Please welcome the newest member of our family, he's in the foreground, big fat scorpion guy, he looks a little bleached out, must be from eating poisoned crickets. In the background is Scorpy the Scorpion, who, as you might remember, met his terrible fate a while back, a fate that included my dad pounding him into the ground with my sketchbook (uh, no, that's not bitterness there, just stating the facts!).
Fortunately this big fat scorpion was dead when we found him, Howard, our pest control guy who is so awesome by the way... Howard and I sometimes have these long winding conversations about life and everything, plus he's got a cool twirly Rollie Fingers/19th century moustache going. Anyways, I have a feeling this big fat scorpion died not directly from Howard's insecticide, since it is very difficult to poison scorpions directly, you must poison them by poisoning the food they eat, like crickets. Why do you need to know this, you don't, you are bashing your head into the keyboard because that was useless and excessive info which will most likely never serve a purpose in your life.
Ideas for Paintings
Anyways, I think this newest scorpion presents a much better specimen to do a painting of, although it's too bad he's a little bleached out, but that's kinda cool in a way.I was thinking the other day about ideas for paintings when I'm better, I think it'd be fun to do some still lifes with a mixture of objects that have different surfaces and textures, like an old tv (painting the screen and reflections would be cool, heck, maybe I can find a broken tv who's screen is cracked) somehow juxtaposed with dog toys (I have no clue on the layout, but I'm thinking a conventional one might be interesting). What's cool about dog toys is all the teeth marks, little pieces hanging by a thread, and the infintesimal scratches and details... I think all those details and nicks and scratches will be fun to capture.
Movie: Platoon
On tv last night... Platoon! Only saw a snippet, but it was great, Tom Berenger, totally intense in this movie telling a wounded soldier, 'Take the pain!' Sounded like a real sadist... but Berenger's so good in his role, I think that line about taking the pain will repeat itself inside of my head whenever I'm having bad headaches... Unfortunately I missed the part of the movie where they smoke opium out of a shotgun, I saw the movie years ago back in high school, but I always fondly remembered that part!
Always living life on the edge, Sebastien! It would be interesting to see the scorpion next to another object, so we get an idea of its real size. To me it looks as big as a shoe!
More scorpions?!?! MOVE!!!
Platoon is a great movie. One of my dad's favorites.
I think the second scorpion has some great texture and detail you can use in a painting.
I'm with mariana... I'd love to get a comparison for perspective. Regardless, I can't imagine finding a scorpion in my house. That's moving motivation for me.
Yikes! The only scorpion that ever made it inside (to my knowledge) met it's squishy/crunchy end at the end of a spoon. Little miss Muffet would do well to learn that technique :)
I always reference Gina Davis' line in "The Long Kiss Goodnight"--"Life is pain. You get used to it". Or I repeat Bridgett Fonda's mantra from "Point of No Return"--"I never did mind about the little things [smile]".
I watched jackass 2 last week and there is a very funny scene with and old man with shorts, balls and a dog.....
i think you should make one of those bolo ties with that little scorpion and then wear it while you paint a picture of the big one.
Can you take the scorpian and get it stuffed? That would be kinda cool.. whatever painting you do it will look great.. and Platoon.. good movie..
Mariana: Oh yes, will do, gotta photo I'm gonna upload soon!
Mrmanuel: I really gotta see the whole movie, it's been so long! Yes, I should move...
Jayne: Glad you find him beautiful! Hehe, I think I'm becoming an entymologist with my new bug collection!
Bice: I'll get that done! I no longer fear scorpions so much to tell you the truth. I really do fear rattlesnakes though.
Taarzaan: That's crazy, you live in Austin, I'd think you'd be seeing more scorpions!!! Haha, nice quotes, havnen't seen the movies (I am so behind in my movie watching!).
Shaymus: This sounds right up my alley!
Hedy de Vine: Ingenious! Sorpion on my bolo tie, that would be great!
Babybull40: Fortunately these creatures don't really decay (or so Howard led me to believe!). Thanks, hopefully it'll turn out good, everybody loves scorpions, so there's a great market for this sort of work.
Ewww..I despise scorpions, and I'm not even around them. You get black widow spiders around there too, don't you?
As for the fact that seems useless, you never know...it might wind up on Jeopardy...or some form of that question, and when we know the answer we can thank you!
Rambo is learning explosives? Smart dog!
You should be embarrassed about that not being in your profile!!! I've had that in my profile ever since I started a blog. I know what I want. Though I have added some allies along the way that each have some sort of super power they have offered to assist in this goal. Together we shall take over the world! muwhahahahaha
You're in the desert, so scorpions are only natural, but that is still freakin' scary.
I haven't seen PLATOON in years. That's a movie I gotta see again. Hey, ya gotta check out FULL METAL JACKET, if ya haven't yet. Talk about taking the pain at boot camp! LOL!
If I ever saw a scorpian in person (no matter if it's dead or not) I would totally freak out. It would not be a pretty sight at all. The plus side however, if it was still alive it would probably die of shock.
Tara: Yeah we got black widows too, although I personally have never seen one. Gotta look for those... True, maybe those facts will end up saving your life one day, that's what I tell myself when I learn random stuff...
Babs: Hell yeah, he's a genius! I updated my profile so no worries now, people know my motives. To world domination!
WAT: Yup, we're in their habitat! Oh yeah, Full Metal, haven't seen that in years, guy blowing his face up and all, yup, that's real sexy!
Silverneurotic: Hahahaha, you are funny!
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