I know that you answered no to those questions. Nonetheless, I will provide you the information you do not need.
Celebrity News
I haven't been keeping up with the celebrity news lately, and I think I'm starting to suffer some wicked side effects from the withdrawal. Fortunately I was able to temper the side effects when I discovered this post on Lindsay Lohan. I like the interview she gives, she's quite honest about sleeping around, I don't think there's anything wrong with that... buuuut since it's Lindsay Lohan we better chastise her for such libertine Hollywoodized values.And what is up with Paris, I haven't heard anything from her since she released her album. Is she in exile? Well, I do honestly hope Paris is ok, she's one of the few people who consistently makes me laugh. Wait a sec, here's something, oh, she made up with Nicole... That is so not scandalous. Booooorrringggggg.
Whoah, I don't know if I'm way behind the curve but I just found out that Britney is divorcing K-fed! I hope it's true, sure is about time. The only problem now is how is K-fed going to finance his awful but inadvertently hilarious music...
Election Stuff
Well, I hope in voting today you found an ingenious way to cheat the system (the new electronic voting machines seem to offer a wonderful opportunity to the tech savvy) and make sure your candidate won. Winning is the crux of the system, and if you don't do what you can do to make sure your guy wins, by ANY means necessary, well, I'm going to say that you shirked your patriotic duties, and frankly, you're probably a commie liberal who should move to Europe if you're not willing to cheat to win. If some commie liberal (likely a Democrat) gives you shit for trying to cheat, reference Machiavelli and punch the guy in the face.Hmmm... About the Bill of Rights, since it's Election day I want to provide this link, it's never a bad idea to brush up on your knowledge of the US government.
Yep, you're right. I don't care about celebrities.
I was shocked today when we did not have electronic voting. Memories of standardized tests with number 2 pencils greated me at the polls. Except we used black pens to fill in little ovals next to candidates names.
Dude, I'm sure that post wasn't here the first time I came by! MAN you're fast!
Babs: Sheesh, unfortunately that makes cheating on a grand scale a bit tougher. Better luck next year in rigging it for your candidate!
Nicole: Haha, yeah must've just posted when you were on!
What ever happened to 'Right Said Fred'?
The best line I've read in a while:
"The only problem now is how is K-fed going to finance his awful but inadvertently hilarious music..."
Omninaif: I had to look that one up, had no clue who that was! Here's what I found:
They did that too sexy song!
WAT: Haha, thanks WAT!! We all love K-fed's music, maybe we should start a charity to help finance his work.
Wow, now I really feel stupid knowing that I'm the only one on the planet to remember him.
Hey don't feel bad! That Too Sexy song is pretty cool... Plus you never know, having that pop culture knowledge might save your life one day!
I was super surprised to hear Britney was wise enough to get a pre-nup. You go girl! People are saying from now on his nickname will be Fed-Ex! :D
We here in Europe adore Commies, but only if they can cheat with the best of them. The others need not apply. ;)
Yeah Mariana, I'm glad Brit got that pre-nup!!! Haha I guess your right, there probably are commies who know how to cheat to win! That begs the question, maybe they're cooler than we thought and maybe they should stay in the US! Cheating is the great unifier, don't let politics get in the way of winning, no holds barred!
Paris Hilton is probably making a new sex tape, so she's uh...otherwise engaged.
As far as the elections, imho, there is 1 lesson to be learned: As long as we've only got 2 major parties, we need a congress that is of the opposite party of the president. Otherwise, well...we just saw a good example of 'otherwise'
Better yet, what happened to Keira Knightley? I was sick to death of her but POOF she's gone!
Jane: It's good to hear that Paris is keeping busy, hopefully she is making more sex tapes! I love that kind of scandalous stuff! As for politics, there is nothing better than balance, and I'm so happy Bush is going to have to deal with a Democratic Congress.
Maritza: Ohhhh! Great question! What ever did happen to her? I think she was in some Jane Austen movie right? She's that foxy girl from the Pirates of Carribean right? I haven't seen the sequels though so I don't know if she was in those.
I heard they're calling Kevin Federline "Fed-Ex" now. Ha!
Haha! That's true Sonja, I heard that!!! Oh man, that guy is just too funny.
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