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I Just Realized Steven Seagal is Awesome and Links to Dark, Twisted yet Somehow Sweet Arty Stuff

- Steven Seagal is Great: As my dad and I watched a Steven Seagal movie on tv the other night, we both came to the conclusion that this guy is ridiculously awesome. I thought I should share that, because I too want you to bask in the superamazingness that are Seagal's films(now that I think about it, you probably already know how awesome he is, as for me, I'm always behind in figuring things out!). The movie we saw, Above the Law, was especially great because it took place in classy ol' Chicago! Seagal's movies are completely formulaic and hilarious, yet there's something poetic in their silliness. Or am I just delusional now...
- Animation: There's an animation link over at Cruelly Cunning that is really worth checking out. The animation is a creepy crawly gothy sort of thing, and showcases a tiny girl, a mouse, and weird little monster thingies that grow out of the girl's head. My verdict: Unbelievably cool.
- Scary Art Links: Stumbling across the internet lately I've run into some fascinating finds. Here's a couple of links to creepy crawly gothy arty stuff that hopefully won't upset your stomach too much. This first link, Elizabeth McGrath's site, is probably the nastiest of the links. The second link is Mizna Illustration, definitely more cutsy, at least some of the work is. Third is this site called Babyart, uh, well, you'll see. There's some wickedly crazy stuff here. Lastly is a link to Spookyland. I've been getting more and more interested in this kind of happily creepy artwork lately.
HA! Hilarious since Steve's been acting for the last 45 years!!
I'm sure he'd be pleased, though. ;)
I'll concede that some of Seagal's earlier movies were pretty good, but in his later stuff, he's just too full of himself.
I know I'm a little slow on the uptake Nicole! I'm sure that my praise validates his career!
Jayne...YOU KNOW YOU LOVE SEAGAL! Please don't lie to yourself, you love all his movies. And quite frankly, I consider being full of oneself quite an admirable quality :)
...because people who are are just soooo hilarious!!!
The music is always good in his movies...I have found
Um, yeah dude. Steven hasn't been cool in over ten years I believe. He is so early 90's. But I'm glad you discovered him finally!
The reason I'm finding out about all this so late is that I didn't watch enough tv growing up, and now I'm finally getting that chance!
"Or am I just delusional now..."
Yes. You are delusional. That's what happens when you watch too many Seagal movies. You actually start thinking they're good. It's like MSG for the mind.
DB, you are so right. Those movies twist your mind into thinking they're good. Well, not good, but, you can't stop watching. I haven't seen too many of his movies, but my dad and I like guessing how he's going to take people out and we also derive much enjoyment in commenting on how angry Seagal looks, and what that means for the poor bad guys.
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