Monday, February 12, 2007

Another Drawing. Hooray!

This drawing is a variation of the second drawing I put up yesterday. It's a picture of kids and creatures in a spaceship exploring space. The polar bear is flying the ship. He's awesome like that. And don't worry, the perspective is meant to be loopy...


MrManuel said...

I dig this one, especially the eyeball headlights!

Trey said...

My inner chld is running in circles,yelling "deedle deedle deedle" with joy

Anonymous said...

How about a "bi-polar bear" on a real good day!

People in the Sun said...

The bear may be flying the ship but it looks like it's the monster on his right who's in charge.

Why is the bear sad? Why do dogs enjoy Existentialism? Who's the cutie with the bird? Is the murdering monster putting his tongue out because he's disgusted with his own murderous behavior? What's the key for?

M said...

I love how you managed to bring some perspective into the drawing. Sartre for Dogs? You should write that book! After all Rambo is not going to be a puppy forever, soon he'll be asking all the important questions, like is there a God, is it true dog is God spelled backwards, and who was Sartre. You must be prepared!

Mrs. Hairy Woman said...

Verycool.. very childlike isn't it..?reminds me of the stuff that Tim Burton has done..eerie but yet fun and colourful..

Tara said...

I like the little guy in the grey bear suit up at the top, and the literary-conscious monster and dog on the left there. Very cool.

Lauren Brazeal said...

Thi one's me favorite so far. It's like "Good Night Moon" illustrations on PCP. Awesome.

WAT said...

Hey, this is a really cool drawing actually.

I feel like the polar bear more often than not. Trying to juggle my life and the assholes at work.

Anonymous said...

Your artwork looks every bit like what was depicted in the late 60s with. 'Sgt Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club,' Sabastien. Of course, I just dated myself, just a tad, didn't I?

I like them all. Great work!


Anonymous said...

I think you should compile these in a book, then write a bizarre children's story to go with them. I love your color choices.

Anonymous said...

You are way too cute to be chronically sick.

Battlerocker said...

I like it. It looks like it would make a great cover to a children's book. A rather weird children's book...either way, I like it.

Sebastien Millon said...

Mrmanuel: Thanks! Glad you like the eyeballs, haha!

Taarzaan: Awesomeness. Thank you!

JP: Haha, I love that idea! Gotta do it.

People in the Sun: Oh man, I love your questions! I will do more drawings that will provide answers, for now it must remain a mystery ;)

Mariana: I've been dreading the day where I must explain the meaning of life to my dog. I put Nausea by Sartre on top of his cage for when he's ready!

Babybull: Thank you, Tim Burton is very cool.

Tara: He's my favorite too! Hehe, glad you like him, there's something funny about little kids in bear/wolf costumes...

Lauren: Haha, awesome! Thanks!

Wat: I laughed so hard at your comment, I started picturing you as a polar bear dealing with a bunch of assholes in an office and it really cracked me up!

Saboma: Thanks so much buddy! That's a wonderful comparison.

Sonja: Thanks so much! That's a great idea, but I want to develop these drawings, I think I have a lot of work to do, and unfortunately I can only draw so rarely, but in the future I'd love to do something like that!

K: Haha, thanks!

Battlerocker: Oh yes, very weird and twisted, that would be fun!

Anonymous said...

I nocticed that everyone is holding something except the child dressed up as a wolf/dog/ex girlfriend. We shall have to pry into your mind a little deeper to understand this...

Sebastien Millon said...

My mind is a labyrinth, filled with craziness! Muhahahhahaha!

Oh, I love the inclusion of ex girlfriend with wolf/dog, that made me laugh hard...

Anonymous said...

There's so much vigor in these drawings, I enjoy looking at them, and was wondering if you've ever considered illustrating for children's books, because these drawings you have on here are rather unique. I've bought many books as a parent, and I haven't seen pictures as vivid, not to mention fun, in many.

fringes said...


Sebastien Millon said...

Anastasia: Wow, thanks, that's so sweet of you! Well, I've never really drawn stuff like this and I still can't do much these days, but I really hope some day I can develop this style and organize something and create a crazy little kids/adult cartoon book.

Fringes: Thanks Fringes!