Well, out of nowhere this scorpion appears. My dad noticed it right next to his foot, which wasn't far from where I was lying down. My dad jumps up and goes into crazy kill mode, while I'm still lying down just thinking he saw a cricket or something. Wham, bam, with a couple of righteous, put the fear of God into you smacks of my sketchbook (thanks pops!) my dad has killed the scorpion.
Did I say I loved all animals in my last post? Uhhhh, you can 'x' that out, because I most certainly don't love scorpions. After the snake incident just outside my room, it's wonderful luck that we now find a scorpion in my room, which also leads to this logical conclusion: If there's one scorpion in my room there's probably more...
Hmmm, I have a feeling sleep will be a bit more difficult tonight. Please, wish me luck, so that I may make it through the perilous night intact. Godamn it, there's also those monsters in the closet!!! I can handle them, but when there's scorpions too, well... I guess I got my hands full, to say the least.

I've never been near to a scorpion in my life! I thought it took at least a hammer to destroy those buggers. Lucky you're father was watching. Make sure to check your shoes or slippers from now on before you put them on. I hear they like crawling in there.
Hey Scary, Apparently they drink out of the corner of your mouth while your asleep like large spiders..
I was looking at your banner and wondered if the guy on the right could be casually holding something...like a chainsaw.
Van helsing is on the tv tonight over here...great film!
Where do you LIVE... the outback! :: smile ::
Mariana: Yeah, I'm lucky my father was there, I probably wouldn't have seen it. I ALWAYS check my shoes!
Shaymus: Haha, that's disgusting. I should totally add a chainsaw, I took photos of myself, I'd need to find a chainsaw, I bet a got a neighbor who has one!
Allen: You'd think it with all the creatures we find! We'll, this is their land!
I'm so glad your father didn't step on that thing in bare feet!
Yeah, we were really fortunate!
That certainly doesn't help Mr. Fabulous! I'm totally freaked out just thinking of a scorpion stinging me in my eye.
I got stung by a wasp on my eyelid when I was younger... How it happened, I have no clue...
Hmm... I didn't send any scoprions. I just deal in cockroaches. I have heard a report back that the cockroaches find you sexy. They might be staying awhile with you. I can't stand in the way of love.
Look Babs, I'll be happy to accomodate your cockroach army (even if it's going to be a bit of an awkward situation, them trying to get in my pants and all), but it'll be so they can take care of the scorpions!
Reminds me of one time we were visiting family in Mexico. My sister was probably around 2 and was playing on the floor. She said, "Look, Mommy, a big spider!" Right by her hand was a huge scorpion. Luckily, she didn't pick it up and it didn't sting her.
Wow, you were so lucky your little girl didn't get stung. If it stings an adult it's not as serious, but little kids can be very very serious.
I complain about quarter-size spiders that fly across the room at 25mph but you're swatting flippin SCORPIONS?? I'll quit my bellyachin!
Hahaha, Nicole, I'll send you some scorpions in the mail, they're really quite nice once you get to know them!
Next week, it will be flying scorpions.
I told you Scorpios were scary!
Oh wait, this is the actual insect. Well, whatever, same difference.
Omni: That thought certainly doesn't help. Thanks for trying!
WAT: Yeah, whatever, anything even closely related to scorpions, whether in reality or by words is bound to be scary!
i can sympathize..........i live in south carolina and we have metric tons of them..........and they get in the house with frequency during certain times of the year........those evil buggers sure can make a leisurely poop an adventure of an entirely different variety.......
Hahaha! Oh yeah, bathroom experiences and scorpions, not my cup of tea!!!!
You just gave me the willies! I grew up in South Texas and the particular area we were in was crawling with those vile creatures! Sick. Blech.
Hi Denise! Yeah, I mean seriously, is there a more sinister looking creature than the scorpion!!!??? I'm glad you escaped unharmed from that festering scorpion jungle!
I love scorpions, I have a couple of them as pets. They are cuuuute!
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