This is a new drawing of mine. It features a bear. Production bear.
Please say hello to production bear. And don't tell him if you've been procrastinating and unproductive, he gets very angry when he hears those kinds of things.
dear productive bear. i work very hard, then i get angry at my work and throw it away. it is never good enough. sometimes, no matter how hard i try, the effort is wasted. sincerely, your friend, sera.
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dear productive bear.
i work very hard, then i get angry at my work and throw it away. it is never good enough. sometimes, no matter how hard i try, the effort is wasted.
your friend, sera.
wow productive bear! i think this should be made a uniform or something LOL very cute!
I love Productive Bear. He just wants me to be a good citizen and meet my quota. Hand me my blow torch, comrade!
Looks like a union bear to me!
Seraphine: Production bear says keep at it! He also says that you might find that using a blowtorch is very helpful.
Prinseamusang: Yes, it will be required clothing in the workplace!
Laura: That's why he's so great, he encourages the use of blowtorches. And as we all know, blowtorches make everything better.
Ananda girl: A very good point. I'm actually working on a drawing of his close cousin, Factory Bear.
Nothing more fun than a blowtorch!
Bear leads the economic recovery... The audacity of paws!
Mrmanuel: It is the secret to happiness :)
Jeaux: He is an economic powerhouse unto himself.
Very cool. I love Production Bear.
Saw a piece on Soviet Union poster art on British TV recently and this remind me of that a bit.
Thanks Rachel! oh yes, I am very inspired by those old school propaganda posters, they are very fun. Love their simplicity of design and message.
He looks like a French TGV (the trains) employee!
Haha, I wonder if I was subconsciously thinking of that!
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