "Best Individual Blog" for the 2006 Weblog Awards! Hope you win!!!!!!
good luck with the pup..........i posted a link to your blog btw......
Sonja: Wow, thank you so much!! You are soooo sweet!!!
Stak: Thanks, he seems like such a kindly fellow, things are going smoothly! Hey thanks for the link, I will most certainly be linking back to you.
Rambo is adorable! Ah! I love puppies, and I can't wait to see more pictures of him as he gets older and bigger. Hiking with him will be a lot of fun! (and when you're better, it will be even more fun)
I cannot wait, I seriously cannnot freakin' wait!!!!
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