You know why you become a politician? Because of this, it's all about the money baby! You know what I would eat for breakfast, lunch, and dinner if I were a super rich politician? I know you're thinking it... the answer is MONEY, MONEY, MONEY! I particularly like the taste of the $100 bills, and the $2 bill is also noteworthy for the sweet taste it leaves on the palate. Quite maaarvaahlous really! Although that sweet taste could just be cocaine residue, I really don't know...Anyways, I've really loaded up on politics lately and I don't feel the need to spill any cyber ink on the subject (note: I'm happy to see a balanced government!). I will give you one prediction: Iraq gets partitioned, no other way that country is going to work out. And you can take that to the bank.
I promised sports talk. Well, as my Arizona Cardinals continue finding ingenious and egregious ways of losing, my love for them only increases. Weird, no? As for the Suns, they have yet to win a game, yet for me, all with that team is forgiven, because they have a French player, Boris Diaw! I really hope Stoudemire can recover from his knee problems, but I truly doubt he can regain the explosiveness that made him one of the most fearsome players in the league, it's going to be one of those sad, coulda shoulda been Bo Jacksonish kinda things.As for a thing of beauty, I recommend watching the Colts' offense, Peyton Manning is razor sharp, it's as close to artistic as the NFL gets.
Roadrunner Siting!
A roadrunner almost came in the house the other day. I haven't seen a roadrunner in ages (maybe it's because my dog always tried to eat them!). Very funny creatures, I really like them, although the cartoon version really annoyed me, I really wish Wiley had knocked the 'meep meep' out of that smug bastard.
I love how that first photo involved a line of coke. Because that's what the REAL politicians do it for. ;)
OK, I did manage to spill a little cyber ink on the subject of the elections! I was just so overjoyed I couldn't help it!!!!
Tomorrow's post reflects this:
I've never tried to eat money. Do you think it tastes good?
As soon as NASCAR season is over in 2 weeks, I'll get caught up in the NFL again. That's the only 2 sports I bother watching.
Have you seen any cockroaches lately?
Nicole: That's true, any self respecting politician is in it for the coke. I'm tired of all these fakers just being in it for the money...
Sonja: Yay!! I'll go see your post!!! I understand your joy! I'm happy that Santorum got voted out, so did JD Hayworth!!
Babs: Of course it tastes good, what kind of ridiculous misinformed question is that??? I'm glad you'll be watching NFL season, who's your team (that is if you have a team!). As for the cockroaches, I haven't seen them, they must be doing that covert op against that credit card thief. I pity that fool. There's a lot of crickets here, and they can get pretty violent. Maybe I should start enlisting them and build my own personal army!
I hated that sheep dog that always was giving Wiley E. hell.
Omninaif! Another reference I don't remember, haha! I don't remember a sheep dog hassling Wiley, but it has been ages since I've seen the cartoons.
I'm with ya, I too loved the coyote. He was always being screwed, if the toons were the least bit fair he'd have eaten up that annoying bird ages ago.
I know! Isn't that a common sentiment, we all root for that poor underdog coyote. I don't mean to get too deep or philosophical, but maybe, just maybe, we all have a bit of Wiley E. Coyote in us.
And that, is why... we love the guy (sniffle, with tear rolling down my cheek).
Although as a Kings fan, I wish a bad record on the Suns, I do hope Amare recovers fully. That would be a real shame. That microfacture surgery is a bitch though.
Mrmanuel: Whups, I responded to the Suns/Kings comment on the other comment section. I better go check the Dallas/Phoenix game, it might still be on.
Thanks for your comment on my blog. Regarding this post, I think it is even money between partitioning and civil ware with a complete breakdown.
Dave, you got a point, I just hope you're not right! Hopefully things will work out so fewer people will die, but there's a lot of people in Iraq looking for blood (and power!).
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